Author Topic: The Japanese LW?  (Read 1440 times)

Offline lazs1

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The Japanese LW?
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2001, 11:01:00 AM »
sling.... I believe that he is (correctly) pointing out that the LW unwarented arrogance and short sightedness is "simulated" perfectly in AH.

Offline Swager

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« Reply #31 on: September 19, 2001, 11:25:00 AM »
I would say 75% of the time I fly a LW A/C.  there are times, for example, defending an airfield, I will fly the Zero.  I like the Spit, so I will fly that once in awhile.

I am a member of an on-line combat flight simulation German squadron, but until I see someone else's signature on the bottom of my credit card bill, I'll pretty much fly what I want.  Ya can't get any plainer than that.

I don't take this so-called 'pasttime' too seriously, I mean, for me, it is for entertainment purposes only.

So ya got to look at who does the gripin, the so-called "LW whiners" or the people that "freak out" because someone flown a plane that wasn't N-Sync with their squad nationality base?  Sounds to me like someone got their butt handed to then recently and needed to vent.

Lighten-up people, it's a simulation!

Can we all say It's-a-sim-u-la-tion?

There, I knew you could do it. Now go back to killin each other!   :)

Have a nice day!   :)
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline Apache

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« Reply #32 on: September 19, 2001, 11:37:00 AM »
Sounds to me like someone got their butt handed to then recently and needed to vent.

Can't let this one by. Swager, you know me better than that. I really could care less what anyone flies. I just thought the following was kinda comical. I'll leave the name out cause I'm not lookin' for a fight.

I jump a 109 & wax him. I fly around some more, see another 109, take him out and it's the same guy. a few later, I'm nose down, right wing dipped about to roll into another con when I look thru the windscreen before I go, there's an N1k on an HO move, 300 yards away & firing. I evade but get an oil hit (tough little f6f), so I head home. As I'm leaving I watch this N1k get a kill. The 109 guy from an LW squad. Nothing more, nothing less. Just thought it was funny.

Offline 38isPorked

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« Reply #33 on: September 19, 2001, 11:45:00 AM »
"Zygote, Tac, Grunherz... I forget the rest of the names, but I'm sure in some other N1K2 threads I could be refreshed rather quickly."

I have NEVER touched a n1k in the MA for MONTHS. I do complain a lot, and I have my damn good reasons (yes, 0mph with full control of a lightweight plane with a monster 2000hp engine.. NO TORQUE effect. mwahaha). Look up my stats and see the last time I flew a n1k. I even remember that sortie, upped a 50% fuel n1k from a field that was being bombed by 2 b17s, 2 b26's and a ju88 with 2 f4u's and a 190 above it. I shot down ALL the buffs and 1 hog before the 190 got me. Its ridiculous. Kindly point your brown finger somewhere else.

Also, bear in mind that squads are SQUADS. When they fly as a squad MANY squads fly their ride. I love my 38 and fly it almost exclusively. There are times I do want to try something out in a P-51 or a jug or a tiffie. Usually I am dissapointed and go back to my glass slipper.

(not at home now)

Offline Urchin

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« Reply #34 on: September 19, 2001, 11:47:00 AM »
Originally posted by sling322:

So, I guess that means that you are better than me because you are a LuftWhiner?  Ouch...that really hurts.  I think I am gonna go slit my wrists now or something.    :rolleyes:

Naw bud, I'm not saying I'm better than you because I'm a "Luftwhiner"- I'm just saying I'm better than you  :).  Oh, look- I even have "evidence", I wonder if HTC will listen to me and give me a badge saying "You are #4,897 to be better than Sling".

Tour 19- Overall

sling has 6 kills and has been killed 20 times.

urchin has 275 kills and has been killed 94 times.

Lets see if we flew any of the same planes here....  

Well, my record in the Dora wasn't REAL impressive, but at least it was positive that tour...  

sling has 3 kills and has been killed 4 times in the Fw 190D-9.

urchin has 77 kills and has been killed 32 times in the Fw 190D-9.

But wait.. thats a "Luftwhiner" plane.  That means I have an advantage over you.  Lets see here.. I bet I can find some N1K2 stats for both of us.  Ahh, there we go.

