Author Topic: Maw Hunters  (Read 542 times)

Offline milnko

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Re: Maw Hunters
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2002, 09:21:41 PM »
Originally posted by paintmaw
It is always a compliment when your enemy adds your name to their hit list. But , when its a former squadie...

I was never a MAW_MAW, but I was Painter's wingman fer a quite a while, I wonder if...?

Naw, it couldn't be, I haven't hunted any MAWs down in a long time.

However you are on a LIST if that makes ya feel any better Paint.  :D

(y'all know someday them MAWs are gonna pay each and everyone of us back for that "goon on the way" prank, don't ya?)

Offline paintmaw

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« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2002, 09:54:13 PM »
Damn you Milenko , Paybacks were gonna start at the NW AH convention this month :) I'll drive up and get you if ya want !!!

Offline Wlfgng

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« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2002, 10:30:29 AM »
yeah I know Mil.. I always wonder if they MAW's ever uh.... got over it so to speak :)

Offline discod

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« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2002, 10:37:19 AM »
Originally posted by SOB
Originally posted by BigGun
P.S. Almost forgot to Discod!!! He is one persistent base defending advisary who doesn't care too much about rank or score. During a good vulch he ups, ups and ups again till he eventually gets one or two vulchers. Gotta luv that persistence!!!

Ditto that about Discod.  Damned crazy kid reminds me of me.  Well, except that he actually tends to get off the ground eventually in a vulch situation and get some kills, whereas I just roll, die, repeat until the base is captured!  :)



LOL I got vulched about 25 times the other night!  

It's all part of my training program. Not only does it make for an EXTREME challenge like non other but it also makes me a better vulcher :D  (Even with 6 friendlies vulching a base I'll end up with 80% of the vulches! muwhahahahaaa!)

Tour 26:
discod has 2 kills on sob
SOB has 13 kills on discod

discod has 0 kills on bgmaw
bgmaw has 5 kills on discod

And there were a few others who got 2 - 3 kills each :D

Offline BigGun

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« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2002, 12:05:45 PM »
The true story of how the MAW Hunters squad was formed, this is what happened.

Paint started seeing Romulous's daughter and everything was fine until jerry springer called and wanted them to appear on the show. While on the show it turns out Paint was also seeing
romulous' wife. Romulous became extreamly jealous during the show because secretly he wanted Paint. So when Rom got back he started his own Squad, the MAW Hunters. Most of all he hates us because paint sent us some dirty pictures of what he was doing and we called his wife ugly cause she actually looks like a guy.

Now you know the rest of the story, good day!!!!

Offline Honch

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« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2002, 01:28:52 PM »
Whats the big deal about hunting old (or even current) squaddies?  AH lets us swap countries and still stay in the same squad.  

The game is fun . . but what's even more fun (to me) is going up against one of your old wingman to see just how good he really is!


Offline Zippatuh

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« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2002, 01:41:27 PM »
Originally posted by Honch
Whats the big deal about hunting old (or even current) squaddies?  AH lets us swap countries and still stay in the same squad.  

The game is fun . . but what's even more fun (to me) is going up against one of your old wingman to see just how good he really is!


If you want to go up against a squaddie it’s called training.

Why be in a squad if the only thing you want to do is shoot your wingman down? :rolleyes:

I have changed sides for a bit, but I never fought on the front my squad might be at.


Offline Honch

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« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2002, 02:08:05 PM »
I donno, Zippatuh

You know that feeling you get in a furball when you get shot down?  (I sure do) and you are just hoping it wasn't some particular pilot  - - and then it is.

You don't get that in the training arena.  The mystery and suspense is part of the exhilaration.  Plus, as you know, folks fly differently in the MA than they do in TA where they know who they are facing.  Its just more "real world"

And possibly my best case advocating squad hunting is this:
I'm a fun kill . . . why should only my enemies get to have the pleasure of shooting me down?

-- Sir Honch the Not So Brave

"Whoever dies first gets the newest plane"

Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2002, 02:15:32 PM »
I agree with Honch... he is fun to kill.

-- Todd/Leviathn, Ni! Hunter

Offline ZXMAW

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« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2002, 03:09:08 PM »
I'm not much of a squad or even pilot hunter, even tho there are a few i don't particularly like. I must admitt tho, I do like to shoot me an AK every now and then :) The Arabian Knights are one of the finest squads out there IMO. I have a great respect for the squad because they are in many ways like us, The Marine Air Wing. In fact, I have respect for any basetaking squad in AH leaving not much respect for the loner who never lends a hand and flies for himself and himself only. I wish some of those pilots would just leave the Knights and go elsewhere because they are nothing but a burden most of the time, oh and the guys who kill the barracks just before we take a base too. For me the game is about  team play and taking bases as a group which gives me and the rest of our crew the most satisfaction. Of course there are times when we just fly around trying to rack up a few kills on  non squad nights but mostly we like to take bases and always lend a hand to defend.
121 bases were captured by the MAW last camp making us one of the top basetaking squads AH has on it list. I'm not sure who is #1 but it's probably not a Knight squad hehe.   It's my idea that Bish may have the most squads in 1 country who think like we do and if the Knights don't get their stuff straight we may be fighting Rooks for a couple months as Bish :) heh. Doubt it would actually happen but I'd like to think we are important enough to the Knights as a country to try a little harder.  Usually when a MAW puts up a mission we get quite a few non squaddies involved. to each and every one of them and i do have to say, Knights really have improved a bit from last months mess but it took a lot of typing from all the ones who care. I don't think you should join a squad just to carry a name around. if you join a squad, join them to actually do something together. Looking for a place to fit in?? call us or one of the other more promimant squads out there. After reading a post in general discussion, titled 'Who are you?" i see that this is no kids game really. Most players in AH are in their 30's and at 36 i may be one of the younger members in our squad.
Special note to the AK's :  
Come back to Knights. We don't want to shoot ya, we miss ya  :)

