Author Topic: An old Idea- with a new twist?  (Read 340 times)

Offline Urchin

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An old Idea- with a new twist?
« on: August 01, 2001, 12:42:00 AM »
OK, we will start from the basic premise that I PERSONALLY want to see more variety in the Main Arena.  I already know some don't want that and they are free to hold their own opinion.  This will be a long post, and I will hope to include something for everyone in it (kinda like one of those "porkbarrel" things in Congress).

A way that I see to enforce a little more variety in the MA, and "turn back the clock" a little to make the MA more mid war instead of late war, is a sort of perk system.  The basic idea is that each "country" (I.E. U.S.A, U.K., Germany, Japan, Italy, Russia- NOT Rook, Knight, and Bishop   ;)) gets a certain number of planes.  The early versions of these planes, or in some cases the less formidable versions, will remain UNPERKED.  The number of perk points you GET from them will vary upon how lethal they are in the arena, against other planes.  This will be decided (and changed routinely) by looking at the total kills vs. total deaths each plane had for the tour, and perhaps balanced somewhat by how common the plane was flown (need to have a way to count sorties for this part, which I assume HTC does).  

Anyways, I would propose (for the fighters at least)- 4 "tiers" of values.  The first tier is of course the unperked planes.  These cost nothing to fly.  The second tier will have a cost of between 1 and 5 points.  The third tier will have a cost of between 6 and 10, and the fourth tier will have a cost of between 11 and 20.  Yes, I realize this would bring the Tempest down to 20 points.  No, I have not thought of a way to combat the fact that everyone and their mom in the MA has 1k perks for fighters alone, and some much more than that, so there will be a LOT of tempests flying around for the first few months.  

Anyway, next part of the plan is the amount of perk points you would be awarded for succesfully shooting down enemy planes.  I would recommend no real changes to this system for the first couple of tiers, but in the 3rd or 4th tiers the number of perks gained will not recoup the number of perks lost if you do not land the plane.

Without further blathering, let me present how I would recommend the plane set to be organized.

First Tier- Unperked planes.

A6M5*  (* denote please read bottom)

Second Tier - Cost of 1 to 5 points


Third Tier - cost of 6 to 10 points.*

P51 - A later model than the D.
P-47 - A later model than the D.
SpitMk??- A good Spit*
F7F or F8F ? - these may belong in tier 4.

Tier 4- cost of 11 to 20 points.

Ta-152 (I think this should be in 3)
SpitMk???- a really top of the line Spit
Jet Fighters.  

Let me reiterate that the planes in tiers 3 and 4 will not earn many perkies.  You will have to fly many many good sorties to recoup the losses of perk points that you will get by crashing the plane.  I'd say possibly the planes in tier 3 or 4 will earn maybe 1 perk point every 10 kills or so.  However, once you "run out", you can hop back in an unperked plane and get them back fairly quickly.

Anyways, on to my notes. Or my little ****'s.

For the First Tier-

I'd like to get an earlier version of the Zero, and put it in the first tier.  The A6M5 would then go to the second tier.  I'd also like to get earlier versions of all the planes.  For instance, the F3F and F4F, then the F6F could be moved to the 2nd tier, along with the F4U-1D.  Same goes for the Ki-61- I'd like to get an earlier Imperial Japanese Army plane, and move the Ki-61 to the second tier.  Same goes for the P-38- maybe a J version for the first tier, and the L for the 2nd tier.  Same for the Yak9T, and La5- I'd like to get some early war Russian planes in, and move those up.  The 190A8 and F8 I put in the first tier because they are NOT as good at air to air as the 190A5 is.  Since that is the primary focus of the game, I think it would be right to organize it that way.  I honestly don't KNOW which of the P-47s to put where, I don't know enough about them to know where they fit in with the other planes.

Second Tier

Yes, it is embarassing putting the C205 here, as a perked plane.  The P51D would either be on the top end of Tier 2 or on the bottom end of Tier 3.

Third Tier

This starts getting hypothetical here.  I'd like to see a new and improved Spit go here, to calm the masses of Spit fans that are calling for one.  I personally think the MkIX is pretty formidable, but it is obviously not as good as the N1K2 or the LA7.  Fans of the RAF deserve to have a plane in all of the brackets to.  I'd also recommend adding a later version of a P51, a P47, and the 109K4.  The 109G10 would also either be at the top of Tier 2 or the bottom of Tier 3, while the K4 would be towards the top of Tier 3.  I am not to sure about the performance of the F8F (or F7F)- they would be placed in either Tier 3 or 4 depending on what their performance merited.

