Author Topic: that Changes of FM have the 1,08? (in Spanish, translate please)  (Read 238 times)

Offline garrido

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Saludos amigos:

Ha algun cambio en el FM (peso, velocidad, roll rate, etc.) en la 1.08?

A mi modo de ver el Spitfire IX sigue igual que en la 1.07, es decir, su climb Rate me parece exagerado, su retencion de "E" excesiva, su aceleracion muy elevada, su alabeo demasiado rapido, su perdida de velocidad en los giros cerrados inapreciable, etc. etc.

Que aviones se han tocado y como? (si es que se ha tocado alguno)

Lo que he notado nuevo en la 1.08 es la caida de las balas, mas tension ahora, con lo cual si antes te derribaban a 1000y ahora lo hacen a 1200y (si, ya se, es mi lag), de nuevo parece que se favorecen los disparon a larga distancia en contra de la realidad (supresion de iconos de distancia para mas de 500y ˇˇˇ YAˇˇˇ)
Por cierto, las armas del D9 siguen siendo desastrosas, parece que a los MG151 no les favorece este cambio en exceso.

No parece que el 109 disponga de slats ni MW50, crei que en la 1.08 se iba a hacer algo a este respecto, pero de nuevo me equivoque.

Ah, para que no me digan que todo son quejas:
Me gusta la diana para converger las armas.
Me gusta el ME262
Me gusta el Mosquito (jo, maniobra mejor que un Zeke XD)
Me gusta el vino y las mujeres XD

En fin, saludos a todos de vuestro lloron de la LW favorito XD


Offline Pepe

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that Changes of FM have the 1,08? (in Spanish, translate please)
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2001, 10:24:00 AM »
Greetings, my friends.

Is there any change in 1.08's FM (weight, speed, roll rate, etc.)?

In my view, Spitfire IX remains the same than in 1.07. I think its climb Rate is exaggerate, its E-retention excessive, its accelleration very high, his roll rate too high, loss of speed in turns is not noticeable, etc. etc.

What planes have been changed, and how? (if there's been any change)

What I did notice in 1.08 is bullet drop change. Now trajectories are more tense, what means that I'm shoot down at 1.2k instead of 1k (I know, it's my lag). Again it seems long distance shots are favoured, against what it was in real life (I want rangefinder removed under 500 yds).

Btw, Dora's weapons remain disastrous. It seems MG151's do not seem to take much advantage of ballistic changes.

It seems 109 does not have slats, nor MW50. I thought 1.08 would do something in this regard, but I was wrong again.

Oh, for those who say this is an only-negative post:

I like convergence tool.
I like Me262
I like Mosquito (geez, it handles better than Zeke)
I like wine and women   :D

Greetings to all, from yhour favourite Luftwhiner   :D

_____________________________ ________________

Que no te pase ná!   :D



Offline garrido

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that Changes of FM have the 1,08? (in Spanish, translate please)
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2001, 10:44:00 AM »
Grasias Pepeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
tu tranqui, ya estoy acostumbrado   :D   :D



Offline AKSWulfe

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that Changes of FM have the 1,08? (in Spanish, translate please)
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2001, 11:00:00 AM »
The 109 does have slats, they are not represented visually though.

There has been no change to the FM, except the N1K2, and P47D-11 (added some weight)..

The weapon ballistics have not changed.

[ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: SWulfe ]

Offline garrido

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that Changes of FM have the 1,08? (in Spanish, translate please)
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2001, 11:22:00 AM »
Pepe, traduce plis   :D

"pues si estan modelados me podrias explicar porque en una vertical a 150 mph empieza a entrar en perdida de un ala haciendose incontrolable a 100 mph?
yo creia que esos slats le daban cierta ventaja frente a esas perdidas de sustentacion frente a otros aviones como por ejemplo el Spitfire, que curiosamente no entra en perdida hasta estar por debajo de las 80 mph. Pero claro, o es mi lag o esoy equivocado, y esos slats no servian en esas situaciones."

Un saludo


P.D.: Gracias SWulfe, siempre es un placer hablar contigo

Offline Vermillion

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that Changes of FM have the 1,08? (in Spanish, translate please)
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2001, 11:34:00 AM »
I still don't see the problem with the Dora's guns.

I hadn't touched the Fw-190D9 since the first week it came out, until I flew 3 sorties on Friday afternoon.

I got 8 kills (several more assists) while I was only captured once. And none of those were vulches, all were legitamate fights with fairly even numbers.

I thought the guns were quite effective.  Just my opinon.  :)

Offline Urchin

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that Changes of FM have the 1,08? (in Spanish, translate please)
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2001, 12:56:00 PM »
Dora's guns are great when you hit with em.  I think my problem may be that there are only twin 20mm on it, rather than the 4 on the 190A5 and A8.  Since the German cannon obviously aren't Hispanos, 2 don't really pack the same kind of punch that 4 do.