Author Topic: New Bombing Model  (Read 352 times)

Offline Warpig

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New Bombing Model
« on: July 03, 2002, 05:22:40 PM »
I've tried the new bombing model offline and on. I've got the sequence down, the upper left side info turns green, all is good. But how the hell do you know WHEN  to drop the bombs for target accuracy? I keep coming up short on the drop.:mad:

Offline NHawk

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Just about the same thing..
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2002, 06:54:26 PM »
I get the green status mode, but my bombsites return to the shadow of the plane and bombs drop on the shadow.

Either I'm missing something or the sites should be ahead of the plane when calibrated.

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Offline DarkStarStv

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New Bombing Model
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2002, 08:13:17 PM »
I think I am having the same/similar problem. The calibration process seems to go fine.  (The only thing I don't understand is the difference between "Altitude" and "Drop Altitude"??)

But how do you know where to position the cross hairs before and after the calibration process? They can be moved all over the place with no indication of the correct positioning...

And to make sure (presumably) that the positiong is at the same point?

Where is "straight down", or whatever angle it is supposed to be?.

This surely affects where the bombs will land...

Help Please


Offline Minotaur

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New Bombing Model
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2002, 12:06:51 AM »
For some reason, after the calibration goes green, should I expect the bombs to drop automatically?

After I complete the calibration sequence, then do I have to manually time the drop?  

The bombs seem to always hit my shadow no matter what I try.

Insessant Confusion Abounds......

Offline aharder

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« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2002, 02:37:58 AM »
I actually really like this new system. Very cool. Can wipe out entire town or field in one pass with salvo of 14 1000Lbs and delay of .8.

Having troubles hitting things?
Here's how I do it.  

1. Physically line your plane up with the target (8+ miles ahead) I like to go external mode to line my plane up with the target.

2. Open doors.  Do this quite early so that your planes speed (which will be affected by the gaping hole) has time to stabilize.

3. Hit bomb view(F6) and then hit calibration mode button.(Mine's set to 'U')

4. Bring up clipboard map and click on the spot you want to bomb. Now get rid of clipboard.

5. Use the joystick to move crosshairs to look at the target. Hold it there while you also hold in the 'Mark' key (Mine is set to 'M'). So, what's happening is, you are slowly moving the crosshars to keep lined up with the target while you are holding in the 'Mark' key. Only need to do this for a couple of seconds.

6.  Then, let go of the 'Mark' Key and hit 'U' again to get out of calibration mode. Your crosshairs will now be locked facing at the ground somewere in front of your bomber.

7. If you are a bit misaligned, tap your rudder and aileron keys a bit to adjust(Only a bit).

8. Once the crosshair is lined up, Release! Hint: If you are dropping a salvo of multiple bombs, like say, 8, start dropping slightly before the target so the you are more likely to hit as the carpet of bombs is released.

 I don't know what some of you are doing wrong, but hopefully this helps anyway. My drops still have to be polished a bit, but I think it's a great new addition to the game!
« Last Edit: July 04, 2002, 02:45:05 AM by aharder »

Offline DarkStarStv

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Re: It ain't so hard once you know...
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2002, 03:32:48 AM »
Originally posted by aharder
I actually really like this new system. Very cool. Can wipe out entire town or field in one pass with salvo of 14 1000Lbs and delay of .8.


5. Use the joystick to move crosshairs to look at the target. Hold it there while you also hold in the 'Mark' key (Mine is set to 'M'). So, what's happening is, you are slowly moving the crosshars to keep lined up with the target while you are holding in the 'Mark' key. Only need to do this for a couple of seconds.

6.  Then, let go of the 'Mark' Key and hit 'U' again to get out of calibration mode. Your crosshairs will now be locked facing at the ground somewere in front of your bomber.


Thanks for the response aharder.

Can you say a little more about your procedure at points 5 and 6?

Presumably, if you are calibrating several miles ahead of the target AND using the target itself when using the 'Mark' key, then your crosshairs are pointing way ahead of the plane. Is that right?

Whereas I have been Marking on a point that I judge to be immediately below the plane - the help file does not say that you have to Mark on the target itself.

When you say the the crosshairs "will now be locked". Do you mean that after your procedure you can't move the crosshairs with the joystick?

Thanks for your help

Offline Warpig

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« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2002, 08:24:14 AM »
Thanks! That's definitely how it works. Only problem I have is lining up the target perfectly. If you don't line it up perfectly, your screwed!


Offline Ghosth

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New Bombing Model
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2002, 09:19:26 AM »
I think the key is leaveing the calibration mode once its all done.

That should put you back into normal bombsite mode where X marks the spot.

Offline hitech

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New Bombing Model
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2002, 11:15:41 AM »
Also the messure key can NOT be used on a shift or ctrl key like toejam M only lower case m will work.

Offline Pongo

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New Bombing Model
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2002, 12:35:18 PM »
Once you have calibrated the bombsight for your altitude and speed and the altitude of the field...
you are back in normal 1.09 bomb mode..
keep the corrections gentle so your wingman can keep the tight pattern and drop away.

You do not need to "mark" the target you want to just need to calibrate the sight to your alt and speed.  then make sure you drop at that alt and speed!
Guys I would really sugest getting to your drop height well short of the field and calibrating then. It really frees up your time on the objective to bomb...Just make sure you match the speed and alt of your calibration...alot easier to do then calibrating in the last 2 minutes befor the target...
I set my Calibrate function to the "C" key and my Mark function to the "M" key.. I dont know why........

dont map them to your joystick. using the button on your joystick will make the mark process wiggley...use the key board or your throttle.

Bombing (from 10k at least) is still quite accurate. Might be worse if you had to bomb through a wind layer of if you are so high that your patern with your wingys spread far enought that they would not hit the same target ...but from 10k you can pick your targets with precision if you calibrate well...
« Last Edit: July 04, 2002, 12:41:25 PM by Pongo »