oh, B4 I go i'd like to mention another great squad from AW.. the Flying Tigers.  Not those guys who call themselves The Original Flying Tigers ( what a bunch of cry babies) but the guys who start their cpid's with FT. The AVG Flying Tigers. I wish I could see more of them up but not as Rooks.


Offline LePaul

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« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2002, 03:18:31 PM »
Ah yes, 3 cheers for my squaddies in the MAW

Last night, I moaned that no one gave my poor buff a CheckSix call to warn me or the small airforce lining up all over me!  As I dangled there in my chute, my squadmates all chimed in with CheckSix calls.  hehe

How can you hate these guys?  hehe

Offline Shane

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« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2002, 03:19:13 PM »
Originally posted by ZXMAW
For me the game is about  team play and taking bases as a group which gives me and the rest of our crew the most satisfaction.

121 bases were captured by the MAW last camp making us one of the top basetaking squads AH has on it list.

Doubt it would actually happen but I'd like to think we are important enough to the Knights as a country to try a little harder.  

silly little hamstards.

Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline Zippatuh

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« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2002, 04:30:00 PM »
Originally posted by ZXMAW

...It's my idea that Bish may have the most squads in 1 country who think like we do and if the Knights don't get their stuff straight we may be fighting Rooks for a couple months as Bish :) heh. Doubt it would actually happen but I'd like to think we are important enough to the Knights as a country to try a little harder...

I like most of you guys and glad to have ya as knights; however, smiley face or not the response to this is…

1) Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out if that’s what you want to do

2) You’re over rating your importance to any particular side.  As knights or not it’ll make very little difference.  I’m sure that’s what most are thinking when they log on too, “how can I please the MAW today?”

Honch, whatever gives your squad cohesion, go ahead with it.


Offline BigGun

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« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2002, 05:35:46 PM »
Originally posted by Zippatuh

I like most of you guys and glad to have ya as knights; however, smiley face or not the response to this is…

1) Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out if that’s what you want to do


Not sure where that came from, Let me assure you it isn't the thinking of MAW. Maybe ZXer just feeling frustration or something..not sure. I have flown with the MAW for several years now, think I have been in AH for 1 1/2 years. One thing is certain, we have never changed sides cuz things didn't go our way. Have flown Knights since I began, and don't see a need to change, still having fun. Through thick or thin, getting gangbanged or gangbanging, MAW has always stayed loyal to one country.

As far as being important to one country, I personnally don't think that way. We are just a bunch of guys that enjoy flying with each other & share a common goal. On squad night, primary focus is usually base capture. And the total number really only shows of base captures only shows the number of MAW that dropped troops to capture the base, thus giving credit. Often, many other individuals & squads contribute greatly in the cause. Just my thoughts.

ZXer is really an awesome person to fly with. Having known him for a long time, my guess he is just frustrated or something.

Main reason I remain MAW is because I have FUN & have built a friendship with several members.

Big Salute to all Knights (well at least the not country rotating ones)

Offline ZXMAW

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« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2002, 06:39:39 PM »
I suppose I wrote that w/o thinking of the repercussions  when dealing with many people at the same time Zappatuh. Everyone has an opinion and I can respect that. My opinions were mine and only mine and I do not speak for the whole Marine Air Wing.. just myself. I will always stand by my opinion that we are one of the best base taking squads out there. I am able to come to that conclusion because I’m in the squad and I know we have the ability to work together and  get the job done. I can also rely on our records as recorded by AH, which gives me bragging rights if you will. I’m very proud of our squad and any country member or  squad for being able to help take or defend bases, that’s what makes me happy.
I really must say I hate when someone takes something you write and then dissects it in order to start an argument. Take it for what it is and not what you want to make of it. Some will try to twist what I’ve said into saying we are the single reason Knights take bases. It would not only be totally wrong but ignorant to do that, somewhat like the person who would write such a thing.  
Squads in a country are like players on a football team. Each one has a level of importance to the team and  relies on each other and their abilities to move the ball further. We, the MAW are only a small part of our teams force. If  we are missing cooperation from another then we have a greater chance of failure and failure means no fun  when it comes to taking bases IMO. If you wanted to find out what the level of importance was in your own squad or country go to the community section in AH and look under scores and ranks. As far as our squad goes we are all equally important to each other as goes for ALL the Knights in our country that help move the ball forward. I Salute each and every one of them, the rest I really don’t care about.
 and that’s………. MY opinion  hehe