Author Topic: is LW to scared?  (Read 173 times)

Offline bikekil

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is LW to scared?
« on: April 23, 2002, 05:10:32 AM »
Is LW to scared to fight with allies at Saturday TOD's???
I saw many post about Uber LW pilots, with greatest skills.
Every time when it comes to confrontation on BB i see "RAF planes are for no skilled dweebs" and "if you want to be a real man - fly LW iron".
Sorry to see that this great bunch of hardcore pilots have no balls to fight at Saturday TOD.
Frame 2 Battle of Berlin results:
Axis - 78.50 points
Allies - 1,164.00 points

Salute to all axis pilots flying that event! you guys doing a great job while fighting outnumbered by allied forces! Sorry, to see that you are small bunch of brave pilot from whole axis forces ( i considered as a brave guys as a whole before).

Where are ya... and where are yer balls i'm asking?

once again: for this 20 axis pilots who showed up last Sat! You guys rocks!

Offline Wotan

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is LW to scared?
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2002, 05:20:35 AM »
how mant lw squads do you think fly in friday TODs?


How many lw squads are in ah? about as many that are left in wbs.

The predominant market seems to be to those that prefer planes other then lw. Nothing wrong with that. Fly what you want.

Anyway my point is there isnt that many in AH anyway and even fewer that are interested in tod.  So it seems.

Offline CavemanJ

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is LW to scared?
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2002, 06:58:37 AM »
I was there to fly for the LW (Lord only knows why the 412th was fragged for 190s!!)

But due to circumstances beyond my control (including, but not limited to connection issues), by the time I got an answer from the big cheese of the TOD I wasn't allowed to fly.

Offline Apar

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is LW to scared?
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2002, 08:35:20 AM »
Do we have a LW????

We have a couple of dedicated LW pilots, but that is about it.

I suggest you try to convince 'some of the allied pilots' to fly Axis in the TOD to even up the No's rather than trying to find a LW.

Although I doubt that many allied are willing to do that, because it will hamper their 'uberness'


Offline Hajo

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is LW to scared?
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2002, 08:41:41 AM »
Hard to make TOD and other scheduled events of any nature.  I work swing other words I do have a life outside of Aces High .......would like to make them.....but sometimes impossible   :eek:
- The Flying Circus -

Offline sling322

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is LW to scared?
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2002, 08:55:39 AM » guys are missing the whole point here.

First of all, you dont just choose a side for the TOD.  You give a preference and we try to accomodate that choice as much as possible, but we still have to have balance.  A squad is expected to be there and meet their commitment numbers each TOD....not just when they want to.

Secondly, the numbers going into this TOD were even.  The attendance has not been.  I thought this was a very good write-up that Sax did and I dont understand why the attendance has not been there.  

There were a number of very vocal individuals clamoring for a Euro-friendly time TOD.  The CM team would very much like to hear what kind of suggestions you may have to help get the numbers back up where they need to be.

Offline Wilbus

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is LW to scared?
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2002, 09:29:07 AM »
Will see if I can sign up III/JG5 for it, never participated in a TOD and we don't have very many members.
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

Liberating Livestock since 1998, recently returned from a 5 year Sheep-care training camp.

Offline Wlfgng

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is LW to scared?
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2002, 10:53:45 AM »
Saturday isn't a good time for most to sit in front of a computer playing a game.  At least it isn't for me

Offline bikekil

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is LW to scared?
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2002, 01:40:04 PM »
Will see if I can sign up III/JG5 for it, never participated in a TOD and we don't have very many members.

WTG Wilbus!!!

That's why i started this :D that's the positive response. even if not many means 2-3 pilots, it's still 2-3 pilots more :cool:

I do have real life and that's why i can't fly everyday. I do understand that you guys have your duties in RL as well!
please forgive me if offended any of you! i really see LW pilots here as a well skilled enemy! just wanted to make ya feel that after this word i told about your "bravery", ya will want your revenge on me and you come to fly Sat TOD :)

If your squad don't want to fly TOD's but you do - you can allways register as a guest pilot of ANY participating squadron there :) just contact squad CO and ask for invitation before, so they can report his current number to CM's :-]

Offline Wotan

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is LW to scared?
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2002, 08:34:23 PM »
wilbus if you do I know a couple of euro guys in my squad that may wanna fly as your guest.

let me know..........

