Author Topic: Once upon an Epiphany ... advice from a dweeb for dweebs  (Read 296 times)


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Once upon an Epiphany ... advice from a dweeb for dweebs
« on: July 11, 2000, 08:41:00 PM »
Every once in a while something significant happens which alters my perception and therefore my approach to things.
This has been the case for me within Aces High over the last 24 hours.
The short story is that my Aces High teacher and mentor had an epiphany, which he emailed to me. I won't go into detail because it isn't my epiphany to share, except that with my new understanding, I have improved my flying dramatically.

This is my advice to fellow dweebs/newbies.
Find for yourselves a teacher/mentor to follow around, bug mercilessly and learn from.
Look for someone who can communicate his/her ideas lucidly and to the point.
Observe your teacher/mentor and see if the practice matches the rhetoric.
Avoid people whose ego's are so fragile that the gloat incessantly about how good they are, or how unlucky they were.
Watch the opponents whom your teacher/mentor praises, and try to glean as much as possible from these flyers, anyway you know how.

I won't divulge my teachers name ... to some of you it should be pretty obvious  
However I will tell you, that he is a trainer, so you might just be able to avail yourselves of his expertise in the training arena.

Now let's go and train  .


“One day, flight simulation will be so realistic, that you’ll really need to wear brown corduroy … “

Offline Wanker

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Once upon an Epiphany ... advice from a dweeb for dweebs
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2000, 09:24:00 AM »
Very good advice.  


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Once upon an Epiphany ... advice from a dweeb for dweebs
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2000, 06:37:00 AM »
Thnx banana  .
As everyone knows the advice isn't new ... it's just that I'm such a *bloody* slow learner  


“One day, flight simulation will be so realistic, that you’ll really need to wear brown corduroy … “

Offline DoctorYO

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Once upon an Epiphany ... advice from a dweeb for dweebs
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2000, 10:23:00 AM »
Well you being in queensland, Drink some XXXX beer for me....(not that overrated fosters crap....)

and take Ah in stride.......



Offline Ripsnort

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Once upon an Epiphany ... advice from a dweeb for dweebs
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2000, 10:54:00 AM »
Whatever happened to Fosters, when I first drank in back in the 70's, it was damned good beer, did it get 'commercialized'?  Maybe brewed in US (which will just about ruin any beer) or did my taste buds just go south?

Offline Saintaw

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Once upon an Epiphany ... advice from a dweeb for dweebs
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2000, 07:40:00 PM »
You just gettin older Rip, That beer sure tastes fine to me ...everyday  

Saw...hips !
Dirty, nasty furriner.


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Once upon an Epiphany ... advice from a dweeb for dweebs
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2000, 08:46:00 PM »
I might live in Queensland, but EVERYONE knows that the only beer worth quaffing is Tooheys Old.
This fine drop is brewed in good old New South Wales ... and it's probably why we won the State of Origin (Australian Rugby League yearly competition between NSW and QLD)  .


“One day, flight simulation will be so realistic, that you’ll need to wear brown corduroy … “
Phoenix Squadron.

Offline Pyro

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Once upon an Epiphany ... advice from a dweeb for dweebs
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2000, 11:51:00 PM »
Good advice Yosus.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

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Once upon an Epiphany ... advice from a dweeb for dweebs
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2000, 12:01:00 AM »
 Yosus,great advice but you owe us the divolging of said trainers ID.From your description I guess it to be Kieren,and accurately so.If I miss my guess, would appreceiate the correction.Always looking for a beating to grow off of  



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Once upon an Epiphany ... advice from a dweeb for dweebs
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2000, 05:48:00 AM »
By-Tor my friend, I will not divulge the name of said trainer, because it is not my place to do so.

I suspect from the high emphasis of quality placed in the design and structure of the HTC camp/enterprise, that they would place equal emphasis on the criteria for the position of trainer. All the trainers must therefore be persons of high stature within this warrior art.

Divulging said information, might be construed as a public statement that my trainer/teacher is better than the other trainers, which would serve no real purpose, and I would be out of line.

For one, my word does not, and certainly should not carry that amount of authority, I am new and untested. I would prefer to listen to people I respect in this regard.

For the second, it places an unfair psychological burden on the trainer so named  . This of course is a subjective opinion.

What I will venture to share is that I didn't actively look for a teacher, nor I think did my trainer actively look for any student, until of course he became an official trainer!

What happened was that I realised this guy was making sense to me. My reconciliation with the subtle art of aerial combat, has been something of a disaster throughout my years of combat fligh-simming. Many people have offered good advice, but for some reason, most of it evaporated before I absorbed enough for it to be of any use.

For the unskilled, finding a good teacher requires a bit of luck and for keeping your ears and eyes open. One persons perfect teacher might be a nightmare for another person  .

My teacher writes bloody good essays, and is infinitely patient with numb-skulls like me.


“One day, flight simulation will be so realistic, that you’ll need to wear brown corduroy … “
Phoenix Squadron.

Offline Hangtime

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Once upon an Epiphany ... advice from a dweeb for dweebs
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2000, 07:09:00 PM »
<S!> Yosus.

I think you'll find that the joy of discovering an adversary that has flying skills in the Arenas is often enhanced by the thrill of not being killed in the process.

Cya's up!.    


[This message has been edited by Hangtime (edited 07-14-2000).]
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.


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Once upon an Epiphany ... advice from a dweeb for dweebs
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2000, 08:50:00 PM »
<S!> Hangtime.
Thanks for the advice. I have a great respect for your flying/tactical abilities.
Hehe ... if I could eventually attain a fraction of the skills you possess, I will have succeeded  .


“One day, flight simulation will be so realistic, that you’ll need to wear brown corduroy … “
Phoenix Squadron.