Author Topic: <salute> Gabreski, Wizer et al LOL :-)  (Read 106 times)

Offline beet1e

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<salute> Gabreski, Wizer et al LOL :-)
« on: June 18, 2002, 10:32:58 AM »
Mr. Gabreski and esteemed friends,

I thank you for being present in the AH MA this morning. I had the best time ever, greatly enhanced by the presence of you guys. I lost count of how many times we captured, lost and recaptured field V10. ;)  It all started when I saw V10 flashing on the map, but the VH and 37mm gun were destroyed. So I upped an Ostwind from the A9 spawn point NE of the field, from which V10 could be seen, smoking in the distance. I got there as fast as I could, and just in time to see Wizer's goon overhead, releasing the troops. I had positioned my Ostwind right outside the map room. I figured that even if I took damage, I might still be able to kill the troops. But first there was Wizer's C47 to be dealt with. I thought I'd missed it, but Boom! A ball of fire so bright, I'm surprised it did not burn an after image into my monitor screen! The troops landed, and boy could they run... Like lambs to the slaughter, they ran to the map room door. The first one made it past me! But I shot all the others using the machine gun. Just then, you landed your C47 the other side of the map room, and I thought I was going to be unable to get a shot on you, but you rather unwisely pulled into view, and were despatched into oblivion by my Ostwind's 37mm.

The gloves were off! And from that point on we had so much fun, you guys trying everything to get V10 back. Gabreski, I believe the only vehicle in which I did not see you was a PT boat. You were good at dropping your bombs, and I dare not leave my vehicle moving while manning the turret for fear of running into the stockade. I think we were about 50-50 on the kills, until you captured V10. You must have killed me 10 times!  I am so impressed with your skill at driving a PNZR in our direction, and keeping your turret aimed at the spawn point and your finger on the trigger.
I want you to teach me how to do that :rolleyes::D

But your time was almost up. There was some talk of turds on Bish channel, and indeed I was working with Mr. Lazer who was able to flush you out ROFL!

A wonderful, wonderful session. I stayed much longer than originally intended. I had a big toejamty grin for a couple of hours afterwards.

I have a question, Gabreski. You made repeated use of the word "chit" on the public text channel. What does this word mean, in the context in which it was used? My Oxford dictionary says that it's a short note, indicating an amount of money owed. So I was at a loss as to why you kept calling me a "chit head".   Maybe it's because I now have a price on my head ROFLMAO :p

Offline Hortlund

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<salute> Gabreski, Wizer et al LOL :-)
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2002, 11:46:41 AM »
Yeah, guys, that was one of the most intense knife fights I have seen in the MA in a long long time. Its moments like those I pay for.
(Knit 190)