Interesting! There are THAT many people that know the Ju88s performance well enough under whatever fuel mod
that they can give precise timings without having to actually fly a route to get them?
VERY interesting if true!
I'll be interested to see how much time is allowed for takeoff and form up, what average speed over ground on climbout is allowed, what kind of climbout we'll be doing, and what TAS we are to cruise at - allowing for that we may hit headwinds, of course...
Not being funny, but I've encountered darned few outside of specialised bomber units that can plan like that - and fewer that actually do in-game because they are usually flying fighters.
But aye, sorry, I WAS being a tad over-impatient, I'd also got my days confused and had a bad headache at the time too... thought it was Friday yesterday...
Esme :-)