While flying a different on-line flight sim some years ago, a new larger map was created to handle more players. HTC is doing the same. This sim has grown greatly over the last two years not only in aircraft and voice, but in the number of players that have been attracted to the game.
There wasa a great deal of whining also about the larger maps in the other flight sim. But eventually as the number of participants grew, the map size no longer had an effect. It's the number of aircraft in the virtual map that actually determine the size, not the terrain itself.
I'm glad the size was adjusted in anticipation, instead of the process of flying on smaller and smaller maps because of the growing number of subscribed virtual pilots. Fighting in a phone booth sized arena is fun for some, not for others. A furball arena seems appropriate for those who like the quick fight. And....do we not have one already?
Also.......you won't see me accusing anyone of whining because they have expressed an opinion. Expressing an opinion is not a criminal act, and guaranteed by the Constituition of the US
For those who are having difficulty with the new maps keep at it! As the numbers grow, as in the past flight sim I participated in, the arena will shrink. Not in size, but because the numbers of virtual pilots will increase. Always better to enlarge the terrains before one HAS TO and have eveyone complaining at once that there are to many players in that small area. Terrain and map design takes time......figure it was better to do it now then later when pilots walking on one another.
Just MHO