Author Topic: Repost of buff gun strength "study"  (Read 698 times)

Offline moose

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Repost of buff gun strength "study"
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2001, 08:40:00 AM »
i don't get this superbuff thing.

every time i dare take one up (to even out my score, im such a lamer) i get shot down.

i can ping a guy 10000 times it seems and he's still able to waste me from dead 6. i guess i just suck or something cuz when i try to do it, even my 30mms never do the damage I want.

everyone must be hacking. you morons.

Offline Minotaur

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« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2001, 08:40:00 AM »
Originally posted by Raubvogel:
You can lose an entire wing to 2 or 3 pings...I'm sure that's realistic   :rolleyes:

Yes it used to much worse.  You would hear every ping.  

This would force you the indignity of hearing pings while your plane was a fireball falling out of the sky.  If your attacker pulled off seconds ago.

If you bailed quickly, you would hear pings in your chute.

The last and final indignity was when you were puffed, your plane exploded, and you sit at your monitor furious, listening to yet more pings.



Offline SKurj

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« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2001, 09:43:00 AM »
Aim for the wingtips of 17's, even a 1 second burst with 4 .50's can drop a 17 that way.
As for lancs, if you can't paste the cockpit, I haven't found its weakness.


Offline Nifty

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« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2001, 09:50:00 AM »
the ping hearing thing still happened in GVs before 1.08.  dunno about since it came out.

next, different buff positions NEVER converge, the lines of fire are always parallel (save for when the gun just can't deflect that far, e.g. in the waist or tail position).  hitech stated this about a month ago.  The positions deflect by the same amount, and don't automagically converge on your target.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Westy MOL

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« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2001, 09:51:00 AM »
"As for lancs, if you can't paste the cockpit, I haven't found its weakness."

The tail. They flutter off real nice in reaction to a good burst.


Offline Urchin

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« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2001, 09:53:00 AM »
Originally posted by Vulcan:
Ahhh the buff myth rears its ugly head again.

OK, Urchin, tell you what, u grab a car, sit in it, I'll swing round the front with a .50 cal and send 22.5 (or is it 45 as there are two .50 cal's on that station?) at you and we'll see how you feel   :)


First off all, you are hitting a fighter with the singular most lethal angle possible. Flying the A8 like that gives the bullets BEST velocity, and most damaging travel through a wing. Take a fighter wing, examine the thickness, then imagine 5 .50 cals tearing along it from that angle. They leave LONG damaging trails of destruction. Then do the same from above... that leave little tiny holes of destruction. GET IT?

I mean for godsake - if a 190 pilot sat nice and steady for the gunner he could probably kill the silly bastard with a pistol and one bullet let alone 22.5  .50's!

I have shot down 5 Lancasters with one ammo load in a tiffie. I have shot 7 B17s with one ammo load in a tiffie. I've also managed to survive those encounters with minimal or no damage.

Then theres this lame statement:
"because 150+ rounds from the F6F did NOT sever the wing of a Lanc from 400 yards. However, his rounds did manage to sever both wings, the tail, the engine, and give me a pilot wound."

followed by this supendous show of idiocy:
"but I do know I caught him on his bomb run and had plenty of time to line up a steady shot from his dead 6."

First, you sat on his dead 6. DUH!?!?!

Second, you say he was on his bomb run YET he shot you down. DOUBLE DUH!?!?!?!

Third, you say you had plenty of time which indicates to me you weren't making fast paces THEREFORE you were slow on his dead 6 TRIPLE DUH!?!?!?!

What I read here is Darwinian theory at its best. Only issue is you don't really DIE.

Next village-idiot PLEASE!

p.s. urchin don't take it personal I just get sick of this silly argument.

Well, I'll go through here and try to answer you point by point.

1.  No, it averaged out to 22.5 rounds TOTAL.  We counted the TOTAL number of bullets fired (by taking the amount of ammunition and then subracting the NEW amount of ammunition).  

