fine sudz you whiny baby
let me explain myself.
In my experience, food is not a reflection of mood; nor is mood a result of the food a person eats.
I believe it to be a question of overall lifestyle. For the most part, those who eat healthy (as you described,) and have a good attitude maintain a healthy lifstyle. This includes healthy activity, spirituallity, and sex.....yes healthy sex!
Case in point: if someone has a healthy mindset, including a healthy relationship and an active physical life, coupled with a decent diet...this person is going to be in a good mood.
However, if one of these components is weak or lacking altogether, the person in question is bound to be less healthy and more prone to depression or even anger.
While I see your argument for good eating, I feel that a holistic approach to wellbeing is the key factor, not one specific factor (eg diet).