Author Topic: After Action Report Competition.  (Read 559 times)

Offline Swoop

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After Action Report Competition.
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2001, 04:42:00 PM »

Yeah, so who won?


Offline Gadfly

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« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2001, 06:48:00 PM »
The favorite one that I have written:

Topic: The Shepherd
Author: Lizking
posted February 11, 2000 11:48 PM

It was a beautiful morning on his hill. A low peninsula, really, jutting out into the deep cerulean blue of the Mediterranean, this was his favorite spot to wait out the chill of the morning dew.

His sheep were scattered, spooked just a bit by the gaggle of ships offshore. Planes were circling the big ship like fat little flies around a pile of dung, and the drone of their engines was making him sleepy.

From the other side of the peninsula, a much louder sound echoed from the hills of the mainland. Another group of planes, big ones with two motors, was heading towards the ships, low and fast.

A lone plane, apart from the group and unseen by him, smashed into the ground on top of the shepherd, scattering flaming wreckage and sheep parts over the rocky ground. The last thing the shepherd saw before he was with his God was the Surprised Eyes of Lizking as he drove his plane into the shepherd, and the hillside.

Another Fun SL.......

Offline Swoop

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« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2001, 11:55:00 AM »
<yet another punt>

I wanna know who won.


Offline Ddriag

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« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2001, 02:15:00 PM »
Comp closes at end of march! 1 week to go.


Offline snafu

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« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2001, 04:31:00 PM »


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« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2001, 04:38:00 PM »
I've posted this before a while back but here it is again...

Flying for nits I upped from 5, which was under sporadic attack, in a pony with 75% fuel. Someone had just called out to watch for goons approaching 5 so I was hoping for some easy kills to get me in the swing of things.

My wife had me afk for a few minutes so I set auto climb. When I came back and looked around, hey presto! Goon low on my 2 oclock and noone else around... I did a nice lazy wing over, slid down over the shoulder of the goon to his 6 and gave him a 1/2 sec burst from about 300yds... boom!!! #1

I noticed an F6 that had tried to catch me while attacking the goon. He was between me and another low dot on the horizon so I immelmanned and dove past him, avoiding his clumsy HO attempt. I drove straight at the low dot as the F6 tried to catch up. He got distracted by another knight so I was free to chase the low con which turned out to be a tbm. I attacked from high 7-6 got hits over the wing and tail of the tbm. As I looped up and over for another pass he went into the drink... #2.

I then noticed another knight in a fight with a red pony who ran as I tried to engage. We ended up in a 3 v 3 with another red pony and a spit and 2 other knights. I pulled in behind a spit that was on the 6 of a friendly who had ignored my 6 calls as he was chasing the original red pony. I saddled up on the spit and blew him to pieces (#3) as he got my countryman. I then found myself dead 6 on the red pony and blew him up too... #4.

Looking around my countrymen had taken off after the last pony who was running as fast as he could towards friendly ack. I noticed a lone B26 slightly above me headed for 5. I stayed at my current level and bore in for a 90 degree deflection shot that all went into the belly of the plane (wow I couldnt miss this sortie!!!) and as I extended for another pass boom!!! #5.

At this stage I was down to 25% fuel and only had about 300 rnds left so I called winchester and started heading back to 5. As I did so I saw another con approaching 5 slightly higher again so I thought I'd check it out. It turned into a lancaster about 1k above me so I hit WEP and ran in to attack, thinking I'd make one pass to soften him up for the other defenders. As I aproached the pilot saw me and dove away from me to bring his tail gun to bear on me. I pulled in from his 8 and slightly above and let rip 100 rounds from about 150yds. To my amazement I hit right in the centre of the fuselage!!! As I pulled away thinking I'd RTB boom!!! #6.

After swapping a couple of words with Feenyx (countrymate who had seen my Lanc attack) about exactly what winchester meant, I made a soft landing at 5 with 6 kills and not a scratch on my pony.

I then proceeded to log as I had to go make dinner!

Offline Swoop

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« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2001, 08:55:00 AM »

OK, so who won?  


Offline Swoop

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« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2001, 08:56:00 AM »

OK, so who won?  


Offline Swoop

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« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2001, 11:26:00 AM »
yes another   <PUUUUUNT>


Offline snafu

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« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2001, 06:28:00 PM »
Ya gonna tell us who won or what (Punt)  


Offline Fatty

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« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2001, 06:37:00 PM »
20:05 CST - Logged in.

20:06 CST - Checked clipboard map.

20:09 CST - Noticed assault on 19.

20:10 CST - Selected F6F with full ordinance and took off from 18.

20:12 CST - Seeing a long flight, went to the kitchen for something to drink.

20:15 CST - On the way back, noticed an interesting program on TV.

20:16 CST - Sat down on couch to watch for a bit.

20:28 CST - After flipping through channels during a commercial, stumbled upon Scinemax softcore movie.

