Author Topic: Snake bit...  (Read 178 times)

Offline Widewing

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Snake bit...
« on: April 02, 2002, 09:49:09 AM »
Last evening, being the beginning of a new tour, I wanted to do get off to a better start than in tour 26. Well, I did, but not without a streak of bad luck.

After logging on, I upped an Osty to defend 17. I had barely gotten to the city when I was hit by a bomb intended for the city.
So, I up another and get blasted before clearing the vehicle hanger. Thoroughly annoyed, I upped a SpitV and headed out to get some revenge. Indeed, I got three of the attackers without much difficulty. Then, at extreme range, a &%$#@%$ freak ack hit from the enemy Task Force kills my Spit. Figuring on payback to the Task Force, I up a Tiffy with 2k of bombs. However, on the way to the CV, I run across a hostile Seafire. So, I dump the bombs and kill the Seafire. I reup another Tiffy and discover that the CV and Cruiser are already dead. So I head to 18, which is swarming with Bish when I get there. I bomb the VH (two hits) and finish a damaged Seafire. I take a radiator hit from an M-16 forcing me to ditch just short of 17.

Time for a change of location. I up a SpitIX and head over to 11. Here I kill three Bish. Refueled, I head to 13 where I kill another 3 Bish. Going for number 7, I drag a wingtip through a tree and crash....&%$#&%@

Back to 17. I up another Tiffy without ord and head towards 13 again. However, halfway there, I hear radio calls about a massive raid on 17, so I turn around. Racing back I find a horde of Tiffies, Hellcats and and two Seafires swarming the field. I kill one Seafire in a diving attack. Minutes later I collide with a Tiffy while pulling a blackout turn to gain lead. I'm too low to bail. The Tiffy remains airborne longer than I do, minus his wingtip. Another Rook nails him before he augers and gets the kill.

I up an N1K2 and kill the sole surviving Hellcat.

On a whole, it was a decent evening, with 14 kills and no losses air to air. I also nailed a PT. However, the loss of three aircraft to bad luck and over-aggressive flying was somewhat aggrevating.
But, such is life. My final sortie in an La-5FN was cut short when the server crashed. I was just about to finish off a Hellcat when we got the %&#@&$ boot!

Oh well, there's always tonight....:D

Of course, this is much better than the start of tour 26, where I went 3/11 insisting on flying from fields being vulched all night (I never claimed to be smart).

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Lephturn

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Snake bit...
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2002, 11:49:11 AM »
Not bad considering the numbers and positional disadvantage we were under last night.  

I didn't do well last night, it was pretty frustrating.  When I finally said screw it and upped a 262, of course I couldn't find anything to shoot at.  I eventually ended up BnZing a couple of guys in their ack, and managed an assist before I had to rtb for lack of fuel.  Bah.  Oh yeah, and somebody got a 5" kill on me off the CV from a rediculous range... that sucked.

Offline Octavius

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Snake bit...
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2002, 12:02:31 PM »
I hear ya Widewing...

I started out in a Yak from A10 and headed south to P14.  I drop in on a P51 and Spitfire, clean them up, and start to head home (cannnon was gone already).  On the way there, I see an F4U-4 on a friendly P47.  I'm on the deck and already quite fast, I pull up on his low six, get to about d250 and let loose my 54 MG I had left.  I rip apart his wing root and part of the fuselage damaging his fuel and a flap... the rest of my bullets somehow caused me to killshooter myself (friendly jug was d500... go figure) in the process.

Next sortie I go from A48 in my Yak again, get a kill or two, then lawndart.  Again I go from 48... SKurj and myself down two F4Us, great fight I think.  I merrily fly along home and then get jumped by two Spitfires... I knew i'd die, so i figured i'd put up a good fight.  Had one spit in my sights and BOOM.... lockup.... sounds are there but the screen froze... I reboot, restart AH and see the MA is closed... I say forget it, and go play some more Jedi Knight II :D  

It wasnt a HORRIBLE start, but it could have been better :)
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Offline Widewing

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Snake bit...
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2002, 04:34:15 PM »
Originally posted by Lephturn
Not bad considering the numbers and positional disadvantage we were under last night.  

I didn't do well last night, it was pretty frustrating.  When I finally said screw it and upped a 262, of course I couldn't find anything to shoot at.  I eventually ended up BnZing a couple of guys in their ack, and managed an assist before I had to rtb for lack of fuel.  Bah.  Oh yeah, and somebody got a 5" kill on me off the CV from a rediculous range... that sucked.

Everyone has a bad night now and then. I have mine when I'm overtired, or distracted. On those nights, I usually log off rather than get frustrated.

You must have noticed that I flew the Spits quite a bit last evening. Now, we always hear about the "Spitdweeb turn fighters", but that's not how I usually fly the Spitfire. Typically, I prefer to  get above the fight and work up and down, never killing my E. After an attack, successful or otherwise, I used my energy to regain my altitude and did not return to the fight until I have attained such altitude as to generally avoid be harassed. Last evening, I attained 10 kills in two sorties doing exactly that. Indeed, I was never even so much as fired upon by an enemy aircraft. While many prefer to turn fight, I see that as a measure of last resort because it kills energy and leaves you vulnerable to any other fighter lurking about. Sure, Spitfires do well in the big furballs, but they all get shot down eventually. The idea is to avoid being killed. This is what happened last evening. Hordes of Spitfires/Seafires, all turning circles. All low, slow and relatively easy marks for those waiting above them.

I suppose that most folks don't view the Spitfire as an energy fighter. However, it is one of the very best energy fighters in the planeset. The addition of the monster SpitXIV only makes it that much more capable. It's almost unfair. :D

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline WBHoncho

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Snake bit...
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2002, 04:38:35 PM »
I lost my only try at a spit14 over a CV fleet at somewhere around 15-18k  those guns pretty accurate sometimes, then not so much others.

Offline Puck

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« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2002, 04:47:28 PM »
Funny you should say that, I was using my SpitV as an E fighter, going up and down for than left and right.  Of course on a good day the SpitV has about as much energy as all those 'other' batteries.

I've since traded the SpitV in for a slightly more powerful aircraft, and my score, while pathetic, reflects the difference.

Hey, I've only been flying since May 14th  :D

...and no, it's not an LA7  :)
//c coad  c coad run  run coad run
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Offline Puck

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Snake bit...
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2002, 04:48:02 PM »

//c coad  c coad run  run coad run
main (){char _[]={"S~||(iuv{nkx%K9Y$hzhhd\x0c"},__