Author Topic: Final Tribute To Air Warrior.  (Read 8167 times)

Offline AKSWulfe

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Final Tribute To Air Warrior.
« Reply #165 on: November 08, 2001, 05:44:00 PM »
Originally posted by Brat:
I'm offended...I didn't get a new name.

Dunno how I could miss you avacado. There you got your name.

Originally posted by Brat:
Listen up princess...your backpeddling to the point of "I never meant to offend anyone" is pathetic. Staga got his hand slapped for being rude when a heartfelt post from a dominant figure of flightsim history was jumped in with your fat hole and became a spittling, sputtering, splendiforous target for every member of the Airwarrior community with your "this is MY community" attitude.

Oh, I'm not back peddling at all. Where have I gone back on what I have said? No where. Not once. Maybe illiteracy passes for intelligence where you come from, but your ineptitude at comprehending a single word I say has been shown before and it is being shown again.

Got it?

Originally posted by Brat:
What you fail to realize is about 50% (rough estimate...probably more) of the people here CAME from Airwarrior or at one point in time played the game and a majority of them actually played the game during beta long before you figured out how to calibrate your joystick. Most of these people are our friends and have been so for almost a DECADE more than you have known them.

I know many of the Aces High players came from Air Warrior. Notice the came from, not coming from. It's the ones accompanying you and the rest of those involved in this thread which have succeeded in making the loudest and most obnoxious entrance to a game where you all are now the new crowd.

Originally posted by Brat:
That post wasn't meant for him or YOU to comment was meant for the people that KNOW flightsim history...

Ah, your illiteracy is showing it's foolish head again. Not once did I comment on what Ratbo posted here by Blue Baron. I replied to someone who said something later on. Perhaps you should learn to read before you start skimming through things.

Originally posted by Brat:
So what you should have done was STFU and sit in the corner like the good little AOL chatroom graduate that you are.

What you should do is back the f*ck up and start paying attention. I can comment on any f*cking thing I want on this f*cking message board. In case you didn't know, this is for Aces High players and this IS the Aces High General Discussion for those players. Any customer of Aces High can comment on any f*cking thing he wants.

Originally posted by Brat:
I never said that I'd been playing the game longer than you...because I wasn't IN the game when I said it now...was I handsomehunk?

Take a lesson from yourself, stop back peddling it just makes you look like a tard. You said you've been here longer. You haven't, you have shown your self on the UBB only twice since I've been here. You've been in the game once since I've been here. Being first doesn't mean you come almost never and are gone all the time.

Originally posted by Brat:
I was on this board from the beginning...keeping in touch with my friends that moved to AH from AW. I watched pinheads like you when they first got here acting like the snotsucking little whiner you're being now. Most of them grew out of it and learned that the world doesn't revolve around their kill ratio. Obviously the only thing you've learned is that "y0r r33l33 GuD aT FlyT5imz"

Ah, must be some translation problem between English to Bratardism- I have not once mentioned my l33t scores or kill ratio. Yet twice it's been brought up in this thread. You know what toejam for brains, it hasn't been me whining in this thread. Indeed, it has been you and your kindling whining that I should acknowledge your history and respect your ways.

If I've learned anything, it's that big bad tulips like you on the UBB are actually big ol' dorks in real life that use the UBB as the means to act tuff. What, with the name calling and stuff. Must be hard living the life of a loser in the real world, but coming here to be a big ol' bad bellybutton because someone says something you can't agree with.

Originally posted by Brat:
You're akin to a first grader on the's recess and here come the 6th graders...kindly go hide yourself behind the seesaw where you belong.

Your analogies astound me. I'm absolutely amazed that you could think of something so intelligent, considering your reading ability is sub-kindergartner.

Listen avacado, if you can ever get your head out of your bellybutton so that the odor you are constantly smelling isn't your own toejam- then maybe, just maybe you could buy yourself a clue and realise whatever community you had in Air Warrior doesn't transfer immediately to the new game you are playing. Nor does your online personality or whatever UBB prowess you have adopted over there. Here, half of us don't know who the hell you are- and when you realise that Aces High is made up of people from several different games then perhaps it'll sink in that to me, and many others here playing this game, you are nobody!!

