Author Topic: Good fight?  (Read 214 times)

Offline Am0n

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Good fight?
« on: December 19, 2001, 10:01:00 AM »
If you have a good fight you want to talk about post it here, i like to read about them. Most of you bbs guys are awesome fighters, always good to here your "war stories" and respectable <S>'s to your foes.

gonna post some of mine  :)

Before hand Hazed, nice shooting last night, i called you "names" under my breath  :o, couldnt respond to your <S> because i was squelched buy the system for having a potty mouth minutes before that on my squad channel hehe, so <S>  :)

I had a GREAT fight vrs recklis just last night. He was a typhoon i was driving a p47-30. we were fighting just north/west of 19 (baltic) around 15-10k.

He was dominating the fight as he should have been in his AC, he became tactical to me from my six so i didnt have much of a choice but to fly strickly defesive.

forcing quiet a few over shoots with a combination of rolling scissoring, short flat scissors, and wide barrel rolls and vertical scissors. he recovered everytime and regained his bearing with out landing hits, keeping the fight high was in both of our best intresest and it was obvious to us both when he extended up, i slightly nosed up as well, but not enough to fall below 200.

We were about 5 miles out side of his base and surprisingly we were able to fight for what seemed to be 5-6 minutes with out intervention of his comrads. more than likely because they were climbing to meet us. eventualy he got pings on me with his cannons and recovered, i was leaking fuel out of my already drying tank.

While rolling i noted lower cons almost in tactical range and was forced to dive out, taking more cannon hits from recklis i spiral down and dove strait for a good 10k reaching a access of 500mph and down on the deck. A boogey hellcat was gaining which was short lived, but AMAZINGLY the spit that was with him kept gaining?? i took a double take, still over 500 mphs full wep slightly nosed down, look back the spit was still gaining, dead 6 500 back and closing.. One of the boogies couldnt handle the speed well and augered, lawn dart style  :).

with the 3 of them on my 6 and missing a alieron i took several hits, rolling i forced some of the AC to over shoot but recklis landed a kill blow to my cripled plane.

Overall a killer fight, had a hell of a time my self. Still clueless as to how the spit was able to catch me, if he haddnt im sure the fight would have been much different. Anyhow, was a great fight <S>! recklis.

Offline Eaglecz

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Good fight?
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2001, 10:18:00 AM »
Originally posted by Am0n:
Still clueless as to how the spit was able to catch me, if he haddnt im sure the fight would have been much different.

spit IX have good dive speed he can dive only a bit worster then tiffie.
here is my method how to get his off.
what we know ?
he will never catch you if you will dive from 300mph and he will have same speed.
We also know that all spits do not keep their speed in lvl fly.
we also know that they are slow spray and pray lames.
so what you have to do is slow him down and run away again or go lvl fly and makeing slow left, right turn. he will lost speed realy quick if you will fly over 400 MPH
aaa i forget 1 important think. Spit do not turn good in high speed   :)
 if he is behind you IE 600-450 do not fly strait, go bit left, right and climb a bit.
If he will notice that you got some alt, he will climb as well and thats his end. when he will pull nose up, make slow 15 deg turn with nose up, he will try to get angel so he will pull nose sharper and now you can outdive him, do not dive sharp.

im sure that you will find better way when 200. spit IX will kill you   :)

[ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: EagleC ]

Offline Am0n

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Good fight?
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2001, 10:40:00 AM »
I guess your right Orel. but when i dove, he was climbing to me, i was in a superior E/alt state.

I should have made a few low g turns but i find it hard to get the nerve with 3-4 planes chasing me all within 500-700 range. At that speed the spit cannot roll with a damn, if i had been thinking right i could have made a wide flat scissor before they opened fire. but i didnt make a evasive until i was cripled buy his lazer fire, which is my own fault. I think i was just in a jaw-dropped, unbelievable state trying to figure out why he was catching me when i should have been trying to figure out how i was goind to get away from them.  :)