Author Topic: Taking off / Key and Joystick config  (Read 427 times)

Offline Mix

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Taking off / Key and Joystick config
« on: April 21, 2002, 05:54:29 PM »
Hi all,

The following are probably going to seem like total newbie questions :)  I've downloaded Aces High, and have been experimenting with it in offline mode to get a feel for it before determining whether I want to subscribe... I've had a lot of problems just taking off though...

The auto take-off seems to work fine for fighter airplanes, but fails miserably with bombers.  I dont think I'm getting full throttle either... I've calibrated the joystick, the calibration screen shows the full range of the throttle slider as it should, yet I can't get the bomber to get more than a few feet off the ground without stalling (flaps are set, auto-take off is set, etc).

Every now and then, I can actually climb a few more feet in the bombers, but I quickly stall anyway.  On top of that, I've tried to use the keyboard commands to set throttle, but the default keys for throttle control are unresponsive.  All other functions seem to work though - I've even tried remapping the throttle control without success.

Any ideas at all?  I'm using a Logitech Wingman Extreme, combined with a 1.4Ghz Athlon system...  This game seems good, but it's been an extremely frustrating experience so far.  I'd like to be able to at least play before making my decision :)

-- Mix

Offline SKurj

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Taking off / Key and Joystick config
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2002, 06:07:24 PM »
put flaps up in bombers when taking off, if u need to drop flaps to get off the run way drop a notch close to the end of the runway.
Online you RARELY ever need more than 50% fuel, with most runs requiring only 25%.

odds are if in AH calibration u are getting full throttle, you are in game.


Offline Mix

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« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2002, 06:31:43 PM »
Forgive my ignorance on the subject... shouldn't the auto take-off be able to get the bomber off the runway and climbing into the air?  It doesn't seem to be able to do that... it gets off the runway (sometimes), but then flies extremely low, seeminly unable to attain any altitude...  

How can I truly tell if I'm getting full throttle like i should?

-- Mix

Offline SKurj

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Taking off / Key and Joystick config
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2002, 07:35:09 PM »
Mix autotakeoff is NOT failsafe...

If you are taking off from a sea level base auto will always get you up and climb as far as u have fuel for
at least at fuel levels of 50% or less.  
If you drop flaps prior to rolling you add drag, thats why I operate the flaps myself close to rotation.

If you are trying to takeoff a fully loaded lanc from a hi altitude base all i can say is good luck! +)

The runways are not realistic in length or width.

Autotakeoff will NOT get you off a carrier in a fully loaded F4u-1D either.

I am willing to bet you are getting 100% throttle...
In a fighter if u can engage wep (p key) you are getting 100% throttle, therefore u also are in a buff.


Offline Mix

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« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2002, 09:17:45 PM »
I had a bit more success this time when I lowered the fuel to 50% instead... I presume it does take quite some time for a bomber to reach a good flying height?

Anyway, thank you for the help so far.  I think I'm going to swap over to my Saitek X45 for better control.  Maybe I'll get signed up for this game afterall! :)

Looking forward to it.

-- Mix

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bomber takeoffs and field altitude
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2002, 02:02:05 AM »
the short answer is:  in a bomber, raise the flaps all the way at the start of the takeoff run.  

the default setting will not get you even off the ground at a small field, and only at sea level on a large field.  the reason is that the flaps add too much drag and don't let the plane accelerate to the required threshold speed for auto-takeoff (typically 125 mph) before the end of the runway :).  also, after takeoff, the flaps will make it harder to reach best climb speed.

i recently did some testing of takeoff capabilities of three heavy aircraft (as part of design of a new terrain with high-altitude fields).  it seems relevant, so here it is:

i thought i'd do some testing of takeoffs from fields at various altitudes - here are the results.

all tests were done with full load (100% fuel, max loadout weight, airfield supplies for the goon).

i created fields at many different altitudes. i checked both small and large fields due to their differing runway lengths.

i tested the Lancaster, B-17 and C-47 to find the max altitude at which they could take off, either in auto-takeoff mode or manually. i fully raised flaps to gain max speed on the runway (without doing this, the Lanc and B-17 max alt using auto-takeoff is 1k at a large field, and they can't take off at sea level from a small field).

here are the highest altitudes (to the nearest thousand feet) at which takeoff is successful:

--- Lancaster ---
auto: 9k at large fields, 1k at small fields
manual: 9k at large fields, 1k at small fields

--- B-17 ---
auto: 9k at large fields, 4k at small fields
manual: 14k at large fields, 8k at small fields

--- C-47 ---
auto: 10k at large fields, 8k at small fields
manual: not sure, but very high... i took off successfully at a small field at 30k alt!

i think the reason there is a big difference between auto and manual in the B-17 and the C-47, but not the Lanc, is that the Lanc's true minimum takeoff speed is around 125 mph, but for the others it's much lower.  however auto-takeoff seems to wait until any plane is at 125 mph before rotating.
Madina ... AHWiki

Offline TruB0

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Re: bomber takeoffs and field altitude
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2002, 03:29:30 PM »
however auto-takeoff seems to wait until any plane is at 125 mph before rotating.

The longer you stay level, the more speed you gain. I kill the auto-takeoff in a fighter and stay on the runway as long as possible to get as much speed as possible :)

Offline Runtly

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Take offs in bombers
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2002, 07:36:37 AM »
...and remember, in addition to cutting fuel to 50% or less, don't let any of us fat guys into your turrent guns, especially the belly guns....lolol;)

Offline Roscoroo

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Taking off / Key and Joystick config
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2002, 05:57:29 PM »
I myself put the flaps up ,use auto climb . roll the runway and at the end of the strip put the flaps down one notch turn off the auto climb as soon as it comes off. then level the buff out , get the air speed up to 150-160 then climb out at 1000 fpm for most of the buffs,and 500-700 fpm for a lanc , (hit shift X) and let it do its job, watch the air speed  if it drops more then 10 mph and or keeps dropping  then you are climbing to much for your load out, level out gain the speed again and reset the climb , with practice you will get the feel for the correct speed and climb amount for each buff and load out ,along with trying to use the least amount of fuel ,  50% is the most you should ever need,

and i also use a wingman extreame and havent had any problems with it in this game at all :D
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
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Offline Rude

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Taking off / Key and Joystick config
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2002, 09:37:16 AM »
Heyas Mix....stick with it:)

Hope to see ya up in the MA.......thats the best forum to determine if you would enjoy AH.

Cyas Up!

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Taking off / Key and Joystick config
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2002, 02:01:49 PM »
--- C-47 ---
auto: 10k at large fields, 8k at small fields
manual: not sure, but very high... i took off successfully at a small field at 30k alt!

Isn't this above the max alt for a C47?