2.  Ok, I can buy this.  However, I would like to ask a few questions.  Or perhaps, since you are obviously much more intelligent than me, you can answer my original question.  How many bullets will be fired from 6 .50 caliber machinguns in 3 seconds?  I was lining up the shot from 2 kilometers away, going about 400 mph.  I know I'm not as skilled as you are Vulcan, but even I am capable of using the zoom function to line up a shot on a very LARGE target flying in a straight line.  I'd even be generous and say figure only 25% of the rounds I fired actually hit (even though that isn't the case).  So, if it takes 5 bullets to do so much damage to a fighter wing that it renders it unflyable, how many bullets would do the EXACT SAME THING to the wing of a bomber?  Mind you, the bullets would be entering at the same AoA, so the assumption is that they would do just as much damage to the plane being attacked in this case.

Furthermore, although you didn't bring this up while criticizing my "stupidity", he started firing AFTER I broke off.  As I broke to the right in a descending turn, he absolutely hammered me.  I'm a comparitive neophyte in the F6F (I was flying it in practice, in case we get assigned Allied in the next TOD), but unless firing 6 .50s significantly slows your plane down, I don't see how it is possible for you to assume I was SLOW on his 6, especially since by the time he opened fire I was NO LONGER POINTED AT HIM.

By the way Vulcan, I honestly don't care how many buffs you have killed with the Hizookas mounted in your Tiffie.  For whatever reason, the Hispano is the most effective cannon in the game on just about any target (from fighters to buffs to vehicles to buildings), and I believe that may skew your results just a tad.

Offline Tac

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« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2001, 10:37:00 AM »
"Raub.. AH has this neat "feature", which is you don't actually hear every shot hitting your plane. So while on you (or my) end, it appears that the Lanc managed to hit you 3 times with the twin .50s, he in fact managed to hit you 10 times for every ping you hear"

No, he's right. Wings and entire parts of the planes DO come off with 2-4 pings. Park your fighter right besides a hill. Now get the M3 on the slope of the hill. Use a steep hill for this of course.

Now, you can actually fire 1 or 2 bullets at a time with that gun. Aim at the wingtips, they fall off on the 2nd bullet on avg. Hit the wing roots, the whole wing falls off with 4 bullets. Tails fall off with 2 or 3 bullets. (P-38). On the 38, aim for the little stub thing on the middle of the tail boom, for some weird reason, hitting it makes the entire plane blow up the great majority of times. Make the 38 FACE the hill next and have the M3 aim at the nose of the 38... on average, 3 out of 20 times hitting the nose makes the tail boom snap off.

Kinda cool huh? I dont know nor care about other planes, so I dunno if others have the same problem.

Offline LePaul

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« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2001, 11:03:00 AM »
Originally posted by SKurj:
Aim for the wingtips of 17's, even a 1 second burst with 4 .50's can drop a 17 that way.
As for lancs, if you can't paste the cockpit, I haven't found its weakness.


I can't beleive I'm letting this secret out, but why not...the Whines are getting boring I suppse   :)

1)  Wingtips.  If you can snap a wing tip off a Lanc, they are dead.  I dunno who it is, but there are 1 or 2 folks that fly very wide of me, make sweeping attacks and almost aways take out a rudder or wing tip.  You just can't compensate for that loss of a wing tip and roll down into the earth.

2)  Belly attacks.  Tail gun can't reach em down there and if they pop vertical under the Lancaster, they can hammer the main fuel tanks.  I've had many a night where I see an La7 come up, go under me and I watch helplessly from the F3 view him go vertical, light me up and I explode.

B-17s are a different story, they seem to be able to fire from every angle, do amazing hits from 1.9k out, etc.  I was sitting on a B-17s 3 oclock at 2k out last night and he managed to pop my P-38s engines (both) in one ping.  Its utterly amazing.

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2001, 11:08:00 AM »
I always aim for wings or tails when attacking a buff from the high 9 or high 3 clk position. a single wing on a large buff is almost the same size as a P51 width (tip to tip) so its not a hard target to focus on.

Offline marcof

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« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2001, 12:44:00 PM »
Cut the buffers some slack....

