Author Topic: Lazs, how did you manage 286-54 in the f4u-1??  (Read 298 times)

Offline Gryffin

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Lazs, how did you manage 286-54 in the f4u-1??
« on: July 09, 2002, 04:08:09 AM »
I just looked at your stats after someone mentioned you in the "who is the best in each plane" thread in the general forum.

After flying it a few times, I am amazed at your record. Any tips, training films etc would be appreciated!

Offline Duedel

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Lazs, how did you manage 286-54 in the f4u-1??
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2002, 05:35:33 AM »
I'm not lasz but maybe i could give u a few tips.

For me it's all a matter of SA (situational awardness). If ur primary goal is to survive and not to kill u've done the first step in reaching a good K/D (but not necessary in having fun :D ).
Many pilots are to agressive trying to kill the con without deap knowledge of the plane they fly respectivily their opponents plane. I.e. when u engabe a spit IV in ur F4U (never flown this plane) u have to know when to run i.e. when ur E is so low that the nme has the advantage. Don't try to turn fight with those fighters!
If u fight against a faster plane lets say the beloved La7 make sure ur E is much higher when engaging so that u have a greater escape window. Only make a few passes and then run!
Many pilots even forget their surrondings while sitting on the six of a con.
Planes like F4U and FW190 need an alt or speed advantage against the turn fighters otherwise ur dead meat assumed that the other pilot knows what to do.

Offline Xjazz

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Lazs, how did you manage 286-54 in the f4u-1??
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2002, 06:08:20 AM »
I guess Lasz secret list could be something like this(?):

1. Know yours and enemys plane (and guns) and concerning that, know best BFM & ACM for you and worst for enemy
2. Sitution Awarness (SA). Know when its time to get in AND when its time to get out!
3. Be a shooting god! Dead 6 shooting is rare now. You make high angel fast passes and you need to make deadly snap shots just like that!

(make your own order)

A-hem... I wish I could do any of those well

Offline AcId

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Lazs, how did you manage 286-54 in the f4u-1??
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2002, 09:40:12 AM »
in Tour 27 I decided to give the F4U-1 a serious go and flew it almost exclusively, I don't spend an inordinate amount of time online but my K/D in that plane that tour wasnt bad (84/19) not quite as good as lazs but respectable none the less.

All I can do is reiterate what these gentleman have already said, there is no magic formula, there is'nt one move that will give you an advantage over any plane. For me the key is E and knowing the capabilities of your plane and the nme's. It takes time and practice to know what to do and when against what plane. Ofcourse there are the obvious: don't try to turnfight the spits, n1ks & zekes. don't try to climb with the 109's. Stay above the scissoring 190's. Lastly, GET ALTITUDE, a low/slow F4U is a challenge to keep alive in a fight, a notch of flaps help in the stalling turns if it gets that bad but try to avoid that situation.

One tip I can give is burn the Left Wing fuel tank first, this will lessen the effects if you stall the aircraft and make it more manageable.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2002, 09:44:32 AM by AcId »

Offline Red Tail 444

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Lazs, how did you manage 286-54 in the f4u-1??
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2002, 03:11:49 PM »
...what he said...definitely burn the left internal first, and both wings if possible...Personally, I will up w/ 75% - 100% and a tank, but will burn all wing tanks does have an effect on roll rate, IMO...

The Hog-1 is the fastest hog after the Hog-4, and turns a little tighter (but still no knife fighter, by any means). Knowing your planes weaknesses and your enemies will keep you alive, and knowing when to extend and escape is smart fighting. Hog's a fun ride!


Offline Red Tail 444

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Lazs, how did you manage 286-54 in the f4u-1??
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2002, 03:13:05 PM »
Almost forgot...after burning wing tanks, use the external until you engage...