Author Topic: An (AH) beginner(s) needs an advice.  (Read 213 times)

Offline miko2d

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An (AH) beginner(s) needs an advice.
« on: July 03, 2000, 01:08:00 PM »
 Hi, guys.
 I quit playing WB a while ago because my dial-up connection deteriorated below acceptable level. I actually kept my account with WB open for 6 more months hoping for connection to improve and for my money to contribute towards the cause. Only when I despaired on both counts, did I cancel it. Had to retire from 416th RCAF - a great bunch of guys, I was the third member and left them with almost 30 after a year ;(

 Since HTC team revealed itself, I've been lurking on this board and downloading every version, even though the off-line play is not much fun. I've also tried to entice other people to join AH, though it is a bit difficult to give a demo without having an account.

 Finally I've moved into the area of Brooklyn where DSL is available and I've got a DSL installed. I am going to open an account shortly and try to get some nice people to join in with me. I want to get some advice on setting it up and do it right the first time, because screwing up in front of the perspective customers is the worst advertisement I could think of.

 I leave in Brooklyn. I have a DSL line by Covad, ISP service is provided by Juno. My ping times useing WB setup utility is inder 100ms. I am going to buy a router/firewall device (most likely the Lynksys Etherfast Cable/DSL Router). That device will probably perform some kind of a address-translation so that I could use several computers on my internal network but only have one IP address assigned to me by ISP provider. I am not sure yet wether that address is static or dynamic - is it important? My concern is that apparently AH traces the accounts by the IP address. Will dynamic address assignment or address translation interfere with it? Also my next-door neighbour may use internet through my network and, hopefully, join AH with me, so we may need two accounts (trial to start with) coming from the same(?) address. Will that pose a problem?

 Could you please tell me if my setup is going to work, what do I need to know and watch for? Any experience you have with any of the aforementioned components - Juno, Covad, Router/Firewall, Address Translation, Firewall, etc. Will AH work with them?

 If any of your explanations can be used by less concious people to create multiple free 2-week trial accounts, you may want to e-mail them directly to me at - just to avoid the temptation.

 Also, is there a way to deactivate a paying account for couple of months and then restart it again, using the same handle - in case someone cannot play for a while but does not want to pay $30/mo for maintatining a favorite callsign?

 Also, I need a good rig. I can build a PC myself but would rather leave it to a professional. Any advice on getting a high-end system for gaming? More specifically, which vendors would you recommend based on the personal experience (Alienware, GamePC, Falcon, etc.)?

 Thanks, hope to see you in the arena soon.

[This message has been edited by miko2d (edited 07-05-2000).]

Offline AKDejaVu

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An (AH) beginner(s) needs an advice.
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2000, 02:43:00 PM »
I am going to buy a router/firewall device (most likely the Lynksys Etherfast Cable/DSL Router). That device will probably perform some kind of a address-translation so that I could use several computers on my internal network but only have one IP address assigned to me by ISP provider.

The address-translation is similar to IPMasquerade under LINUX.  As far as playing the game goes, it will not affect anything.  You may have to play with the configuration a little if you want AH to use UDP, but I haven't been using that since I started and my connex is fine.

The firewall will make hosting games a little tricky.. however.  Most will allow you to forward certain ports to a certain computer... but this usually means you can only host on that one computer.  Without forwarding the port... unsolicited requests should be ignored (if the Firewall is any good).  So.. you will have to do some configuring to enable hosting.

I am not sure yet wether that address is static or dynamic - is it important?

As far as AH goes, it is not important.  Most cable users and all modem users log in with a different ip address almost every time they play.

As far as other things go... it is better to have a static IP address.  This will enable you to do some more advanced things like set up a mail server, web server and other things like that.

Also my next-door neighbour may use internet through my network and, hopefully, join AH with me, so we may need two accounts (trial to start with) coming from the same(?) address. Will that pose a problem?

I don't believe it will be a problem as far as playing goes.  This will depend on the masquerade program that is being used... but it should be able to have two separate accounts running through it at the same time.


[This message has been edited by AKDejaVu (edited 07-03-2000).]


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An (AH) beginner(s) needs an advice.
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2000, 04:15:00 PM »
Welcome to AH!
I am still trying to figure out the technical stuff myself.  I stll have a problem with discos, but I think that my connect to AH has been much better than it was with WB.  
Be patient with the AH flight model, it takes time to get used to, but it is more realistic, difficult, and therefore, more enjoyable.  Even with your experience, you may feel like a total newbie at first.  It will probally take a few weeks to adapt your skill and knowlege to the AH flight model.  

Welcome again,