Author Topic: US allows drug tests on students.  (Read 1886 times)

Offline Tumor

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #105 on: June 29, 2002, 12:48:34 PM »
Originally posted by Sandman_SBM

No you can't. I have two children. One is 14 the other is 12.

Edit: Before you ask... Yes, they live at home. Yes, with both of their parents. I've been married for 19 years.

So then good for you.. really.  But why are you so against them being tested?  Really, if they aren't using.. whats the big deal?  If your absolutely positive, beyond any shadow of a doubt that your kids would NEVER use drugs, why not prove it?  Your kids are (have) attend the same schools that some serious druggies do.. I can't possibly imagine the benefit those druggies and dealers bring to the education system, must be enormous eh?  I don't see the logic.  You can't justify it a civil rights issue.. thats been tried and tested for years, aint gonna happen.  Heck,  I've been "proving" to the USAF for 16yrs that I do not do drugs... it's not an exactly convenient 30 seconds of my day (which happens about once very 2 years on average).. but I can elect not to take the test and kiss my job and retirement away too.  Hell after I retire in a couple years... there's nothing I'd like better than to roll a foot long doob and make up for 20yrs, however I'm not stupid enough to not realize the lost opportunities (for at least 3 months... much longer with the hair test) I'd be presented should I decide to do so.  Show me a valid argument, I'll agree.  I just don't see one other than fear of getting caught.
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Offline strk

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #106 on: June 29, 2002, 12:54:20 PM »
Shine on crazy druggies! hehe

And thius one particular right comes straight from the Constitution of the US, its called the Fourth Amendment and it says the government must have probable cause before it can search you.  Now, after this ruling, if you are a kid in school who wants to play sports ort band, you can be searched via urinalysis.  Last I checked being a kid in sports or band was not probable cause to believe they were possessing controlled or illegal substances.

This is just a pathetic attempt by an idealogical court to perpetuate a failed approach to recreational drug use.  People are responsible for their actions, and if there is no potential harm associated with a substance (such as cannabis),  then the government should not be able to forbid it.  

Dangerous and deadly substances like cocaine, herion, tobacco and alcohol should not be punished by criminal codes, but should be addressed as addictions and civil fines.  

It is the illegality of drugs that makes them so dangerous, and uncontrollable.  If Johnny crackhead could get treatment or even a fix safely and legally, ,at real prices instead of the current black market prices, he would not feel compelled to  rob or steal from others.  The problem is that treating addictions as criminal behavior does not address the real underlying problem.  The Nixon administration understood this in the 70s and has been the only administration to offer treatment instead of jail.  

How in hell can you possibly justify stating "random" testing for ILLEGAL drug use has anything whatsoever to do ith your precious "dreamed up" civil rights. What a completely pathetic drug induced whine.

Offline Elfenwolf

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #107 on: June 29, 2002, 12:58:12 PM »
Originally posted by Tumor

Please explain to me what the hell your civil rights have to do with being tested for illegal drug use in ANY instance in which you are taking advantage of a government sponsored or privately sponsered activity?  Let me guess... it's a total invasion of your privacy to either 1. Take a breathilizer test or 2.  Have your Driver's license revoked?  Better yet.. I guess it's totally "Big Brother" that in almost every city, county or state government I've lived in (many) you can find yourself in the drunk tank for no more than walking down the sidewalk while over the legal limit?  Public drunkeness is ILLEGAL and it's entirely up to the POLICE whether or not you spend a few hours behind bars.  How many private corporations or government organizations have been successfully sued for requireing thier employee's to undergo random drug testing in the last 20 years?  Why should SCHOOLS where the drug problem is OBVIOUSLY  rampant allow students the "freedom" or "right" to partake in illicit drug use without fear of getting caught? How in hell can you possibly justify stating "random" testing for ILLEGAL drug use has anything whatsoever to do ith your precious "dreamed up" civil rights.  What a completely pathetic drug induced whine.

The druggies on this board really SHINE!  Sure hard to miss'em.

Tumor, you keep comparing apples and oranges. Sure, if you're stumbling down the road drunk that constitutes PROBABLE CAUSE for a police officer to investigate further. By your logic the police should have the right to administer random drug tests to every drivers license holder at any time. Hey, I'm not  opposed to drug testing as a condition of employment or if a company has probable cause to suspect drug abuse is taking place. What I am opposed to, however, is RANDOM drug testing done by the Government on MY child without MY consent in a public place where she is REQUIRED to be.

As far as me being a "druggie??" Please, Tumor, if you want to have a rational discussion then refrain from name calling, OK? LOL crap, I don't even take asprin unless it's absolutely necessary- and if you don't believe me then pay for my drug test and have the results sent back to you.

Offline Tumor

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #108 on: June 29, 2002, 01:12:37 PM »
Originally posted by strk
Shine on crazy druggies! hehe
And thius one particular right comes straight from the Constitution of the US, its called the Fourth Amendment and it says the government must have probable cause before it can search you.

  So public schools are the Government now?  LOL
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Offline Tumor

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #109 on: June 29, 2002, 01:34:34 PM »
Originally posted by Elfenwolf

Tumor, you keep comparing apples and oranges. Sure, if you're stumbling down the road drunk that constitutes PROBABLE CAUSE for a police officer to investigate further.  

