Author Topic: Longest Sniper shot part 2  (Read 227 times)

Offline Gman

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Longest Sniper shot part 2
« on: July 10, 2002, 01:48:30 PM »
As has been posted here before, the world record is held by a Canuck who was part of a 3 man team of 2 PPCLI from Canada and one USA SF Sargent.  This article had some new info I hadn't read before, and went into a bit more detail regarding the US's medal recommandations etc.

Canadian sniper makes record shot
By Stephen Thorne
The Canadian Press

A world-record shot by a Canadian sniper detachment could never have been made with the ammunition they were issued when they left Edmonton last winter, the triggerman said in a recent interview.

The Canadian .50-calibre rounds have a maximum range of between 2,200 and 2,300 metres. The U.S. rounds, they discovered, "fly farther, faster," said Cpl. "Bill", a 26-year-old native of Fogo Island, Nfld.

The two-man Canadian team, coupled with American Sgt. Zevon Durham of Greenville, S.C., made the kill from 2,430 metres on the second shot.

The first blew a bag from the hand of their target, an al-Qaeda fighter walking on a road.

"He didn't even flinch," said Bill, who spoke to The Canadian Press on condition that his real name not be used.

"We made a correction and the next round hit exactly where we wanted it to. Well, a bit to the right."

The kill, one of more than 20 unofficially accredited to Canadian snipers during Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan's Shah-i-Kot Valley, beat the 35-year-old record of 2,500 yards, or 2,250 metres, set by U.S. Marine Gunnery Sgt. Carlos Hathcock in Duc Pho, South Vietnam.

Soldier of Fortune magazine estimated the number of kills made by the Canadians after talking to several U.S. soldiers in Kandahar for a cover story in its August edition.

The snipers themselves will not confirm the figure.

But judging from accounts given by Canadians involved in the first major coalition offensive of the Afghan war, the figure of at least 20 sounds conservative.

Outfitted with British desert fatigues and an array of equipment from all over the world, the five Canadians divided into two detachments earned the respect of their American brothers-in-arms after helping rescue dozens of paratroopers pinned down by enemy fire.

The five have been nominated for one of the highest awards given by the United States military — the Bronze Star, two of them with Vs for Valor, marking exceptional bravery.

Awarding of the American medal, which was to have been done at a ceremony along with other Anaconda veterans in Kandahar in April, has been delayed by Canadian protocol officials.

But more important to the Canadians are the gestures from their American brethren who, while nearly killing them several times over with friendly fire, owe many lives to their shooting skills.

"They trusted us to do our job, without question," said Master Cpl. "James", a 31-year-old native of Kingsville, Ont., who also asked that his identity not be revealed.

At one point during a series of battles, one of the Canadians was without his rifle. Enemy bullets were hitting the earth all around.

Mortars were dropping in front and behind them, some within 10 metres, bracketing their position and getting closer all the time.

"They really hammered us," said Bill.

He tried to get to their rifles but couldn't. Finally, an American sniper tossed him his rifle and said: "Here, you know how to use this better than I do."

They held off the enemy until darkness descended and they escaped.

"They were instrumental in helping us achieve our goals out there," said 1st Lieut. Justin Overbaugh, 25, of Missoula, Mont., the soldier who recommended Bill and James for Bronze Stars.

"They are professionals; they are very good at what they do; they train hard, they are very mature, they are tactically and technically proficient so when it came time to do business, they were on," he said.

"If they told me I was going out right now, I'd be begging, kicking, screaming, crying for them to come with us."

Bill and James said they pulled off several shots from 2,400 metres or more.

"Shots out that far are 60 per cent skill and 40 per cent luck, or vice versa," said Bill. "Usually, it takes two or three rounds, sometimes five.

"Normally, a sniper wouldn't take that many shots, but they were out so far we felt confident they couldn't tell where we were."

At daybreak one morning, the two Canadians were set up overlooking a compound when al-Qaeda fighters started "pouring out of buildings like ants."

Bill started shooting while James called in a mortar attack, followed by B-52, F-16 and Apache helicopter strikes.

In a separate incident, Bill and James found themselves looking up at a large dark object screaming out of the sky directly above them.

It was a 220-kilogram American bomb.

"We hit the deck and covered our heads with our hands," said James.

The bomb landed 30 metres away, nose in, and never went off.

Bill and James looked at each other in disbelief.

"By the grace of God, it was a dud," said Bill. "It landed 15 metres from the B company (U.S. 101st Airborne Division) trenches. A guy got up, walked out of the trench and kicked the thing."

On another occasion, an Apache fired a missile right over their heads. It slammed into a rock wall 200 metres behind them. The snipers took it all in stride.

"Unless you have walked in their shoes or been part of a Special Forces unit, you cannot understand the closeness in proximity that a sniper is to the enemy," said Capt. Paul Madej, Operation Enduring Freedom chaplain, who debriefed the Canadians.

"The Canadian snipers are professional, well-trained soldiers who walk into harm's way and fulfilled their mission. They represent the best and they have our respect."

USA and Canada

Offline Pongo

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Longest Sniper shot part 2
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2002, 01:56:48 PM »
Being in a Sniper Det in 3 PPCLI was a very interesting part of my time in the forces. We never got 50 cals though. Just the C3 7.62mm

Offline Krusher

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Longest Sniper shot part 2
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2002, 02:18:26 PM »
Thanks for the post
I have read this and other accounts of Canadian snipers before.
They did some pretty damn amazing stuff in Afgahnistan

Offline Ripsnort

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Longest Sniper shot part 2
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2002, 02:51:45 PM »
I think "hero Sniper shot" goes to that airman in Spokane at the air force base a few years ago, with the maniac who was walking down hallways shooting people...the airman had a 9mm pistol, fired 4 shots from 90 yards in rapid succession, the first one missed, the second shot hit the perp in the head, the third hit him in the abdomin.  THAT, was skill and marksmanship under presssure (and saved the tax payers a few dollars)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2002, 11:26:26 AM by Ripsnort »

Offline StSanta

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Longest Sniper shot part 2
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2002, 10:53:28 AM »
Furthest paintball kill, now that's where the fun is :D

Offline Animal

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Longest Sniper shot part 2
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2002, 11:06:28 AM »
Originally posted by StSanta
Furthest paintball kill, now that's where the fun is :D

The ball can only go so far before it loses momentum and wont burst when hitting target.

Offline Masherbrum

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Longest Sniper shot part 2
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2002, 12:15:09 PM »
Carlos is still the man.  But that is an incredible read!  Paintball is very tough.  

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Offline gofaster

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Longest Sniper shot part 2
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2002, 12:44:33 PM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Carlos is still the man.

Carlos The Jackal?

Offline StSanta

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Longest Sniper shot part 2
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2002, 12:45:17 PM »
Animal, it's all about pressure. It's all about modifying yer gun.

It's all about inflicting terrible pain upon the enemy.
