Author Topic: Brewster ace, Morane ace, Messerchmitt ace  (Read 327 times)

Offline julle

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Brewster ace, Morane ace, Messerchmitt ace
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2002, 10:15:30 AM »
SLO without these aces you would not have a NOKIA celluphone in your poket. As well would there be no country called FINLAND. Our veterans DEFENDED our motherland against the aggression of the Soviet Union. Germany was the only country in the world at the time who could help Finland in these years despair. Stalinīs masterplan was to occypy Finland and inhabit the territory with Russian aristocrat. The original inhabitants, Finns would vanish in the Siberian deathcamps. NEAT?!

So we do have our LIVES to owe these fine gentlemen. Thereīs NOTHING we can do to honour them enough. But we will try do do our best in that.


Finland was NOT an AXIS nation.
Finland was in war against Russia only.
Finland was co-existent with Germany but not allied.
Finland did bomb civilian targets.
Russian POVīs sent thankīs letters to Finnish high command and didnīt wanīt to return after the war.

All WWII veterans, julle

P.S. Why is it always itīs this games board with the ignorants?
« Last Edit: July 12, 2002, 11:13:16 AM by julle »

Offline Grendel

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« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2002, 04:22:13 PM »
In the second picture you see mr. Tani describing a combat of his. I think it was an instance, when he was fighting against an I-153 with his trusty Morane Saulnier 406 fighter.

The I-153 was making a hard evasive downward spiral, which the Morane fighter was not capable of following. Therefore Mr. Tani pulled up, rolling to right while climbing and slowly pulling from the stick while he was hanging upside down, keeping eye on the I-153. When ground came too close the I-153 had to level Antti pulled harder from the stick, finished the roll and dropped from above into the I-153. Don't remember if he got a kill or what happened. Tern or Kossu might correct me on this?

In the third picture mr. Huotari is showing a 90 degree deflection shot, when we were talking about convergences they used in the Fighter Squadron 24, the Brewster squadron.

Offline julle

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« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2002, 05:52:29 PM »
What were the convergences? (VERY interested!)

julle, realism dweeb

Offline brady

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« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2002, 06:26:47 PM »
TY for posting this very interesting stuff:)

Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2002, 07:30:09 PM »
Great post.


A lot of WWII veterans from all countries have forgiven their former enemies and even met and become friends.  Some still remain bitter, which is also understandable.   If former enemies can forgive each other for the past, why can't we?  There is a difference between forgiving and respecting a LW pilot (or mechanic, or cook) and forgiving a high ranking concentration camp officer.

One thing to keep in mind is that all nations have participated in very shameful activities during wartime.  Don't think that just because you are Canadian, all military actions of your country have always been 100% pure and right!  
And, most nations have forced many of their citizens into serving for military duty.  All nations have also had many people serve their military for patriotic reasons.  Either way, you can't blame a guy for fighting for his country.  
A lot of Nazis did a lot of really awful things, but that doesn't make all Germans, or anyone remotely related, bad.

Finland stood up to Russia instead of allowing themselves to be walked on.  Who can blame them for doing anything else.


Offline Raubvogel

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« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2002, 07:56:34 PM »
Thanks Grendel, I look forward to reading about them.

Offline julle

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« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2002, 02:17:04 AM »


Offline SLO

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« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2002, 08:39:55 AM »
Yup, not only are you completely off the tracks, you are also unbelievable rude, offensive and arrogant


Um, now a better grammar would help.
Professor GRENDEL

thx for the EAT ME!!!!:eek:

u guys need to relax and let your hair down...u all sound like a bunch of finnish girls with banana's stuck up where the sun don't that enough good grammar to please u grendel:p

now relax...i'm only havin fun with u guys.


Offline Fishu

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« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2002, 08:58:38 AM »

What if this would be about Canadian ace and then some finn walks in and says something similar what you said?
I doubt you would just 'relax'

Offline RRAM

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« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2002, 09:43:39 AM »
fishu, that guy is either a troll or a stupid.

in either case he's worth no attention. Put his handle in the ignore list and forget about him :)