[ 11-08-2001: Message edited by: SWulfe ]

Offline hblair

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« Reply #166 on: November 08, 2001, 06:01:00 PM »

[ 11-08-2001: Message edited by: hblair ]

Offline Ratbo

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« Reply #167 on: November 08, 2001, 06:19:00 PM »
SWulfe since it seems to be convention to nickname people here - I got one for you.

You'll like it - it's Patriotic.



Originally posted by SWulfe:

<namegame blather snipped>

Offline SOB

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« Reply #168 on: November 08, 2001, 06:27:00 PM »

Hey, waaaiiit a second.  This doesn't look like a tribute thread at all!  Say, why don't ya'll shyaddup and go fly a little.


PS...SWulfe is about as scary as a 12-year-old girl with pig tails, and Gypsy Baron smells like, well, a Gypsy.  
Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #169 on: November 08, 2001, 06:30:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ratbo:
SWulfe since it seems to be convention to nickname people here - I got one for you.

Hate to break it to you, but it was a tradition from your AW buddies that I adopted.

Offline Ratbo

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« Reply #170 on: November 08, 2001, 06:34:00 PM »
It *was* a nice little thread, really it was.
Then someone pissed in the wheaties (as he's prone to do) and then =GB= went off on him (as he's prone to do) and well.....


Originally posted by SOB:
(Image removed from quote.)  

Hey, waaaiiit a second.  This doesn't look like a tribute thread at all!  Say, why don't ya'll shyaddup and go fly a little.


PS...SWulfe is about as scary as a 12-year-old girl with pig tails, and Gypsy Baron smells like, well, a Gypsy.    (Image removed from quote.)

Offline Blue Mako

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« Reply #171 on: November 08, 2001, 06:44:00 PM »
Originally posted by NUTTZ:
I'm catholic and don't know a rats bellybutton about buddism, But I gaurrantee I piss on one of their Idols, I'm in for a rash of toejam! and I will get what i deserve, Me not knowing or caring about their religion is no excuse.

Also the influx of Aw'ers IS happening, NOW they are AH'ers, But carry with them their traditions, Sorry but thats the facts.


I get what you're saying NUTTZ and I would just like to carry your analogy just one step further:  If the Buddhists had dragged one of their idols into a Catholic church and expected you to worship/respect it even though you didn't have a clue as to it's meaning, what would be your reaction?

What I was trying to do in my post was get some of the people posting in this thread to think about the reaction of people who are not aware of the AW past, nor particularly care.  Some of us are here to play a game and hang out on the BBS as part of that experience.  Having the new guys on the block come into the game/BBS and try to tell me what/who I should respect is unreasonable IMO.  Not that any of them (except grizzly) have bothered to try to understand anyway...

Offline Rotorian

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« Reply #172 on: November 08, 2001, 06:44:00 PM »
Originally posted by SWulfe:
it was a tradition from your AW buddies that I adopted.

Outstanding!  Come on, give into darkside young SheepWart...err...SmallWeen.. .err...SkyWalker?  Ok, ok I give up, what was it again?

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #173 on: November 08, 2001, 06:46:00 PM »
Hell ... this looks like it'll be another "Ubbie award winning 200 post +" thread (kinda average size in BigWeek). I just wish it deviated from the topic more in both the degree and number of direction (like in BigWeek). Not enough heat either. Or pRon pictures to go with the pRonolizer thingie.

 What? What do you mean this isn't BigWeek?  :rolleyes:   :D

Offline Ratbo

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« Reply #174 on: November 08, 2001, 06:59:00 PM »
That doesn't change the facts behind YOU'RE new name now does it, Mr. I gotta stop posting to get laid.... <snork>


QUOTE]Originally posted by SWulfe:

Hate to break it to you, but it was a tradition from your AW buddies that I adopted.

Offline Ratbo

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« Reply #175 on: November 08, 2001, 07:11:00 PM »

(saving someone the trouble)    :)


Originally posted by Ratbo:
[QB]That doesn't change the facts behind YOU'RE new name now does it, Mr. I gotta stop posting to get laid.... <snork>


Offline NUTTZ

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« Reply #176 on: November 08, 2001, 07:11:00 PM »
YEa, well grizzly does have a way with words :) Some have a knee jerk reaction. I don't think, Both "sides" intented it to end up this BB post like this. I made the transistion to AH since one of the first days ( althoug my name was ScruU in the first days) I think i said it in my other post about Blue Baron, His Canvas is his words. And He was looked up to by many AW'ers AND AH'ers. I consider myself An AH'er and I was offended by the Pornutilzer or whatever it is, NOT by the words themselves but it's content and "this is what he ment to say"! Nah, Blue Barons words were WHAT he ment to say.

