Author Topic: Buttons 7 & 8 on Sidewinder FF2 stick  (Read 740 times)

Offline Lephturn

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Buttons 7 & 8 on Sidewinder FF2 stick
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2002, 08:39:36 AM »
True Lizard, but I don't think that's what he meant.

I use a Sidewinder as well, and I also use the SW software.  This way I use the shift key to get some extra buttons.  For example, I use the sidewinder software to map SHIFT BUTTON (on the stick) BUTTON 1 (trigger) to a keyboard press of F.  That allows me to use my normal trigger to fire all guns, and SHIFT TRIGGER to fire only MG's if I am in a cannon bird.

I also have mapped SHIFT A to the "check six" function.

If you combine this functionality with the multiple sticksets you can use in AH, you can have a truly staggering number of command setups. :)

Offline Beegerite

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Buttons 7 & 8 on Sidewinder FF2 stick
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2002, 03:32:34 PM »
Verrrry Interrrresting!  Could you elaborate on how this is done.  I plainly see that there are four separate columns but I've yet to figure out just how to switch and control the whole scenario.  I made the assumption that this was "planned" for but not actually implemented yet.

P.S. I also have a FFB2 and have no way of programming 7 or 8 and as of just a couple of days ago I lost use of my CH Pro Rudder pedals in the game.  They work fine in set up, calibrate etc and also in Windows but when I get in the game ZAP NADA!!!  Had to switch to my J/Stick rudder not good.

Originally posted by Lizard3
In AH you can have 4 different stick setups. You can switch between them using 4 keyboard keys.

Offline Lephturn

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Buttons 7 & 8 on Sidewinder FF2 stick
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2002, 06:52:59 AM »
THe multiple sticksets have been implemented from the start AFAIK.  You need to do two things, fist map all your keys in all the sticksets you plan to use in the Joystick Mapping section under Setup.  Second, map keys to switch between sticksets.  You can find the mapping for switching sticksets in the Global section of the Keyboard Mapping and Joystick Mapping sections under Setup.

So basically, you can have 1 setup for say all .50 cal planes, another for cannon/MG combo birds, another for dive bombing, and another for level bombing in BUFFS.  It's very cool.

Offline Bozz

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Buttons 7 & 8 on Sidewinder FF2 stick
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2002, 11:12:55 AM »
Okay- I just found this post string, and i have the same problems with the precision pro 2, but none of the solutions works (Havent mapped the stick to keyboard keys just yet)  I can't even get button 7 to work - They worked fine yesterday....I believe. The 7 and 8 buttons work fine in Windows but when i get to AH the last button on my imput list is 'Button 5'
So-I know its not my joysticks problem, I really dont need to spend 50 bucks on a new one do I?

Offline K-KEN

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Buttons 7 & 8 on Sidewinder FF2 stick
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2002, 12:46:45 PM »
Hi All!
I have the older Sidewinder FF stick with the Shift Button.  Mine also has a very noisy fan too.  Got it in 1997 for use in beta testing AW3..........go figure. The newer version doesn't have the shift button and only allows 8 buttons to be programmed.

Like Boat said, I use the Sidewinder Software for my commonly used commands.  Eng, Gear, Flaps, Primary and secondary fire, Map, etc.  You can't program a key that must be held like "T" or F12 now.  And you can actually set up a unique profile for Fighters, buffs, gv's etc.  Makes it a good thing because you can program it to a specific task!  I have been able to Alt +Tab from AH to change profiles too, instead of leaving AH or logging.  (minimizes)  Then select the Profile, and Alt + Tab back!  Your ready to Rock and Roll!

Originally posted by dixonaw
Thanks Boat;
I think you would use a different set of profiles with your stick.I don't understand what you mean by doubling your buttons using the shift key. Do you mean you get 16 buttons (ie. Button1 and button shift1 give you different uses).
In my setup there is a slight hicup whenI use a hold type key with the sidewinder profiler,and none with the AH setup.
I really like my FF2, but I will admit that I shut off the Force feed back in AH. I find that  even with min feedback programmed the stick is too hard to use. Works well in other sims though.