Author Topic: more AHVoice channels needed  (Read 100 times)

Offline Sancho

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more AHVoice channels needed
« on: April 03, 2002, 09:45:01 PM »
First I will say AHVoice is one of the coolest new features of 1.09.  This is just two ways it could be made much more useful:

Range channel in the MA and CT has proven very useful already for small scale engagements, but having only one channel you can manually tune to in scenarios, large MA missions, and squad operations is not enough.  Why not let every radio channel that you can tune for text also be voice capable?  Often in scenarios, players are tuned to multiple channels for their squad, strike force, command element, etc.  A lot of information is passed down, and often stopping to type a message to command "many bandits spotted, send help!" while talking on squad channel takes too long compared to simply pressing a different button to transmit that on another channel.  Range channel cannot be used since the guys you're calling are too far away.

In the past our squad has used RogerWilco with MyTuner to provide for multiple channels at a single keystroke.  This works somewhat well, with the exception that you cannot monitor more than one channel at once.  Having 5 channels available simultaneously would be a huge benefit.  You could even keep the same keys for transmitting (/, shift-/, ctrl-/, etc.); if the key is tapped, the text window pops up, and if the key is held down, you transmit on ahvoice for that channel.

The second idea I would like to mention is that it would be nice if there were an option to strip AHVoice data from .ahf files, perhaps as an option in ahfilm.exe.  AHVoice in film files is extremely cool, but if I'm getting a bunch of films from my squaddies of an event I flew in, I may not need the voice data in their films, which makes the ahf files much larger.