Actually, I've been toying with a similar concept, but haven't had time to run it by Pyro. The limited lives is not so hard to do, with a little imagination and support from HTC. Basically, you perk every aircraft, say 1 point each. Then you make all ENY values zero, so you can't earn any more. Than, you preload everyone's CT perk account with four points (enough for four a/c). Goons and GV's could be free, perhaps. HTC would have to be envolved, as this would require some file management from them. The changes to perk accounts, perk costs, and ENY values would have to be done just before the "War-time" and reset again after.
I've also though about doing the same sort of thing for regular CT set ups, where most planes would be zero perk costs and ENY values, but a few choice models would have a nominal perk cost. Again, everyone's perk account would be reset and preloaded with enough perk point to buy two or three uber planes, and once they were gone than no more uber planes for you. The idea would be to represent the limited availabliltiy of certain late war uber rides. Just thinking out load, but it has potential. After your uper rides were trashed, you'd still be able to fly the non-perked planes for the rest of the set up.
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