Author Topic: Hanger for Plane fix?  (Read 213 times)

Offline BigGun

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Hanger for Plane fix?
« on: August 01, 2001, 05:59:00 PM »
I was just thinking it would be nice to have a hanger to pull into & get minor damage repaired on a plane instead of having to grab another one. Something similar to the refuel/arm pad maybe. Taxi into hanger & have the time variable according to the damage on the plane.

Just a thought


Offline SpitLead

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Hanger for Plane fix?
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2001, 06:09:00 PM »
BigGUN this has been brought up before.  Personally, I think it's a great idea.  You can extend sorties that way though you should have to "sit" in the hanger for longer than the re-arm pad.  Kinda makes you nervous especially if field is under attack.  Probably not very realistic though.  Then again it takes away from the pilot who scored hits on you and took pieces of your plane off.  If only indirectly, his efforts should be "rewarded" with having you get a new plane.  How many times did a ground crew in WWII replace an aileron while the pilot sat waiting with the engine running.  Not very many I'll wager.  Well... just talked myself outta that idea!   :D

Offline Kweassa

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Hanger for Plane fix?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2001, 07:54:00 PM »
I also think it is a good idea  :D since I also brought up a simular suggestion not too long ago. But, I think what SpitLead says makes sense too.

 I think we could use a 'cumulative damage system' to go with hangar repairs. Currently, I think AH damage model is sort of.. well.. arbitrary in depicting the way a plane is damaged. Shots fired are either hit or miss, no damage or damage, and the results are always either 'nuthin' doing' or 'total destruction'.
 The plane is actually a very big target(quite amazes me to see pictures of a 'small plane' like F6F-5 with like, 5 guys sitting on the wing alone.. :) ), and though numerous shots are fired the projectiles itself are also very small compared to an airplane.

 I mean, if many shots are landed and it has some deep effect on the wing, it doesn't necessarily mean a wing goes off. For instance, aileron damage might be extensive from mild disturbance in the hydraulics system to actual total destruction of the aileron.

 AH depicts damage as either 'no damage' or 'total destruction'. I say we put in something between - 'very light damage', 'light damage', 'heavy damage'. Then, in cases of 'very light damage' or 'light damage', we might get to fix something in the hangars  :)

Offline AKSWulfe

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Hanger for Plane fix?
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2001, 07:58:00 PM »
A sortie is taking off and landing again.

Therefore, if you land and go to a repair hangar that should count as a sortie. Taking off is another sortie.

It will not artificially inflate the kills per sortie category.

If HTC added a streak counter in the score sheet permanently, would you still desire this "repair hangar"?

Offline Zippatuh

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Hanger for Plane fix?
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2001, 01:12:00 PM »
Sometimes the crew chief just gives you a damn fine bird that seems to have a little mojo put on it.  Maybe I’m a little superstitious but there have been a hand full of times I’ll see the fight has moved 75 miles or so and I’ll refuel and fly the distance.

I just cant tower and change fields, after all, she got me through the last one right  ;).  Elevators, ailerons, the rudder, and bullet holes, sure I’d like to see them repairable.  Give us a reason to drive to the hanger.  Realism, well, how many times did pilots get resurrected from the great beyond to fly yet another sortie  :D.
