Author Topic: vulching{ multiple account players}  (Read 3145 times)


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vulching{ multiple account players}
« on: March 27, 2000, 12:01:00 AM »
There is alot of guys here that are flying 2 accounts or more. I propose that if you fly 2 or more and kill 1 of your own accounts some how it should show up on your kill board. The vulching here is terrible! A  joke realy 10 to 15 kill missions are common. I doubt that with the very high skill level here that vets would up over and over to die at 30 feet. It screws up kill board stats makes ranking system worthless. I propose a asterisk or seperate box on kill board for those who engage in this practice. I you do not kill your own know one will know you fly two names. Spys are also part of game but if your not poping your own no one will ever know you have  two. Ensureing privacy

Offline Spatula

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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2000, 12:30:00 AM »
The vultching done here is not done purely for kills. Sure there are some that thrive on that sort of thing, but the majority of vultching is done in a desperate attempt to 'close the feild' (lets avoid this can o' worms) ie to stop personX from launchin in spit while troops are out and mowing them down while still rolling. We cant close feilds here, vultchin is the unfortunate reality of what NEEDS to be done to give the attacking country any show of capturing a  feild.

BTW - im not condoning vultching, its a necessary evil under present conditions that when 1.02 comes out will be solved (closable feilds).

Bring on 1.02    

Supreme Mega-Overlord Spatula

"...perfect for serving"

=357th Pony Express=

[This message has been edited by Spatula (edited 03-27-2000).]
Airborne Kitchen Utensil Assault Group

Offline Dinger

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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2000, 04:54:00 AM »
You know, there are times when I actually enjoy being vulched: admittedly, not when there's more than 2 vulchers around, but it is quite a challenge to get something in the air and try to turn the tables on these folks.  I mean where else do you get such extensive practice in recovering from a serious E deficit?  Score-schmore, you know a good pilot when you fight one.  And that kill tastes even better when you think of them going to the score page to check your pathetic K/D ratio.
Those folks with two accounts probly use one for dweebing around, and the other for scoring purposes.  So, if they wanna spend $30/month more, I say let them get their score.

Offline -lynx-

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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2000, 05:39:00 AM »
There's NOTHING wrong with vulching - that's how many aircraft were really destroyed during WWII - F4U was used extensively for strafing Japaneese airfields, Ponies were hunting 262s on t/offs-landings etc.

I'm guilty myself on both counts - drink and laziness "forced" me( )to serve as food for some JG2 guys.

On the other hand, we were trying to capture F3 yesterday and the was a lone Spit re-spawning every time and trying to interfere with troops delivery - what did you want us to do? Wait until he gains altitude and engage in "fair" fight? He was killed more than 10 times in less than 5 minutes - we vwere killing him until we all run out of ammo But he managed to kill/damage our bus twice, so, from his point of view it was worth it...

13 Sqn RAF

Offline Spooky

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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2000, 07:26:00 AM »
>And that kill tastes even better when you think of them going to the score page to >check your pathetic K/D ratio.

Agreed ! A guy vulched me fifty time and thanked me on CH 1 for padding HIS score...
Bottom line was that my base wasn't taken,even though my K/D ratio went to hell...

Since us Bishs were down to a couple of airfields I felt that this was the right thing to do: sacrifice myself for the team and forget about personal rewards...

I came out of the fight bruised and battered score-wise,but I still had my honor     !!

I can't see how ACM kills and vulches can be separated,so it all depends on how one likes to play : for the score or for the team...

As long as one has FUN , no prob!
(and I love to kill a goon on his final run ,after he spent 20 minutes lumbering there!)

"Ten feet tall and bulletproof"

[This message has been edited by Spooky (edited 03-27-2000).]

Offline Vermillion

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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2000, 08:58:00 AM »
Actually if you are down to just two fields, and the enemy is in danger of taking one....


Then you get all the rest of your fields back  

**MOL**, Men of Leisure
Carpe Jugulum
"Real Men fly Radials, Nancy Boys fly Spitfires"

Offline Kieren

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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2000, 08:59:00 AM »

Yup, logged on yesterday and Bish was definitely the team in trouble. I switched to Bishop, and soon we were down to only 2 fields (F1-F4). We fought on despite harrowing odds (all Rooks on F4, all Knights on F1). I must say that there was very little whining about the odds, either. S!

There was some vultching going on, but what else could Bishop do? We launched and launched... and eventually we held on.

I can't speak for the Rook front at F4; I was at F1 fighting against the wall of Knights. I can say that the Knights did attempt to get goonies in and win the war. That comment from the Rook (thanks for padding my score) I hope was taken out of context, as I would hate to see any team set up this way for "easy kills".

