Q: "Why are all other planes faster than any i am allowed to fly is it because when you pay your plane starts working?"
A: The answer is because you don't know how to accelerate/deccelerate. There are differences in maximum speeds, but it really isn't a issue in dogfights.
Q: "Whats this anoying buzzing noise that sounds whenever i try to fly these planes/bricks like 400 mph+ fighters instead of a like a 747 with its flaps down?"
A: That annoying buzz is the plane screaming at you "ouch! learn to fly, dammit!"
Q: "Why can i see other planes doing totaly impossible flipping and spinning things?"
A: That is because the pilots in those planes know how to fly.
Q: "Why are the turning rate and roling rates so slow on all planes?"
A: That is because you don't know how to fly.
Q: "Why is the 'pilot' such a popsicle and reds/blacks out at the slightest hint of G?"
A: That is because any living organism that even remotely resembles a human being is supposed to be "such a popsicle". God made humans that way.
Q: "Have the people who made this actually ever flown? If so are they really fat and unhealthy computer programers who cant take a 30 degree bank without throwing up?
A: Yes, they have flown. The fat and unhealthy guys are the FDBs, not HTC.
Now my turn for questioning!
Question: Is this a troll?