Author Topic: How do I record to avi?  (Read 1441 times)

Offline mietla

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How do I record to avi?
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2002, 06:41:07 PM »
It has a HELP button :)

Offline ICKID

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How do I record to avi?
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2002, 10:12:54 AM »
I agree that it could be figured out.  But as a group the users of Aces High do pay for their software and services  about $6000.00 a month collectively by my calculations.  So we should at least expect instructions for all software provided with the game, we are the customer, AH is the vendor providing the service.

That said, what is the difference between opening a file with the film menu vs the file menu, is there a difference?  The File Menu offers the create AVI while the start select tab and end select tab seem to be selfexplainitory, why does the film start to play again when I select the End Select Tab?  do I have to watch it a second time.  How is it that very few of the Codesc result in produceing a AVI.  The file size always seems to be zero at completion of the process.

Offline faminz

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How do I record to avi?
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2002, 01:06:53 PM »
well I finally got it to work. Set my desktop settings to 32bit (as suggested) and then used the start and stop select to create a clip of a longer film. This was saved just as another film or .ahf file. THEN open that new shorter film and did a save as AVI using the onscreen button (not the menu pick, tho thats prolly OK too..) and while it played I went outside and round the plane etc to get the best views. I saved it using 12fps and microsoft video 1 codec. You can tell its doing it ok as it doesnt run thru fast. It takes time and is obviously doing something (1.2Ghz athlon + GeForce 2 GTS pro). This resulted in an avi file with about 8 Mb bytes, and when I opened it (by double clicking on it in windows explorer) lo and behold windows media player opened up and there it was. I then used Real producer to convert this to a .rm file of just 257k (yes I lost an awful lot of resolution but I wanted it to post to my squad website). I then uploaded it to the website and created the associated .RAM file to point to it for streaming (thats a simple 1 line text file for the path to the .ram video), uploaded that as well, linked to it from my flms page and there it was !!!  a very rough (VERY ROUGH) Typhoon hitting a train video.
You can see it at on the films page.
