Author Topic: F4U-1C and the moron factor...  (Read 213 times)


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F4U-1C and the moron factor...
« on: April 23, 2001, 12:08:00 PM »
Who will save us from the -1C?   What can be done?  Why is it that the 1C is not perked and the Ta 152 is??? Simple really.   The 1C is not perked cause it's a medicocre plane in every aspect except firepower and ordinance and.... it can take off from a carrier... Why is the Ta 152 perked?  cause it is untochable in competent hands.... boring... but, untouchable.

Now HT could see this and he rated the planes accordingly.  So... why are so many afraid of the 1C and the Ta 152 is no big deal?   The Moron factor.   You have to either be very unlucky or a moron to be killed by a 1C in anything like an equal fight.   You have to be a moron to be killed while in a Ta152 period.  If you assign any supernatural abilities to the 1C you are either not experianced (don't fly it) or ... a moron.

so why does the 1C have so many kills?  Why is it used so much?  well... not just the moron factor but.. popularity.   They are popular because they are available at popular places... places that are where the fights are.  the carriers.  The only fields that stay open (fighters available) long enough to engender some real furballs and kills/per time are the carriers.   MANY sorties right off the carrier and into the action.   Target rich environment.  Taking fields with jabo is also a factor too.   You can have 4 times as many kills/sortie kills/time from/near carriers than if you only took off from the easily closed useless airfields.

The nik is a lot more deadly plane but... it can't take off from carriers and it doesn't have the top speed.  You can't allways just run away when things start getting heavy.

you don't see a lot of hogs of any type taking off for field defense.. you wanna have less hogs?   Make closing the field to fighters harder to do than deroofing a couple of buildings.   Course... then everyone will be crying about the nik or the spit or whatever.

Offline mx22

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F4U-1C and the moron factor...
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2001, 12:17:00 PM »
Originally posted by lazs:
You have to either be very unlucky or a moron to be killed by a 1C in anything like an equal fight.

When was the last time you had an equal fight? I know for sure those come rare to me. Mostly I either bounce someone or being bounced myself. 1v1 engagements are very rare in the MA and that is why C-Hog is good plane for it - you just need a snapshot to serisouly damage or kill your opponent.



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F4U-1C and the moron factor...
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2001, 12:22:00 PM »

You don't want the other guys to catch onto this phenonema I call the "Whiney B*tch" syndrome.

It manifests itself in people already bordering on insanity, the F4U icon and the sound of quad Hispanos is only slowly rocking them over the border. Unfortunately, everytime they come here to the UBB and B*TCH about it they rebound back into temporary sanity which in turns saves them from their wives or children or close friends from calling up the Psych ward at the local hospital for a sedated stay in a nice warm straight jacket.

See, my being here is really a lie.. I in fact can not stand WWII games or flying.. I hate it. But HTC made an agreement with the other psychiatrists I work with to study the "average" gamer and see what makes him fly off the handle. Through several hours of discussion and several kegs of beer with HTC, we concluded throwing in the most obscure and heavily armed aircraft that flew in US markings would be the best way to study the "Whiney B*tch" syndrome.

So far the work has come along quite far and we have seen quite a few members "quit" because of this plane.* The study has been an astounding success and I appreciate everyone's unwitting contribution to this project which is testing for the effects of being a whiney b*tch due to someone beating you in a game.

The LuftWhiner clique have each been traced through their ISP to exactly where they live, and have been marked as the most dangerous and amazingly reliable group to have a fit of "Whiney B*tch" so you shall see this group die down rather quickly due to them "quitting".*

Thanks for being test subjects.
Dr. Long D. Silver
*Quit/Quitting refers to these participants being pulled from society and being so heavily sedated with medication that they can not resist us when we place them in their straight jackets and lock them away until they stop screaming "CHOG" every minute.

Offline Animal

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F4U-1C and the moron factor...
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2001, 03:50:00 PM »
I agree with lazs

If I get killed by a Chog, its probably when it catches me off guard, or in a big furball where anyone could have killed me.

1 on 1? I doubt it. It is a toejamty plane.
I like when people whine about it, cause the way I see it they are saying "Wow I really suck, I lost to that crap plane, I better whine to make people believe that it is a REALLY good plane"

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F4U-1C and the moron factor...
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2001, 04:16:00 PM »
All of this personal testimonial stuff about how the CHog sucks is utterly irrelevant.

You have two  sides talking past each other.

The point is, does having one AC (that was fairly irrelevant to WWII) be SO MANY of the arena planes reduce the interest and fun factor of the MA?

It's not a debate over the precise uber-capablities of a certain plane. It's a simple question of arena numbers. I'd advocate perking the Mc202 if for some insane reason it lead the next most popular plane in kills by a margin of 3 to 1 for several tours in a row.

Whether Joe Superpilot killed 5 CHogs last night with his Mc202 is beyond irrelevant.

But the only response people make to people complaining about there being too many Chogs is to focus on whether the plane is if the mere fact that Chog can be shot down at all is evidence it shouldn't be perked.

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F4U-1C and the moron factor...
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2001, 04:29:00 PM »
I agree Torgo, I understand that people say there are too many chogs in th arena (I dont see that many tho) and I understand people can get bored of that.

But when people start saying that the chog is a super plane and that there is no way of killing, it only shows what their skill level is.

Offline Maverick

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F4U-1C and the moron factor...
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2001, 01:04:00 AM »
<general type rant>

I really don't see how anyone can say they are bored with the chog kills they make. If you can kill anything be happy about it. Why complain that you kill too many of plane X, Y or Z. If you are bored in the game take a break from it or drop out.

You don't want anyone telling you how to play your game or fly whatever plane you want to fly so give the others the same respect.

You pay your $30.00 a month so play and forget what someone else flies.

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