Use the object group that's already made.
Place this at least 2.5 miles from land.
Select the SHP0 of this fleet and enter a DATA number which is the same as the Field number of the Port that you want to control it.
If you want Field 5 ( which is P5 ) to control the fleet, enter 5 in the DATA box of SHP0.
You can map out a course for your fleet or not. It's up to you. Ship with no course will not move when the game is run until some gives it one.
Once you done with placing stuff I would then:
1) click Make Map ( select 512 x 512 )
2) Close the Editor ( while saving )
3) rename the " map.bmp " that the Editor made to the name of your terrain. This .bmp also must be converted to 256 Color.
4) restart the Editor
5) click on Build
6) Close the Editor ( while saving )
7) Find your terrain in the C:\Program Files\HTC\aheditor\terrains copy it and Paste it into your C:\Program Files\HTC\Aces High\terrains
8) Run Aces High and select your terrain.
Note! If things didn't work in the game with your terrain then you should repeat STEP #4