Offline SKurj

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« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2001, 01:46:00 PM »
cc marcof

These whines about aircraft that most guys here have probably 10:1 K/D ratios against are sickening.

Make the buff require a 6 second burst with no misses with 6 .50's before it takes any real damage, and then ya can adjust them guns, the laser accuracy etc etc, oh yeah and at the same time increase the climbrate and speed of them, so they can fly as many missions as the fighter jocks.


Offline Vulcan

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« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2001, 08:27:00 PM »
OK Urchin, let me understand this:

"How many bullets will be fired from 6 .50 caliber machinguns in 3 seconds?"
followed by:
"going about 400 mph"
and further up:
"but I think it is quite likely that I landed 150 rounds with a 3 second burst on a nonmanuevering target at 400 yards"

So Urchin, my problem is, how the hell you stayed at 400 yards range doing 400mph for at least of 3 seconds? Unless of course there is a new Lanc that does 400mph?

So what is it then?

Now by my calculations you would have been doing something in the area of 180ish yards per second. Lets say the Lanc was going half your speed, that drops it to 90 yards per second. So in that 3 seconds the range between you and the target varied by 270 yards at least.

So, we have a convergence spread of 270 yards over 150 rounds. Lets say 50% of the rounds made it into the target, thats 75 rounds. Now take the triangle of convergence, lets say the guns on the plane are around 6 yards apart (guessing here). And you have your convergence set at 400 yards. At 200 yards inside the convergence point the spread is 3 yards, at 135 yards inside the spread is around 2 yards.

So assuming the firing started at convergence -135 yards (400-135) and ended at convergence +135 yards (400+135) then likely spread is 75 rounds applied to a 2 yard circle. If you started firing earlier or later then the circle grows. So 2 yards is going to be YOUR best.

Now this of course assumes you are a perfect aim, that you consistantly adjust for correction, which, of course is impossible. So lets assume the circle of hits moves across the wing root slightly, and we say there are in effect 3 circles (3 seconds worth). You end up with 3 2 yard circles taking 25 .50 cal rounds through them.

Now, go look at a Lanc wing.

My theory -> the Lanc wing looked like swiss cheese, but you didn't necessarily do the structural damage.

Offline Urchin

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« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2001, 10:58:00 PM »
No, on that you'd be correct.  I don't know how fast he was going, but I opened up at 400-450 yards and fired for about 3 seconds.

Now, MY question is.. how many round did I fire?  I don't know, I didn't have time to check the ammo counter.  What is the rate of fire on a .50 caliber MG?  Karnak said that 8 .50 caliber rounds will totally sever a Lanc's wing at 50 yards.  I hit with far more than 8 rounds.  Does the .50 caliber lose power exponentially over each 100 yards or something?  I didn't think that it did, but that may very well be possible.  What I do know is that I was closing fairly rapidly on the Lanc, I'd put his speed at roughly 275 and mine at roughly 400.  I was within 300 yards when I broke off, I know that for sure, and I also know I was outside of 600 yards (and again, not pointing or flying towards him anymore) when he started shooting me back.

My convergence in the F6F is whatever the default convergence is, I didn't change it.

Offline Hooligan

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« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2001, 12:33:00 AM »
In AH the .50s fire 800 rounds/minute.  There is a marked decrease in hitting power with range.


Offline Vulcan

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« Reply #29 on: October 31, 2001, 12:45:00 AM »
800 rpm  - that gives him around 240 rounds.

However, 275 seems a little fast fer a Lanc. I believe the default for the F6F is around 250 yards. So if you started firing at 400ish and broke off at 300 then you never even got close to convergence. So theres your first answer.

Secondly, I firmly believe 99% of the attack is in the method not necessarily the guns. On a Lanc I look for belly hit or, preferably, come straight down on the cockpit. I also come in pretty damn close, ie close enough to make collisions likely. So breaking off at 300 yards doesn't cut it for a good buff attack.

Tell you what, I'll go buff hunting in an F6F and we'll see what happens.