Bishop did finally break out and get a few fields back. A few of us grabbed bombers and managed to draw enough heat off besieged fields to hold on. Bagged a few fighters too gunning (more luck than anything). Was fun, despite the odds.

Offline Westy

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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2000, 10:00:00 AM »
 Eye, this isn't Gamestorm and it's not $9.95 per month.
 Many folks here do watch thier score, for an indication of many things, and heck I do too to see if my hit % is going up or down based on what I test out. But I've yet to see anyone do a great big Snoopy googely jig and then prance around hollering "I'm numbuh one, I'm numbuh One!!!!"
 But you know what? If someone were to someday pay HTC for two accounts ($60/month) and they vulched themselves happy for points. Well "WTFGAS" anyway? (who the $$$$$ gives a &&&)
 They payed for it. Whoopity doo.

 As for vulching?  Well just like they say in  regard to "HO's" in that it takes two to 'vulch'.  

Offline Karnak

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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2000, 10:16:00 AM »
The way I see it is that vulching is the only way to keep an airfield suppressed and give the C-47s a chance.  Hopefully this will change.  (I understand that it is supposed to in 1.02)

Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-


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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2000, 05:16:00 PM »
I think you guys missed my ponit . Vulching is ok . Killing another account you pay for is not.The guys here at ah love 2 account 3 account guys . Im sure there's some one with 4 or 5 too. Its that your getting cheated when mr tough guy kills you and tells you how good he is. When the truth is a certain percentage of there kills are fake. I feel im getting riped off. Haveing a kill board or ranking system is a waste. I felt that way in aw3 same here i guess. There should be a way to tell if some one practices this tactic.<S> To everyone thx for your posts.

Offline Karnak

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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2000, 06:04:00 PM »
Forgive my lack of knowledge, but how can one tell if someone is using multiple accounts?

Certainly, if they are, it is a cheapskate way to up ones ranking.

Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-

Offline Westy

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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2000, 08:38:00 PM »

Eye? You're either insane     ... or I'm talking out a mouth with a treble hook latched on.


Offline Grizzly

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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2000, 09:12:00 PM »
Sheesh Westy, what's becoming of this game?

So far I've read complaints about guys upping at closed bases killing goons and troops, guys vulching, guys buying two accounts to pad their score, head ons, calling bingo... it's beginning to look like RR in here. The old argument that higher rates would thin out the whining seals is obviously wrong. But it looks like you were right that dweebs can indeed fly FR and thrive. I wish I could =o/


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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2000, 09:31:00 PM »
The kill scoring is hosed anyways.

A bandit and I trade shots, I bail out and he dies in a fireball.  But he gets a kill and I get nothing?

No kills for ditches?

Some taxi-strafing doofus gets a kill when his AAA shoots me down?

The kill stats in this game are utterly worthless.  I advise you not to pay much attention to them.

Offline Westy

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vulching{ multiple account players}
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2000, 09:21:00 AM »
 Well Grizzly EYE does come from AW  
 You can see where he claims it's a rampant problem there <eye roll> too.

 Version 1.02 will take care of alot of the issues about base closing, people respawning repetatively (hey. I've done it myself)to kill troops dropped to capture a base and with vehicles it will add a gound defense factor (or even offense)
  One problem is that this sim did go pay-to-play a bit early (still beta in my eyes) but I for one found it worth the money.
 Another problem is the folks who want to try out Aces High get a two week free trial where many of them bring alot of these silly 'RR' habits from 'other sims' into the arena forcing the rest of the more premanent and paying customers to endure it.
 As for vulching, being shot down when calling out bingo and even gang banging.
 I've NEVER complained about any of that in AW. My best run to date is predominately vulches. These things are a fact of online life. I've even shot chutes. And liked it!
 But to call out bingo and expect NOT to be shot down? Gimme a break.
 But I am gratefull that I no longer have to see three text lines of a kill macro from iMpErIaL UbEr-gEnErAl gOoBeRdOoD  
 Or that in a scenario or historical evetn I'll not have to wonder why "Maverick", the hottest damned Spitfire pilot in RRE03, decided that rules don't apply to him and goes off and blows a scenario frame plan.
 Most whines that one might read about in these boards are at least on topic, be they about gun or aircraft lethality or climb rates and flight modeling. And they're quite literate about it and have even been known to back it up with facts and figures instead of
an all CAPS post demanding that Mage be fired for not making some idjits perception into reality. Oh! And his squad will be leaving too! :P
 I still stand by my belief that $30/mo is a good goober filter.  I was never naive to think there were no Goober who would be able to afford it. NO sim is invulnerable to morons. The price will help reduce thier numbers for sure. And has imo.
 I just wish several folks I know would appreciate flying here could, if not for the higher than AW price plan.