Tour 20 (so far)-
sling has 16 kills and has been killed 18 times in the N1K2.
(thats a pretty impressive record, by the way.  Practice real hard and you might even get to a 1/1 KD ratio.)
urchin has 35 kills and has been killed 9 times in the N1K2.

As an aside, this facetious post is directed only at Sling, because he is an idiot.  Lazs, while I don't respect many of your views, I DO respect your ability.  In my opinion, you've "earned" your right to talk toejam by being able to back it up, Sling just hasn't gotten there yet in my opinion.

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #35 on: September 19, 2001, 12:01:00 PM »
ammo post some names.

whos the niki whiners who go out and spend time getting most of there kills in them.

I fly the zeke but close to 95% of my kills are in lw planes. The majority of those as with my squad are done in 190s.

bradys5 is in my squad hes flies whatever he wants. Its his money. Hes our friend and because he chooses to fly a variety of planes we would never exclude him from our squad.

Urchin is the newest member of jv44. check the stats of those in my squad.

Why is it any concern of any you what folks fly. Or even if they "whine" no one makes you read it. theres lotsa handsomehunkes making posts in here. I just dont read umm. You chose to read something by some you already know what he will post. Then "whine" back how sick you are of "whiners".

lazs regardless of what small portion of you maybe scottish your still neither blue nor a knight. Your a pink rook.

Offline Swager

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« Reply #36 on: September 19, 2001, 01:10:00 PM »
Sorry Apache!!  It did read like it was toward the originator of the post.  I can insure you that it was not intended toward you.  We've flown with each other too many times, and I know better.

So I apoligize Apache!  Some like to degrade LW squadrons in general, regardless if they know what they are talking about or not.  Most of the time they don't.   :)

Some just like to brabble!
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline sling322

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« Reply #37 on: September 19, 2001, 01:16:00 PM »
Thats pretty impressive Urchin....I guess you must have mistaken me for someone who puts a great deal of stock and merit into "Stats" and "Rank".  

Sorry to disappoint you, but I play this game...thats right "G A M E"....for fun.  I like WWII aircraft.  I like flying with my squadmates.  I like being able to blow off steam by shooting down or being shot down by others in a game that involves WWII aircraft.

What I dont like are the people around here that take themselves way too seriously.  I mean, really, am I supposed to be impressed that you had 500 more kills than I did last tour in which I only flew 8 hours or so.  Sorry buddy....but I'm not.  There seem to be certain individuals who always pop up in certain topics and beat the same horses to death over and over and over and over.  You are one of them and therefore draw attention to yourself.  

Sure Pyro has said that there "might be" problems with the N1K2-J flight model but he has never said specifically what they are or what is going to be fixed.  I just think that until the time comes that it is fixed, people should just quit with all the squeaking.  I mean we all know that it might have problems....even though these problems never show up in any films.  :rolleyes: Do you really have to jump into every thread and keep harping on it over and over?  

Be careful...if you start putting too much stock into your "Rank" and "Score", you might start having problems fitting your virtual head into your virtual LW ride's cockpit.

Offline Apache

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« Reply #38 on: September 19, 2001, 01:29:00 PM »
rgr Swager! Thanks my friend.  :)


Offline Urchin

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« Reply #39 on: September 19, 2001, 01:37:00 PM »
Be careful...if you start putting too much stock into your "Rank" and "Score", you might start having problems fitting your virtual head into your virtual LW ride's cockpit.


Nah, I have all my planes fitted with a specially made "big-head" version of the canopy.  I still have lots of room to grow into it, it'll prolly be another year or so before I have to design a new one.

Also, I noticed you didn't really respond to my answer to your original claim- which was "So you are better than me because you are a 'Luftwhiner'".  My answer clearly showed that I am not, I'm just a better pilot.

[ 09-19-2001: Message edited by: Urchin ]

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #40 on: September 19, 2001, 01:46:00 PM »
What I dont like are the people around here that take themselves way too seriously. I mean, really, am I supposed to be impressed that you had 500 more kills than I did last tour in which I only flew 8 hours or so. Sorry buddy....but I'm not. There seem to be certain individuals who always pop up in certain topics and beat the same horses to death over and over and over and over. You are one of them and therefore draw attention to yourself.

