Author Topic: Map Making Specifics  (Read 307 times)

Offline LtStasis

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Map Making Specifics
« on: March 15, 2002, 05:40:26 AM »
I would like to know exactly how all different types of objects work in AH map. With a lot of the "homemade" maps in the HTH arenas I've noticed common bugs in the map, like troops disapearing after running about 10 feet, or the field being taken over because the maproom was destroyed by a stray bomb. Do all the town objects affiliated with certain field need to be destroyed before the field can be captured? Why are some parts of the map bumpy when you land on them and some are not? Where does a station's affect radius start from, and does the road affiliated with that station have any affect on the radius? It would be nice to know what ID numbers of the entpoints are what direction on the spawn compass thing, without having to do it by trial and error. What exact effects do depots and convoys have? Are there any differences between convoys, trains, and barges, other than superficial?

Also, for version 1.09 they said they modified the strategic and resupply system and updated current arena terrains to reflect the changes. I would like to know what those changes are so I can make sure my maps don't conflict with them.

Thanks for listening