20:50 CST - Loud pinging noises and an obnoxious stall horn from other room remind me I was logged into Aces High.

20:51 CST - After extracting myself from couch, I successfully cross the other room and have a look at the computer.  The view is from the tower.

20:55 CST - Disgusted with performance, I take off from 18 towards 19 on autoclimb.

20:56 CST - Drink's empty, heading to kitchen.

20:58 CST - Hey, what's that on TV......


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« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2001, 07:42:00 PM »
C-47-1 eskimo

Once General Patton heard that his "Loverboy" (Sgt. Barrow) was down, he ordered the rest of the Buccaneers to rescue him at all costs.
The C-47 seemed pretty sluggish compared to my usual P-38, "Sgt. Hall and His Unfeasibly Large Testicles", but it was a breeze to fly. I climbed to 10K before crossing the mountains. I spotted Sgt. Barrows crashed P-38 at about 20 miles out and dove down at 270 mph. At 10 miles out I spotted bogies high to the West and called them out to the lucky bastards who got to fly planes with guns.
I touched down and taxied up to Sgt. Barrows (Buhdman) P-38. As I approached I saw a parachute wrapped around the left vertical stab. My eyes traced the chute cords 20' back to a lump that I soon realized was Sgt. Barrow. With a dogfight erupting above me I dashed out of the 47's cargo door toward Sgt. Barrow. My mind was racing, trying to figure out what had happened. It suddenly all made sense. Sgt. Barrow never wears his harness,... and always flies with the canopy open. The S.O.B. opened his parachute inside the plane,... AGAIN! This time, however, it got caught on the rudder. His plane must have dragged him around for the better part of an hour before it ran out of gas and glided in. It's hard to imagine that he could have survived being dragged on the ground behind his un-piloted P-38 at 120 mph as it slid to a stop, but I am sure that's what must have happened. The long shallow pond behind his 38 probably saved his life! Just his luck that he survived the ordeal!
My eyes watered as I knelt over him to undo his chute harness because the smell of scotch was so strong (a gift from Patton, you can bet). His eyes popped open as he awoke from his snooze. He immediately exclaimed, "HHHHHeeeeeeeeeyyyyy ......eeski...mowww!!". He then proceeded to vomit on my blouse, and passed out. "Sgt. Barrow, drunk as always", I thought to myself. I threw him over my shoulder, marched back to the 47, and shoved him though the cargo door.
I then proceeded to take off to the east, away from the fight. I got a glimpse of a 190, but the buccaneers chased it off. It wasn't long before I heard that oosik and Delta had gone down. oosik was now dead and Delta needed a rescue. ...Thanks Sgt. Barrow. I debated going back for Delta. Knfe called me back to get him, and Whitey told me to head back to base. I turned back for Delta four times, but on each occasion spotted multiple bogies. My squad was now anchored, and more Buccaneers were going down, ... Gronk, and then ...Camel. I shamefully decided to run for home (as knfe repeatedly pointed out). Sabre managed to find me and escort me home. An N1k and FW-190 were driven off so that I could land safely.
I just hope that Patton is happy.


Offline NUTTZ

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« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2001, 08:54:00 PM »
OK, My AAR to end all AAR's!

I will post this as unbias as i can be so i will post BOTH aar's, the enemies ( as i would percieve it ) and mine...

First the enemies AAR:

On routine patrol, I encountered a lone B-17 flying to our HQ at 25 thousand feet. I fired a few short burst and immediately saw the b-17 spirel into the clouds were i lost sight. I presume he crashed or was hit by one of my shells.

Hopping into my B-17 and putting her on auto for the boring climb to enemy HQ, I was at 3k when i recieved new orders ( wife handed me the honeydo list) quicky glancing over said orders, this would be a snap! with a quick calculation, i could do the honeydo list by the time my b-17 hit maximum strike alt.
The list was short, but no grub if not completed, and the grumble in my stomach and smell of mashed potatoes made me tend to duties with a smile.

Har!!! the list was done and i was 24k, I just settled into my seat and noticed a far dot off my 6,,,Hmmm freindly? I quickly fumbled for the clipboard, NEG enemy!! i jump to tail gunner. HAH! a 109. In my head i quickly scan ahead thinking what i would say as i remove him from the virtual skies, and wonder who the pilot is.... 3k out,,, YUM YUM,,,,, 2k out,, OH BoY, i'mm gonna smoke him!!!,,,,, 1k the itch in my trigger finger is gonna get scratched  

Just as i squeeze the trigger, My wife puts my dinner plate down and half the plate covers my keyboard, the veiws go WILD and i panick!! WTF is happening????   Then, My 200 LBS Rottweiller( smelling people food) tries to act like mans best freind and lies at my feet, ,,, OH, btw my foot is on my rudder peddal, so that sends me spirelling to meet my maker. I'm screaming and grunting knowning "I" on my end have lost all controll and know there was a 109 pilot who is thinking he's following some easy clueless newbie who can't fly a plane to save his life. As all this wasn't enough, my daughter looks at my puzzled, grunting, bewildered face, ( YES, grunting, the English language at this point was a blur) and ask me for movie money. Fumbling for my wallet while one foot is secured to the floor and the monitor is giving me vertigo is not an easy thing to do. I toss her the wallet and tell her " take what you need"  THAT my freinds is nothing to ever say to a 14 year old girl, and I will NEVER do that again     I hear a "plink" Plink" over the speakers and knew i had to act quickly...