Hiya sling why do you read and reply in threads in which you know are like this?

There could be 1 million niki threads and ya dont have to read a 1 of umm.

Seems to me some folks have fun working themselves up just fer the hell of it.

What if someone posted a whine and no buddy read it ..........

There seem to be certain individuals who always pop up in certain topics and beat the same horses to death over and over and over  

aint that the truth........... how many luftwhiners threads you been a part of?

heck ya its a game whine if want to who gives a fek?

Offline sling322

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« Reply #41 on: September 19, 2001, 02:13:00 PM »
Originally posted by Wotan:
Hiya sling why do you read and reply in threads in which you know are like this?

Well ya know...most of the time Wotan, those threads that you try to read aren't about "Niki's".  But you can almost bet that certain individuals will pop in and whine about them somewhere in the thread....its worse than the C-hog ever was, I think.  You need to send an invite to Tac to join your squad....then we will have all 3 of ya's together in one place.   ;)

As for your other many times have you seen me hi-jack a thread for the sole purpose of throwing out a LuftWhiner whine?  I assure you it doesn't happen as often as "some people" like to do the same thing with N1K2 whines...if at all.

And as far as your buddy Urchin....if he wants to hang his hat on the fact that he is a better pilot than me, then more power to him.  As long as it makes him feel "special" I wont deprive him of the pleasure.   :D

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #42 on: September 19, 2001, 03:01:00 PM »
i've seen threads on both sides turn wether they be lw or whatever. but some folks only ever reply to a thread inorder that they can say "im tired of you lwhiners blah blah blah......."

I dont think I've ever seen a sling reply/thread other then the type here.

You will say u never read an Urchin, Tac, Gruen, hazed (insert your token lw here) thread other then a whine wether thats true or not I dont care (i dont read most of um) but you seem (as well as others) to find your way to their posts and regurgitate the same crap.

again if you whine in the forest and nobody hears it a whine?

I usaully look at the name of the guy posting or replieng and simply skip it.


ps You never heard me whine about a niki ever......... but i do hate spitfires the squirrelly bastards(my spit whine best ya gonna get)

buffs......? call it a whine if ya want but I will express how I feel about there impact on gameplay whenever there is a thread about buffs. but I doudt I will ever start one.

as for Urchin you seem to have called his skills into this thread dont blame me (or him) if he throws a comparison back at ya.
Just goto the DA and whoop him a few times.... :)

Offline sling322

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« Reply #43 on: September 19, 2001, 04:29:00 PM »
Well I didnt call his skills into question so much as I called attention to his hypocrisy.  I find it extremely peculiar that someone who spends so much time squeaking about N1K's and La-7's would just jump into one "when he hits a dry spell".  It strikes me more as the actions of a closet-Niki driver who is worried about what others would think about his plane selection rather than worrying about having "FUN" while playing this game.  

As for your suggestion about the DA....I have no desire for it.  I have nothing to prove to Urchin.  He is obviously the better pilot....just look at his rank.

Offline lazs1

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« Reply #44 on: September 19, 2001, 04:36:00 PM »
As usuall wotan.. you are wrong.  not only am i of Scottish decent but most bk's are southern boys and hence, except for the farmer tans, a shade of pale blue.   Allso, you will note that you will never see a bk sig that is bigger than most peoples posts..  And....even tho so many are southern boys.... you won't see us awarding ourselves rank.... not even the obligatory southern "colnel".  allso....

I think urchin is perfect for your squad... good replacement for sturm6 i would say...  have missed all the "i am great and here are my stats to prove it posts"  since ol sturmie left.   I mean... if you don't tell everyone how great u are how will they ever know right? And...

we have a couple of half decent sticks in the bk's but they are virtually unheard of...  that drex guy and hooli are showing some small bit of promise but of course their stats aren't near so good as you guys....  No disipline I suppose.   I keep telling them "quit having fun!  this isn't a game damnit!"  but do you think they will listen and pay attention to their stats?  Nooooo.   Still... I tell em.... "your not any good till your stats show it".  