I actually really like this new system. Very cool. Can wipe out entire town or field in one pass with salvo of 14 1000Lbs and delay of .8.
Having troubles hitting things?
Here's how I do it.
1. Physically line your plane up with the target (8+ miles ahead) I like to go external mode to line my plane up with the target.
2. Open doors. Do this quite early so that your planes speed (which will be affected by the gaping hole) has time to stabilize.
3. Hit bomb view(F6) and then hit calibration mode button.(Mine's set to 'U')
4. Bring up clipboard map and click on the spot you want to bomb. Now get rid of clipboard.
5. Use the joystick to move crosshairs to look at the target. Hold it there while you also hold in the 'Mark' key (Mine is set to 'M'). So, what's happening is, you are slowly moving the crosshars to keep lined up with the target while you are holding in the 'Mark' key. Only need to do this for a couple of seconds.
6. Then, let go of the 'Mark' Key and hit 'U' again to get out of calibration mode. Your crosshairs will now be locked facing at the ground somewere in front of your bomber.
7. If you are a bit misaligned, tap your rudder and aileron keys a bit to adjust(Only a bit).
8. Once the crosshair is lined up, Release! Hint: If you are dropping a salvo of multiple bombs, like say, 8, start dropping slightly before the target so the you are more likely to hit as the carpet of bombs is released.
I don't know what some of you are doing wrong, but hopefully this helps anyway. My drops still have to be polished a bit, but I think it's a great new addition to the game!