I like the "oildirt" idea, AAA Guns, I don't know, you don't want to make them too hard to see.
Terr0000 and Terr0016, I would like to see an OPTION for this. Althou this would help out ALOT, I would like to see this as an option becuase sometimes i make more than 2 tiles transition with terr0000 and terr0016. Tunisia and Perdonia are this way. I Rarely use grass to tile with water. Maybe an option what tiles we could pick to transition and then it will auto.
Terr0001 RARELY transitions with water in my maps.
Originally posted by weazel
Add a blank "oildirt" runway object or allow users to create and use new variations in the editor. This would allow seamless blending with user created tiles.
The oildirt object would need to be coded as a landable object and a straight airstrip object added for combining with taxiway objects already available.
If this isn't possible could we send custom fields in for HTC approval and inclusion in future editor versions?
Give AAA guns the option to remove or replace the small texture it sits on for blending with custom textures.
When terr0016 is used automatically transistion it with terr0017, it gives added flexibility when customized and used in snowless terrains but requires manual blending.
Coastlines transistions are a combination of terr0000 & terr0001, please make adjacent tiles automatically change to terr0001 to eliminate manual blending.