Author Topic: Wild Wednesday  (Read 1383 times)

Offline AKSWulfe

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Wild Wednesday
« Reply #60 on: November 01, 2001, 06:26:00 PM »
Originally posted by Seeker:
[QBI'm *amazed* at AK seawolf and Exile getting, what, four kills on a standard ammo load in that envioroment?

5 kills...

It was a very fun event, I had a blast and enjoyed THE best dogfights in my time in AH during this event.

The arena was full of killer sticks, and the only comments after people (including me) were shot down were good. Something that's a-typical of the MA.

S! guys, great flying last night.

BTW banana, sorry about last night. I was in the middle of typing something back to you when my video card (V5- o/cled) heated up and froze AH on my screen. Could still move my white windows mouse on the screen but couldn't do anything else. Had to reboot and by the time I got back, you were gone. S!, great flying by you and Nifty!