Author Topic: Story from someone in the Trade Center.  (Read 167 times)

Offline texace

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Story from someone in the Trade Center.
« on: September 12, 2001, 10:17:00 AM »
I got this off the news and from the paper. It's an account of someone who worked in the South tower (the second one hit). Mind you, it isn't exact, just waht I remember:

"We were on the 80th floor of the South tower when it happend. We were busy working like always. The sound of a plane wasn't new to me. The I headr my boss say "Look!" I turn and look and see a large commercial airliner smash into the I guess 70th or so floor of the North tower. I was blown to the floor from the shock. We turned to leave, and began climbing down the stairs. About the time we reached the 60th floor, the PA came back on saying "that everything was safe, and that we could return to our offices. The World Trade Center is secure" and it repeated over and over. About that time, the second jet crashed into the 80th floor. The whole building shook violently. I am firmly convinced that if I had returned to my office I would have been dead. I can only imagine the people on the 100th floor, who were probably on the 80th on the way down when the plane hit. (He bagan to loose composure, and the interview ended.)

Also, a snippit from a reporter talking to a police officer while they were being pushed from the scene. This is after the South tower collapsed.

Reporter: Why are we being moved
Police Officer: The North tower is leaning.
Reporter: Leaning?
(The camera is no longer on them, because the cameraman is running)
<rumbling sound>
Reporter: Oh my God, there it goes!
(camera pans to watch the North tower collapse)

Just wanted to relate this to everyone.