Author Topic: And my wife said I was wasting my time !  (Read 96 times)

Offline 2Late4U

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And my wife said I was wasting my time !
« on: June 17, 2002, 06:24:42 PM »
Ref:New training system

In the future, HTC will consider sending checks to those that continuously strive to build the Aces High customer base.  


Yea, sure its not a certanty, or even a gaurenteed thing that I would qualify as helpful enough, but just the hint of the posibility makes me all tingley :D

I also think this will make it much easier for mew players.  Goodness knows I spend time playing that Im just screwing around anyway...and channel 1 does have lots of pleas as of late that not only garner less than positive replies on occasion, but its just not an effective way to communicate with all the chatter.  I hope that there is some sort of auto squelch while in a training session so the newbies can read what the trainer is typing without it scrolling off the screen and getting lost in the signal to noise ratio.