I push the plate aside and it lands on the floor   But my dog is also on auto pilot and immediately gets off my foot and eats what was my dinner... WHAAAHOOOO i have control and get this b-17 level at 4k..... We'll i didn't die and i didn't hit the target.

Thats ok, But It was really hard explaining to my wife why the Pizza deliver guy was at the door 15 minutes after she cooked me dinner.


[This message has been edited by NUTTZ (edited 04-06-2001).]

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2001, 10:10:00 PM »
My AAR for tonite...nothing special though.  Special only in the sense that I actually flew something other than P-51.  Represents a typical "AH evening"

Having been flying AW for most the evening because AH was dark when I tried to log on, I check out AH and notice (after driving a PT boat which lacks a clock) that it's about noon.  Good, I'll actually be able to play this time.

Flight 1.  Up in P-51 (forget which model, "B" I think), fly around awhile not even really aware what base I was at.  Eventually, I catch up to a B-17, which proved to be the only B-17 I would see tonight. I made a side attack and actually hit it a few times before it saws off everything from the cockpit back.  Blasted B-17's!  Spinnn spinnn spinnn bail falling....chute catches...back to tower for me.  I think I damaged something on that buff.

Flight 2.  I decided that heavier armor was in order (when in doubt get a plane with good armor--it'll scare them).  Picked F4U, and took off.  Wallowing around, I notice these huge guns sticking out of my wings....and remember that AH has a "C" model F4U.  DAMN! Those things look almost like miniguns!  I feel like the TERMINATOR....   WEEE I'm in a tough plane with big guns too--those blasted bombers will pay now!    Attack one LANC, it blowed up nicely.  Attack another LANC and it blowed up nicely too.  Unfortunately something ripped off my horizontal stabilizers....what was that soft "piiiinnnggg" I had heard??  Oh yeah the LANC has lots of little .303's! Blasted LANCS!   Spinnnn spinnnn spinnn bail  OW it helps to open the chute.

Flight 3.   Seeing the need for heavier armor (I'll stop those friggin bombers yet!) I take up a B-26 with absolutely no intention of bombing anything.  For awhile I watch as fighters make cautions passes at me, then veer away the moment I open up on them--obviously they FEAR my bomber (good thing they don't know a dweeb is flying it).  Eventually I catch up with something (can't remember what it was, a LANC I think)and proceed to play "air galleons" with it.  I win with no noticable damage.  Later I kill another LANC the old-fashioned way--with the pilot-controlled guns.  I feel all-powerful; any fighter that comes near me runs away as soon as I open up on em.  Unfortunately I forgot that I had only 25% fuel and coast into a landing with a dead stick.  Even more unfortunately, I forgot how long it takes for B-26 landing gear to come down, and pancake in on my belly.  If those waistgunners were real, I'm quite sure they'd have been upset with me     Still, any landing you walk away from is a good one, so that classifies as "good".

Flight 4.  I miss my P-51, and grab a P-51B.  Somehow I get the notion that I'll extend from the fight and get some alt, despite the fact that our base was surrounded by red CONS (maybe I'm just an optimist).  As soon as I lift off, I notice an F6F diving straight at me....but he misses (whew).  I orbit for awhile, as it's not safe to go much of anywhere with high CONS lurking behind every cloud.  I then get lucky, and creep up behind a F4U that's trying to vulch....with the assistance of a friendly flakgun I dispatch this F4U.  Now I really wish I'd took a Spit--being low, slow, and skilless in a P-51 tends to be only slightly less dangerous than Russian Roulette with all 6 bullets loaded.  Still, I get lucky, and don't get shot down (probably because NME's tend to ignore low slow P-51's when planes that are actually threatening are lurking around)  Eventually, I need to land again, having expended my ammo on a couple more enemies.  Next time, I need to write myself a note--turn off CT and trim properly BEFORE I'm on final at 120 MPH.  Trimming when you're 20 feet off the ground and at less than 120 MPH isn't usually a good idea, and is even worse if you're banked about 75 degrees.  Oh well, at least I got back into the TOWER that much quicker.  I'm sure the fields gunners had a good bellylaugh watching me cartwheel about half a dozen times.

So that was a typical JAB day of AH.  It was quite fun, actually, and <<S>> everyone who was in the area.  AH needs more good fights like that