AS far as people thinking Us vs. them, nah i don't see that line in the sand either. The 33rd came to AH from AW the First day as many others did, and paid accounts when AH probably needed the money the most. I don't feel threatened by the new influx of AW'ers, Infact i welcome them. But , they do bring quite a story and passion with them. As in AH, some I didn't get along with and some I do. And just like AW, I will make new friends and hopefully No enemies from this new growd into AH.  Infact many already had freinds and squads that already flew here. Both communties were intertwined more than most know. I hold no grudges against any member of the AH community.


Originally posted by Blue Mako:

I get what you're saying NUTTZ and I would just like to carry your analogy just one step further:  If the Buddhists had dragged one of their idols into a Catholic church and expected you to worship/respect it even though you didn't have a clue as to it's meaning, what would be your reaction?

What I was trying to do in my post was get some of the people posting in this thread to think about the reaction of people who are not aware of the AW past, nor particularly care.  Some of us are here to play a game and hang out on the BBS as part of that experience.  Having the new guys on the block come into the game/BBS and try to tell me what/who I should respect is unreasonable IMO.  Not that any of them (except grizzly) have bothered to try to understand anyway...

Offline Quarters

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« Reply #177 on: November 08, 2001, 07:13:00 PM »
> *YOUR*
> (saving someone the trouble)

Sigh...there goes my entrance.

Offline DmdStuB

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« Reply #178 on: November 08, 2001, 07:19:00 PM »
It isn't so much about the product, it's about the community.  
I quit flying Air warrior back in 1997, but I never lost touch with the community after I stopped playing the game.  I remember when CK started and all the excitement (and dissapointment) about it, then came WB and the temporary hell it created for all the squads, some of which completely left AW and others like that just opened up "chapters" in the other sims.  You have to realize that the AW community was the only online multiplayer combat flight sim community.....period.  With the newer sims that came along, most of that same community expanded into a general community that encompassed all of the available flight sims.  As sad as the demise of AW is, I think it will eventually bring many of the older simmers back together.  I like the fact that I see alot of things in AH that came from AW or are similar to AW.  The sheep, the terms ("dar" , "cons", "dot's","drunks", "vulch".....  Hell, the "uterus" map is VERY similar to the old DOS AW small arena.
Just in this thread I am "seeing" people I haven't "seen" for a very long time.  That's pretty cool.  Yeah, if AW hadn't been the first something else would have come along sooner or later, but what if it WAS later?  Where would we all be today?  
I have to say that I have gotten the feeling (and I may be mistaken here) that some of the people who say they don't care about AW or the likes of Blue Baron or that they think that all the AW vets are snobs, are really just upset that they were not part of the larger/older community from way back when.  I hope they get over it.  Yes, the "vets" of the older sims are new to AH, and yes, they will have to re-learn how to fly and fight.  They are in the same position as you were in when you were new.  Enjoy it while it lasts.  Then be happy that there will be a larger pool of talented opponents to fly against.  Here is your chance to shape the AH community as it changes (which is inevitible).
Or, you can do your best to drive them all away with a "us against them" mentality, it's up to you.  
Oh well, enough with my ramblings......


Originally posted by R4M:
Let me get this thing straight.

If,someday, say, Ford Motors dissapears as a company (for any reason, it doesnt mind), I should mourn the company, and drop some tears at some directive's or designer's speech,because if it wasn't for the company's Model T (about 100years ago), I won't be driving the car I do now?.


Stop looking our own belly, AW-ers. Had not been AW the first MMOG, other would've gotten its place sooner or later. And maybe now we'd not be here in AH, but in another MMOG flight sim.

I'm sorry to see AW dissapearing. But so much pomposity is really stupid.

And I found Staga's post funny, mind you :P

[ 11-08-2001: Message edited by: R4M ]

Offline Blue Mako

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« Reply #179 on: November 08, 2001, 07:20:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ratbo:
Mr. I gotta stop posting to get laid.... <snork>


How long do you think it's gonna take 'em to work out that you weren't the one who posted about their <ahem> friend?   :rolleyes:

C'mon Ratbo, you can do better than to poke fun at something someone else posted.  Making a flame this lame just makes you look like a geek.

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