It was a fair game. USA was better (in first two periods), and won.
At least every second window was lit in Moscow at 3 AM - the whole country was watching them. I watched it with 3 friends - and we almost broke down the furniture
I think that officials should better call judges from "neutral" countries - so the very question of judgement couldn't be raised at all. At least we didn't see that famous Canadian "wrong stick angle" from 1981, when that loosers took away our prize.
Some people here are furious at Russian "NHL" team. "Can you imagine that players winning the game with their employers?" they say... NHL players attract negative emotions since World Cup 1999 in Leningrad, where they couldn't even make in to the play-offs, and got 13th place, losing to Belarus and Latvia. People got mad - "Pack your bags and go f#$king back to your America!"
The only decent five there was from Magnitogorsk "Metallurg"...
Funny, but Belorussian team consists mostly of players from Russian championship.
Frankly speaking, after that failure I hoped Belarus could win third place
If only they started playing from the very start, not in a third period!!! Damn, they COULD kick yankees face against the ice!
And why do all the good Russian hocky players names end in "ov" It's simple for a family name - Samsonov is a son of Samson, Pavlov is a son of Pavel, etc. Don't mix it with "second name", that is a form of your father's name - I am Pavel Yurievich Pavlov - Pavel, who's father is Yuri, from the family of Pavel's - pretty stupid, like Paul Paulson
but easy to remember
I think I should name my son Pavel