Author Topic: N1K -problem  (Read 690 times)

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2002, 07:24:19 AM »
That certainly is more reasonable than your usual version. Here's a problem for ya though- what if the Lancaster, B-17, and B-26 are the top used planes? Do they get perked?

What if P-51D's and Spits are always perked?

What if the 109G10 and 190D9 are always perked?

Your system is biased against Allied planes, and here's why; the game resides in a predominantly English-speaking country, with a history and culture that glorifies planes like the F4U, P-40, P-51, and P-47. To the Brits and the Poles, the Spitfire is the plane. Your system is therefore going to hit these customers more than say Spain, which does not share the same history and compromises a small minority of the base.

This doesn't mean making variety in the arena is a bad idea, but your system is going to ensure the Allies get the short end of the stick.

If this originated and played in Germany, what planes do you think would be most popular? I have a pretty good guess. ;)

Offline Hristo

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N1K -problem
« Reply #46 on: March 02, 2002, 07:45:05 AM »
Same with Ki84 and Japanese players. Why should they be denied a late war mass produced Japanese plane ? Because it is well suited for the MA ? Because some other planes would lose their throne to it ? And these planes not being your regular choice ? Hmm, I smell whines already ;)

Ki 84 to Aces High
« Last Edit: March 02, 2002, 07:48:40 AM by Hristo »

Offline pbirmingham

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N1K -problem
« Reply #47 on: March 02, 2002, 08:55:02 PM »
Originally posted by mrsid2
Uh, Akeagle, which arena were you playing on?

The most common move with fast turning planes like hurricane or n1k or spit is to pull the nose up to shoot HO to the bouncing enemy. This is 90% resulting in the whines..

Of course then too its also the attackers fault if he goes for the shot. But that's where it's coming from. A perfectly good offensive manouver (bounce) is often turned into a HO while the attacker is in dive.

Once the enemy knows you're attacking, you're no longer "bouncing."

If I dive in on someone and they pull up into me, I just figure I committed too soon, before they had lost vertical maneuvering speed.  Of course, some planes never seem to get that slow, but that's another story...

Offline Tac

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N1K -problem
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2002, 10:28:03 PM »
Get a n1k, full gas full ammo, get it to 350mph.. pull nose up HARD as hell till 90 degrees.. and see how long you can hold it like that. And FIRE its guns all the way (n1k should lose speed shooting the guns. it does so on the runway at least).

That plane will hang on the prop EFFORTLESSLY until it reaches 55 mph.. then it will sloooowly and lazily drop down. No spin, no nothing.

In short, NO TORQUE.

I guess that 2000HP engine has no effect on it. Go figure. Even P-38s cant do that. And of course, at 60mph you can still pull that plane HARD nose up to flip it over, without any worry of spinning due to torque problems.. like you would in a 109 or 190.

Next up is the automatic flaps. N1k2 had em.. in any kind of slow speed or turns that get to low speeds them flaps should extend and drag the plane even more. Do they in AH? Nope. The thing sure turns as if it had em working though. I'll put this "oversight" right on par to the 38's dive flaps. Perhaps in another 10 tours it might be fixed..partially at least. ;)

Sure, the plane dives like a mother, thanks to the trim tabs it can manouver at speeds near and past 500mph.. only a pony or perk ride or la7 AFTER a long dive can escape it.... and nothing more to say to its incredible ability to pull very hard from speeds nearing 400mph.. making it a 400mph Zeke for all that matters.... and that its cannons hit and kill at d800+... or that it can keep 450 mph on level flight almost as long as a yak can (and thus, why the P-51s sometimes cant shake the thing after a dive to the deck).

If that n1k had torque you'd never see them pull as much bullS' manouvers as they do now. They'd spin out.

HO 'em , Ram 'em , Chute 'em. Just get them down and vulch em.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2002, 10:45:58 AM by Tac »


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Re: Mandoble
« Reply #49 on: March 02, 2002, 10:37:06 PM »
Kieran, are you telling us that this is and should be an allied-biased sim?

