Author Topic: Stick stirring.  (Read 454 times)

Offline niklas

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Stick stirring.
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2001, 12:59:00 PM »
i canīt prove it so far, but i have the feeling that kicking full rudder produces a lot of warps on the other ones front end (Some people mentioned full rudder kicks here, too...)

This is especially a nuisance in scissors, where people like to improve rollrate with full rudder. Suddenly you see even P38 flipping around like fw190 on your FE.


Offline Nifty

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Stick stirring.
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2001, 01:07:00 PM »
every once in awhile I'll see a "convenient" warp.  We saw one in the SEA friday night.  Daddog and I were in DHogs chasing a Ki61.  I was about to open up at d350 (I think daddog was about 50-100 yds) behind me.  All of a sudden, the Tony just warped to the right.  Wasn't my ISP, as daddog saw it too.  dunno if he induced that one, or it was just luck.  didn't save him tho.   :D

Stick stirrers usually look like floppy fishes to me.  It rarely induces a warp on my FE, except in the case of a determined floppy fish 190.   ;)  Spits that do it, well, they just kinda bounce around.  Hmm, I'll check my film from the other night, but I think I saw a Spit do it before I turned it on.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Hooligan

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Stick stirring.
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2001, 02:59:00 PM »

You aint seen nothing.  People can and do induce warps in this game by stick-stirring, but those of us who came from WB are accustomed to much worse induced warps.  I certainly hope AH continues to make improvements in this area but honestly it is nowhere near the problem that it is in other games.


Offline Voss

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Stick stirring.
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2001, 04:21:00 PM »
I got to thinking about this and then remembered that I DO NOT use the regular build of AH anymore. I don't know for sure what technique HT uses for model transitions (input would be really good here HT), but I imagine that the older versions used stick positions to update player positions. Since DirectX 7 came out, programmers can use quaternion formulas instead, which not only saves in data size (data transmitted/received), but should reduce warps as well as make smoothing easier to accomplish.

I'm guessing, but it really seems intuitive.


Offline Wotan

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Stick stirring.
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2001, 05:01:00 PM »
When came on at 4pm today i engaged a p51 south 27 I would close to his 6 and he would go inverted and appear to hang in my site i would pull the trigger at d300 or so then he would "instaniously" (i cant describe it he was there in my sight then suddenly below) This happened on about 5 passes. I'm not talkin a split esse or a roll. He went inverted then looked like a neg g manuver as the nose would be pointed up with a bit of tail drop. I know this because he "hung" in my site.

Of course I'm some what of a hothead (not like some) so I ask who was the stick Stirrer
and got no answer. Especially since another 51 came and killed me the bastige...... :)

I've seen that several times. Once a spit would do flying on the deck but it was more side to side.

This aint like stick stirring in wb.

I checked ping net stat all were real good.

I rarely see the warps others complain about was this an induced warp? lag? stick stir?

I wanna know cause next time I act like an bellybutton on channel 1 I'll have something to back it up.... :)


  • Copper Member
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Stick stirring.
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2001, 06:45:00 PM »
Been acused of it...aint got a friggin clue how to do it.. But if I am "Stick Stirring" it aint on pupose. Just trying to get away.

But then many aces in here that never do anything wrong. Us dweebs will just keep on stirring I guess.  ;)

Offline Tac

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Stick stirring.
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2001, 07:20:00 PM »
"Suddenly you see even P38 flipping around like fw190 on your FE"

This is something very odd in the P-38 FM. When you pull any g's and your flaps either drop or retract, the plane will snap roll instantly, making the plane roll to whatever side much faster than a 190.

Hope HTC looks into this as well.

Offline gatt

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Stick stirring.
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2001, 12:52:00 AM »
The second scissor movement of a P38, FW, YAK and some other planes often becomes an HO. Even if you dont follow his maneuver. Pretty weird for a plane about 3-400yds in front of you at the beginning of the maneuver.

I'm sure that lag plays an important role here. A lot of weird maneuvers are due to lag. Someone can game the game as well ...  ;)
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