Offline palef

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is LW to scared?
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2002, 11:39:33 PM »
That's "too scared" thank you.


Offline Lazerus

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is LW to scared?
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2002, 02:00:08 AM »
Originally posted by Wlfgng
Saturday isn't a good time for most to sit in front of a computer playing a game.  At least it isn't for me

Same here. I would love to fly a TOD, but I work every Saturday untill either 6pm EST or 9 pm EST. As far as LW planes, I'll fly whatever's needed. I'm in a LW squad (jg2), and would prefer the challenge put forth by LW planes. If the TOD could be on a weekday night I think the attendance might improve. I know that I would make myself available if I could. Just my 2 pence worth.

Offline Swoop

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is LW to scared?
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2002, 02:29:00 AM »
The whole point of having a saturday TOD was so the Euro crowd didnt have to get up at 4am on saturday morning to fly in the FRIDAY TOD.

But Euro's in sat TOD seem pretty thin.....I'm one, but then I'd be at a TOD if it was held 6am monday morning via LAN on Mars.

And frankly......this is directed at Flossy......when the LW is 18 v 36 and we get 1 more pilot show up 15 mins after start time.........the rules about the fields being closed COULD have been broken.  No point in complaining at the time but since it's been brought up now I really do think that CavemanJ should have been allowed to up, to make it 19 v 36.  Maybe more than 1 LW plane would have survived the frame.

Offline Midnight

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is LW to scared?
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2002, 10:15:52 AM »

Let's see.. 412th FS upped with 2x 190D9s and headed out on patrol NW.

We spotted 6-8 P-47D-30s and 2x P-38Ls which we promptly bypassed in search of bomber formations.

After about 15 more minutes of flying, and no bombers in the area, we decided to head back towards A17 where P-51s and the P-47s were reported.

I found a P-38 flying in and took a dive on him. Being a rookie in the D9, I was unble to maintain firm control in the dive and wasn't able to put a killing shot on my target.

After getting closer to A17, I spotted some lower contacts to my west and started pursuit, figuring they may be the bombers I was looking for.

Unfortunately, the contacts turned out to be P-47s. I dove in to engage to trialing 47s, but was unable to get a good shot before they saw me coming. The other two kept heading West, but in a steady climb. I knew they would be back.

My wingman went lower in pursuit of another 47, but was jumped by a second which dispatched him before I could respond.

I then fought with / extended from the P-47s for several minutes, getting various off angle firing shots at them, but never getting a clear advantage. I finally got saddled up on a P47 as I saw the other two fly back over head.

Disregarding the danger, I kept on my target hoping to score lucky with my 20mm, but to no avail. A quick stream of tracers from a high-angle HO of another P-47 resulted in the loss of my left flap and elevator.

I extended and then saw the P-47s breaking West again. I figured them for low fuel and once again gave pursuit. This time, I was able to close within 300 yards of one of them, but lost tally as he rolled and went under my nose. Knowing the other two were coming around again, I spilt-S and tried to bug out. I looked back and was putting distance between me and 3 of them, but one had a steeper dive and was just starting to nose up again.

Tracers went flashing by and my left wing departed from the aircraft. Upon bailout, I was informed that Sancho had shot me down....

Flying TODs in those kind of odds is a fruitless exercise for the outnumbered, and boring for those in the hordes. I hope that someone can find a way to fix the Saturday TODs. As it stands today, there is a 5 - 0 vote to withdraw the 412th from Saturdays. Even we cannot put up the numbers we do on Friday.

This week, we fielded 15 pilots on Friday, and only 2 on Saturday. As mentioned, a 3rd was present (late) and was not allowed to take part, which didn't help us, or his outlook on the TOD very much at all.