Your very naive my freind.  Check the your local laws, you'll be very surpised.  Better yet, ask a cop. Tell me this.  A police officer pulls you over for speeding and while requesting your DL and Reg, he observes a package in your car he feels looks like a drugs.  Hey, what if he "thinks" your drunk?  No probable cause there, he pulled you over for speeding, not swerving.  It's just a small wrapped bag. Now... do you think you have the right to refuse search or test? Why SURE you do.. but you won't be driving that particular vehicle home, garuntee you that.   Do you think you'd win your case?  Well, maybe in Louisiana if you know the right people lol.  

Apples to oranges?  Public schools are government funded... they are not the government.  Random drug testing is hardly an invasion of anyones rights, the random part is what ensures it.  Hey guess what.. From the web:

"The City of Phoenix supports a drug-free workplace. After an employment offer is made, external applicants will be required to take and pass a drug test. Employment will be contingent upon successful completion of this drug test, and consideration of background, reference, and other job-related selection information."

Federal Civilian Employees:
"President's Statement of Policy:  Federal employees required to refrain from the use of illegal drugs; use of illegal drugs by federal employees, on or off duty, is contrary to the efficiency of the service; persons who use illegal drugs are not suitable for federal employment; each agency will develop a plan to achieve objectives of the Executive Order "

Laramie county FL
"Pass a medical exam and drug test: All candidates, except for those applying for certain clerical positions, are required to take a medical exam and drug test at Sheriff's Office expense. Candidates who require a CDL license for employment must take required Department of Transportation tests."

I think the Govt illegality of drug testing is pretty much a moot point.  Took me 3 minutes to dig up a Fed, City and County example.  Where's your arguement?

Lotsa lawyers on this board... most of'em need to actually attend law school before they state "facts".  Anyway, it all boils down to the fear of getting caught.  Get real folks.. you do not have the "right" to break any laws, and the Constitution was not written with any iota of a thought to that extent.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2002, 01:39:44 PM by Tumor »
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Offline majic

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #110 on: June 29, 2002, 01:35:59 PM »
I can't help but be reminded of the people that argue marijuana should be legalized cause you can make rope and really ugly shirts from hemp.

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #111 on: June 29, 2002, 01:44:34 PM »
Originally posted by majic
I can't help but be reminded of the people that argue marijuana should be legalized cause you can make rope and really ugly shirts from hemp.

Mary Jane should be legalized... really.  Imagine a 2-3 dollar tax per pack! Deficit?  What deficit?  Even Bill friggin Gates would get a Tax refund!!  :D
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Offline Tumor

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #112 on: June 29, 2002, 01:48:22 PM »
Originally posted by strk
Shine on crazy druggies! hehe

This is just a pathetic attempt by an idealogical court to perpetuate a failed approach to recreational drug use.  People are responsible for their actions, and if there is no potential harm associated with a substance (such as cannabis),  then the government should not be able to forbid it.  


..... of course!  However, right now it illegal and will be for the foreseable future.  Vote Libertarian.
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Offline strk

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #113 on: June 29, 2002, 07:33:24 PM »
So public schools are the Government now? LOL

Uhh Yeah,  they are.  WHo do you think runs them??


Offline strk

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #114 on: June 29, 2002, 07:38:31 PM »
I think the Govt illegality of drug testing is pretty much a moot point. Took me 3 minutes to dig up a Fed, City and County example. Where's your arguement?

noone makes you work for the fed.  yuou consent to random drug screens when you agree to work for them.  Kids HAVE to go to school, it is not optional.  Granted, ,Band and Sports ARE optional.  IMHO I dont think that participation in afterschool\activities is sufficient to require drug testing.

Offline N1kPaz

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« Reply #115 on: June 29, 2002, 07:51:13 PM »
this whole thing makes me wanna drop a hit of acid and smoke joints until it kicks in.

Offline Sandman

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #116 on: June 29, 2002, 08:34:54 PM »
Originally posted by Tumor

Your very naive my freind.  ...

EW is naive? Hehe... now that is funny. He's probably older than all of us.

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #117 on: June 29, 2002, 08:43:48 PM »
Originally posted by strk

noone makes you work for the fed.  yuou consent to random drug screens when you agree to work for them.  Kids HAVE to go to school, it is not optional.  Granted, ,Band and Sports ARE optional.  IMHO I dont think that participation in afterschool\activities is sufficient to require drug testing.

No one makes you attend public school either.  Attending school is sufficient to require drug testing... so long as the school has a no tolerance policy.  

Anyway, I'm out of this conversation.   Aint worth it.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2002, 08:46:38 PM by Tumor »
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« Reply #118 on: June 29, 2002, 09:55:52 PM »
i dont agree with drug testing except in situations where performance enhancing drugs could be used (and then test ONLY for them) or in situations where the individuals intoxication could lead to injury to others (planes, trains, and semis, etc).

there was a telemarketing firm in my area who lost a huge chunk of their productive telemarketers because they started testing for marijuana. i can you even be a telemarketer unless you can catch a buzz once in awhile. heheheheheh. high telemarketers are a danger to society!!!! :confused: :confused:

Offline Mighty1

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #119 on: June 29, 2002, 10:40:11 PM »
I keep hearing about us losing rights but I don't understand what rights those are!

Until a child turns 18 the only rights they have are the ones the parents give them!

I don't want my kids around drugs! Period! Not all parents feel that way so they don't care if their son or daughter takes these drugs to school.

If theses drugs are at school my child COULD be tempted to use them.

As a parent I want to do what I can to keep my kids safe so if that means drug testing at school then I'm all for it.

You don't want your crack head kid tested... fine! Keep him out of school!

As I see it the only rights that are being lost are those of the drug dealers.
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.