1- Are you experiencing crashes or lockups? -
Yes, only crashes. No lockups(yet)
2- When did they begin, what version and patch? - 1.03, patch two or three(to the best of my recollection)
3- How often do they occur? - Two situations, mostly: Either right away when I press the "fly" button, or if I get by that, then whenever I get within 1K of a con, entering a fight.
4- Any other information about them? - Happens online and off, and isn't always caused by the above situations. I've experienced them just by rolling otr, or by watching a film.
5- What your CPU type and is it overclocked? - Intel PIII-550 Coppermine(Slot One). Yes, is over-clocked to 733mhz, and has been for over 4 months without any problems with AH or any other app. I have also tried running AH with the CPU at the unclocked speed of 550mhz, but have experienced the exact same dumps.
6- What is your video card and driver version? -Guillemot Prophet 3D DDR-DVI GeForce. Currently use Guillemot driver v5.22, but have also tried the older 3.77 and 3.72, all with the same result in AH 1.03
7- What is your sound card and driver version? -SB Live, 3.0 Liveware, with the latest(5/22/00) SB LIVE driver for Win98.
8- What version of DirectX do you have installed? -7.0a
9- What is your joystick setup, i.e. type of stick, throttle, and pedals, usb? -CH Products Pro Throttle, Pro Pedals, Janes CombatStick. Non-USB.
10- Do you use Roger Wilco and if so, what version? -Yes, RW .54 beta
Thank you for this thread, Pyro. I was beginning to think that I was the only one having these problems.
P/O banana
XO 308(Polish) Sqn "City of Cracow" RAF
[This message has been edited by banana (edited 07-10-2000).]