Tier 4

This is pretty self explanatory.  I think the Ta-152 would be at the bottom of the scale, with the Tempest at the top.  As new planes come into Tier 4, these values would be adjusted.

Anyways, thats just about it for me!  I think this system WOULD lead to more variety in the MA, even if people were just flying planes of the lower tiers to earn points for the upper tiers.  I also think that planes from all the eras would be fairly represented, with the early war planes being outclassed by the late war planes, but not risking as much pointwise.  Please share your comments, and even suggestions on different planes or how to improve upon this "idea".  I know that HTC won't use it, but it is fun to kick around anyway, and it is even more fun when I have lots of peoples opinions on it.

[ 08-01-2001: Message edited by: Urchin ]

Offline Seeker

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An old Idea- with a new twist?
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2001, 03:18:00 AM »
 when you say you want more variety, how varied are the planes you fly?

I bumped into you a couple of times last night (great fights, by the way, I owe you some!); and you were in a 190 once, the rest of the time you were in a LA7.

If you're not prepared to vary your ride, why should anyone else?

Offline Vermillion

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An old Idea- with a new twist?
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2001, 06:36:00 AM »
Where is the new twist? It looks just like Warbirds Axis vs Allied Arena to me.


Offline lazs1

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An old Idea- with a new twist?
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2001, 08:18:00 AM »
all that to say you want allied vs axis??  Just spit it out.  

You have created a huge hash up using some of the worst leveling tools a flight sim has ever had like Perk points...  there are numerous better (and infinitely more fair) solutions out there for getting more variety in the arena that don't involve a "reward" sytem that is heavily weighted toward time spent online or the mind numbingly boring and totally devoid of variety "axis vs allied" crapolla.  

besides... what difference does "variety" make when you allways fite em in the same ol planes?

Offline DingHao2

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An old Idea- with a new twist?
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2001, 09:19:00 AM »
absolutely....NOT!!!  With a fairly low k/d rate, WHY R U PERKIN THE G-10 AND DORA!!!!!    WTF!!!!!!

Offline sling322

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An old Idea- with a new twist?
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2001, 09:41:00 AM »
Actually it was more like a long post to basically keep him from having to fight N1K2's since he flies I right Urchin?

Offline Urchin

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An old Idea- with a new twist?
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2001, 11:15:00 AM »
when you say you want more variety, how varied are the planes you fly?
I bumped into you a couple of times last night (great fights, by the way, I owe you some!); and you were in a 190 once, the rest of the time you were in a LA7.

If you're not prepared to vary your ride, why should anyone else?


Seeker, go to "scores", then "expanded format", then type in "Urchin" for the handle.  That will tell you what planes I flew during this tour.  It was rather heavily weighted towards the 109G10 and the 190A8 this tour, but I flew most of the planes.

 Where is the new twist? It looks just like Warbirds Axis vs Allied Arena to me.

Vermillion (and Lazs)- this is NOT an Axis vs. Allied arena.  All 3 teams (Knights, Rooks, and Bishop) would be able to fly any plane from any of the Tiers.  I was thinking of it as more of a way to get the Arena back to an "early-war" setting, although the cheap perk cost for the late-war planes aren't prohibitve, in my opinion.  I know I can go out in a 190A5 or a 109G2 right now and earn 5 points for a merely average sortie, and I'm sure you guys can to.

 absolutely....NOT!!! With a fairly low k/d rate, WHY R U PERKIN THE G-10 AND DORA!!!!! WTF!!!!!!

Ding-Hao- for the same reason the P51D, the P47, and all the other later war planes are perked.  They are "later war" planes, and would be more capable in the arena that I forsee as using this system.  

Actually it was more like a long post to basically keep him from having to fight N1K2's since he flies I right Urchin?

Sling- I've never made any secret about not liking the N1K2, but since the 109G10 and 190D9, not to mention the 109G2 and 109G6 would be perked as well, I don't think I showed my bias very well.  Do you?

Offline Maverick

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An old Idea- with a new twist?
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2001, 05:37:00 PM »
You left out one other choice. Just leave the perk system off, period. You pay your $30.00 a month and fly what ya want when ya want. Don't worry about what someone else is flying, just fly your game.

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Offline Urchin

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An old Idea- with a new twist?
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2001, 06:04:00 PM »
Maverick- that is an interesting view.  I guess it would be interesting for HTC to remove the perk system, we could all fly tempests.  An arena full of Tempests and Niki's, sure, that sounds GREAT!  They could even REMOVE the other planes from the set because there would be no point in having them.  Two planes- then they could make a whole bunch of different skins for them and other neat stuff  :rolleyes: .