"This ain't your mothers Air Warrior". That phrase keeps ringing through my ears as I fly AH's. We all enjoy different aspects of AH, some enjoying large furballs, some bombing and others 1 on 1 type fights. I fly for the later. That one chance that you might meet a similar plane with similar alt and no one else around. 1 vs 1. Simple, pure, the holy grail for those of us who can't help but target fixate
. However this is not Air Warrior and I am not flying my old Full Real 38, turning on a dime and spraying at a hit bubble with seemingly endless ammo. Spoiled by that hit bubble and by the large ammo loads of my old 38, I have some bad habits that seem to have followed me to AH. I leave virtually every fight without ammo after putting away my first kill. i.e. I spray spray spray. Deflection shots seem to be my downfall here, where they were my B & B in Air Warrior. My point in this post is to hopefully get some of you vets to post/email me some of your dueling films showing deflection shots and general "AH" gunnery skills. I have searched some of your websites, but not found much on this subject in film format. I learn by seeming and replicating much faster then by just reading. Email is flynomadic@kingwoodcable.com . Unfortunately I've figured out that if you can't hit it with lead, it doesn't matter if you can outturn it
. Thanks for the films and help.