Author Topic: Friends...  (Read 260 times)

Offline Midnight

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« on: September 12, 2001, 12:34:00 PM »
As I sit at my computer, I look out the window at the American flag I have flying at half-mast. My attention drifts between the want for a military response and concern for all of those thousands of people who have been affected by this horrible tragedy that has befallen us.
My words cannot ever describe the feelings I have for those who have lost their lives or lost a loved one. I can only imagine the pain and suffering of the people who remain, lost, lonely and bewildered as to what may have happened. Some, who may still not, and may die never knowing the true extent of what transpired in the early morning hours of September 11th, 2001.
I have often wondered how this country has become so divided in its outlook to the rest of the world and to our very own people who live in this great land of ours. There are those who would destroy an entire nation for the slightest aggression, and those who would rather turn the other cheek in an effort to maintain a fragile form of piece or co-existence.
In my mind, there is no question that reparations must be made to whomever is responsible for these horrific acts. Whatever the course, it should be swift, decisive and leave no doubts of what may happen if future attacks such as these are ever perpetrated again against this country, or any other country for that matter. No matter what happens, the American people, along with the rest of the world must realize that this is a war. In war, property is destroyed and people die, even those who are innocent.
Sometimes, I feel that the opinions of the few restrict the actions of the many. So forgone is the conclusion of Operation Desert Storm and the ever present shadow of Saadam that lingers in Iraq.
Some say America let this happen to itself. That all of this could have been prevented. It is said that Americans are too lazy and busy trying to solve everyone else's problems, than to work on it's own misgivings.
Right now, in other countries, there are people who are cheering the actions of the attacks on our soil. Proud that their countrymen made the sacrifice to hit America on her home soil. What evils have Americans done to them that warrants such hate? Do we cheer in the streets when thousands of their people die? It seems they blame their woes on this country, in effect saying that we cause all of the world's problems.
There are many views and thoughts right now. American lives have been and will be forever changed by what has transpired and what may transpire over the next few weeks. I can only hope that we are all able to pull together and work as a unified country, to speak in one voice to the rest of the world, so that no matter what happens next, we all agree that it is the right decision.
I am not a praying person, but I hope that all of us, no matter what race, creed or religion will be able to find some comfort in their beliefs. Be with your families if you can. Find your friends, embrace your loves. Hold on to what you know is right. I wish all of you well. For those of you who may have felt a loss in your own family or of one of your friends, I send you my condolences and wish for you to be comforted by those around you.
David Littlejohn
Midnight CO
412th FS "Braunco Mustangs"

[ 09-12-2001: Message edited by: Midnight ]