Author Topic: Please give feedback on BoB TOD!  (Read 1246 times)

Offline Vulcan

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Please give feedback on BoB TOD!
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2002, 03:23:35 AM »
The logs will tell...

Originally posted by Joker312
And Vulcan what does your last comment mean? You feel sorry that you shot down 30+ RAF in 1 frame? Thats a fantastic accomplishment if it is infact true. I guess because you are a flyer of unparelled skill that would lend weight to your request for a change in the rules?


Offline Sikboy

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Please give feedback on BoB TOD!
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2002, 08:18:27 AM »
The only suggestion I have for changing TOD would be a small one that doesn't effect me, but might help encourage growth (or might retard growth as well... maybe we can just test run the idea lol). Anyhow, I love that TOD's are squad based events. Knowing who the squads are, and what they are capable of really helps the side COs set up missions and plans. Even with my limited experience (BoB was my second full tour) I was able to easily set up my missions and assignments. This emphasis on Squadrons also gives those of us who fly exclusively with squadmates more evenly matched fights. You can't show off squad winging tactics effectivly gangbanging lone wolfs in the MA (no matter how much Runco Gangstangs tell you otherwise ) Anyhow, squads are an important part of the AH community, and I think that TOD is a great reflection of that.

We might consider ways to use walk ons. I don't want to de-emphasize the squad role in TOD, but I think we should consider ways to get a few walkons in for each frame. Just as a way to get the word out. For example, What if we were to alot a 4-6 member squad of walkons to each side. You know that there will only be a limited number of walkons, and you can plan for them.  The Side CO might even appoint an active TOD member to CO this squad, so that there would be someone to set up missions before hand, to help the walkons understand what the mission is.

Then again, we seem to be growing on our own without this, and it's possible that if there were walkon spots, some smaller squads would aviod sigining up (and carrying any of the responsibility of running the frames) and just try their luck as walkons.

I'm not even 100% sold on this idea, but I've typed this much of it, so I'm not just going to delete it lol.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline icemaw

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Please give feedback on BoB TOD!
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2002, 01:58:56 AM »
This was by far the best TOD that I have been in even when squad got whiped out we had fun.
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Offline Ghosth

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Please give feedback on BoB TOD!
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2002, 07:44:10 AM »
Problem sikboy is that the second you allow walkons, you need a CM to manage them.

That effectivly doubles the CM's required.

The whole idea of TOD was dual purposed from the get go.

A Give AH a squadron based serious that anyone could fly in if they followed the rules.

B Set it up in such a way that a single CM can run it.

We also managed to put the burden of informing pilots back on the squads, make them responsible.
Get squads to pick someone to CO the event, etc.

Frankly this event runs so smoothly because there are NOT walkons involved. If I'd had my way the last big scenario would not have had walkons.

Offline Sikboy

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Please give feedback on BoB TOD!
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2002, 09:10:51 AM »
Originally posted by Ghosth
Problem sikboy is that the second you allow walkons, you need a CM to manage them.

It was my goal to prevent this from happening, by dropping that responsibility to the Side CO (Axis or Allied). They could appoint a player to be the CO of the Walkon squad. This would probably be a player from the Side COs squad, in my case, I would ask MonteZuma to take them out and run them around.

But in the end, I think our growth rate is doing well enough without adding walkons. There are squads being created just to participate in TODs, and that is a very cool testiment. If people want to play without a squad, they can as guests (as you mentioned) and that's how I got hooked. The Shills have been hitting their top numbers over the past few weeks, but since i upped our committment, I'm hoping to take on a few guests each week.  

Anyhow, Like I said, I wasn't all that sold on the idea either. The more I think about it, the more I think we should hold our ground, and keep this exclusively for Squadron Play. Its just one event. you can Lone Wolf the rest of the game, but this is our corner.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline daddog

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Please give feedback on BoB TOD!
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2002, 10:11:07 AM »
Walk on’s are always a dilemma sik for sure, but for TOD's that is not an option.

So many other events we welcome them, but I feel it will hinder more then help in the TOD's.

Once again thanks for the feed back gents. :)
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