This has been my proposal always, cant understand why do u find it better now. In any case, I have no problem at all if all 190s are perked due overusage. Perking 4 most used planes dinamically will have minimal adverse effect with the allies. U will find SpitIX perked today and unperked tomorrow, same with n1k2 (not ally), etc.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2002, 10:40:41 PM by MANDOBLE »

Offline Kweassa

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N1K -problem
« Reply #50 on: March 02, 2002, 11:49:12 PM »
Now this is interesting stuff.

 I see Tac mentioning gun shots effecting flight performance.

 Now, the "IL-2" praiser I am( :rolleyes: ), in IL-2, the gun shots effect performance significantly. On the runway, with no brakes, shoot MGs and the plane begins to roll back a little. Shoot 20mms, the plane rolls back further and faster. Shoot all three guns(109s) the plane moves backwards steady. In Fw-190A5s, shoot all 6 guns on the runway and the plane might even roll back and stumble your direction if the tail wheel is not locked.

 This effects the combat performance, whereas the most effective combat maneuver for 109s in "IL-2" is the spiraling vertical climb, when a plane trying hang with you just shoots out mindlessly like in AH, that causes the roped plane to immediately stall bad. Especially if both the roper and the ropee is nearing stall speeds in a tight vertical chase. I don't see this happening in AH. Is the physicalreactionary force of guns modelled in AH?

 If not, wouldn't this be a feature good to add?

 A plane that's near 100mph in a vertical climb unloading all four 20mm guns in a bratatata spray... for a considerable amount of time(namely, all the way up the zoom) ... I don't think that's supposed to happen.

 Can anyone clarify me on this?

Offline eddiek

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« Reply #51 on: March 03, 2002, 12:19:19 AM »
Well, I got no problems with the Nikis nowadays, but.........wasn't it Saburo Sakai who said the N1K2 was "treacherous" and needed a lot of stick time to become proficient in?
As it is, when  newbie asks what plane he should start out in first, two planes are suggested immediately: Spitfire and Niki.
What does that tell you?  With all that power up front and with the light weight, torque should be a devil when maneuvering, but it doesn't.  I'm not gonna get into the auto flaps and all that other stuff about the added drag they should induce (although I do agree something is amiss in that area).
Bottom line as I see it:  If a Japanese ace described the plane as requiring more than newbie skills, I'd take his word for it.  Heck, I spin and stall more in the Zero than I EVER have in a Niki!  Half the horsepower, near identical weights, and a Zeke feels the torque effect way more than a Niki....can't put my finger on what is up, but something just don't seem right about it......;)
I was 26-6 against Nikis last tour, so no, I am not having a problem with them.... :p

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #52 on: March 03, 2002, 03:48:59 PM »

That happens in AH too.

The thing is in AH you are locked in you're starter position.

Get a very slight forward motion and then fire the guns.

I got a P-38 going fast enough backwards by doing this that when I put the brakes on it pivoted on its rear landing gear and came to rest on the tail and rear landing gear, the nose wheel was in the air.

I have also been killed in AH by firing my guns.  I was flying a Tiffie on the edge of its performance, trying to kill an La-7 (hey, I hit it with 10 rounds, nothing happened) when I fired a burst from my cannons and was promptly stalled due to the kick of the guns.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2002, 03:51:00 PM by Karnak »
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      Drift through my woman's hand,
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Offline Kweassa

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N1K -problem
« Reply #53 on: March 04, 2002, 02:56:21 AM »
So you are saying the reactionary forces are in place in AH?


 Thx for the info, I must go try it out.

 But I don't really think I have ever experienced being stalled out on a vertical chase because of my guns blazing. If AH models the physical reactionary forces, I don't seem to be able to explain the N1K2s or Spits Ive met in some H2H arenas with mucho ammo settings with guns blazing towards the sky hanging with a superior zoom plane.. (but I admit it might be the sheer amount of bullets in the air, rather than the ability to vertically zoom while firing guns, that is the problem in this case.. :p ).. well.. then it might be the absence of torque, or combat trim over compensating the torque that's the problem.

 Hmm.. I better go and think some more :)

Offline Tac

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N1K -problem
« Reply #54 on: March 04, 2002, 11:04:39 AM »
C-Trim does not compensate for torque. You get the same effect (55mph stall, hang on prop) with ctrim on (which actually makes it a tad harder since the elev pulls nose up all the time) and with ctrim off and all trim tabs centered (plane untrimmed). There just aint any kind of noticeable torque on that plane.