Author Topic: MA Feedback on 1.10+  (Read 108 times)

Offline Bullethead

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MA Feedback on 1.10+
« on: July 14, 2002, 11:46:37 PM »
First off, thanks for switch to turn off field icons that I asked for last time :).  Also, understand that I like the additions to the game introduced in 1.10.  However, I am seriously not liking how things are working out in practice.  My 2 main problems are the connection quality and the pizza map.

For me (and most of my squaddies), the bad connection thing manifests itself in planes warping in short spurts all the time.  In addition, there are serious delays in damage taking effect, so when I manage to hit somebody he flies along 5-10 seconds without a wing.  This works both ways--guys who seem to still be 1k or more behind apparently are already shooting.  

Of course, these things have all existed before periodically, but back then it was a rare night and could be blamed on the luck of the internet draw.  However, since 1.10 came up, it's been a constant problem.  Something changed for the worse at that time.  I don't know what, but whatever it was, things were much better in terms of warps and delays back in the 1.09 days.

As for the pizza map, it's got a number of detail problems that hopefully will get fixed someday.  OTOH, fixing them will not solve the basic problem that it's just too friggin' big for the number of people we have these days.  There are still only 300-500 flying and the arena max is still only 550 so that's all we're going to get for a while.  But it will take 1200-1600 folks to result in the same level of intensity we had back on the smaller maps.

I realize that other's experiences will differ but from what I've seen so far, the new map has robbed the MA of both purpose and intensity.  With so much space, it's next to impossible to force a reset over the course of an evening unless it's almost there to start with.  This takes the purpose out of doing anything organized because more than likely it won't have any net effect you'll see during your time online.  The result is just mindless fighting superficially like back in DOS AW.  But unlike DOS AW, the map is so huge that nothing forces people to fly in the same area.  The result is a lack of big battles against determined foes.  Instead, one side or the other usually has overwhelming local superiority, so you're either getting gangbanged or milkrunning.  In between these mobs, there's basically nothing for miles and miles.

In addition, on those rare times when a reset happens, it's still the same map.  I have to admit, I'm getting pretty tired of the same old pizza all the time.

As a result of these problems, I request that the pizza map be put back on the shelf until the peak AH nightly population reaches at least 1000 pilots.  For now, PLEASE go back to the maps we were using before.

Offline zipity

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MA Feedback on 1.10+
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2002, 02:41:54 PM »
A couple of points to add:

I had very few disconnect problems with v1.09 and haven't had many with v1.10, however v1.09 was very stable while with v1.10 I have experienced many screen freezes.  On one or two occasions I was able to get back to the OS but usually I have to shut the system down via the power button.  These freezes, sometimes 3 or 4 a night have to go.

You mentioned the occasional reset and I agree the intensity of gameplay isn't there anymore because the world is too spread out.  The thing that I used to find real exciting was when approaching a reset (and I play for the bish) in the back of my mind I always knew the rooks were doing everything to try to steal the win from us.  With the pizza map, on the few times we have had a reset, the 2nd place team is usually 50+ fields behind.  There's never a possibility of a steal, just the inevitability of the reset and more pizza.

Offline Bullethead

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MA Feedback on 1.10+
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2002, 10:30:27 PM »
On the stability of the game itself, it's gone WAY down for me since 1.10.  I don't get lock-ups, however, I get crashes to desktop.  All the friggin' time.  Some causes of this have been fixed but others remain.  Some I can't isolate but others involve using the GV bases around the crust of the pizza.  Just trying to launch in a GV from there often crashes the game.

All in all, I'm pretty disappointed.  The new features of 1.10 all seem good in isolation, but taken with the whole package they don't balance out the problems introduced.  Instability, warps, neither intensity nor purpose to combat due to the huge, empty map, and no hope for greener pastures on a reset.  I could live with the warps and instability if there was something fun to do on the other side of them, but there isn't, mostly because the map is so damn big.

Oh well, maybe things work better in the CT.  At least it would be a change from perpetual pizza.

Offline lazs2

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MA Feedback on 1.10+
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2002, 08:39:23 AM »
I think the map is so bad (so boring and frustrating) that no one is paying any attention to any of the new features that are 1.10... certainly, the new map has made it even less likely to see early war planes and early war plane additions were a large part of 1.10

Offline Steven

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MA Feedback on 1.10+
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2002, 09:36:37 AM »
I disagree with Lazs and I've seen a good many P-40s, F4F-4s and FM-2s and other early-war rides.

I think some of us just like to live in the negative.

Offline HFMudd

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« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2002, 09:59:35 AM »
I honestly think that Laz uses the search feature to locate recent posts that have the string "CT" in them so that he can add a derisive comment to the bottom of each.  Seems to me that he puts a lot of effort into an arena he maintains is void of people.

Ah well.

Offline zipity

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« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2002, 10:43:32 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
certainly, the new map has made it even less likely to see early war planes

I find myself in the strange position of having to agree with Laz, on the few occasions my squaddies and I have upped in P-40s, we were unable to find any cons to shoot at.  Instead with ended up milkrunning to shoot ack at one of the con vehicle parks.  People may be flying them but I agree you are less likely to see them.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2002, 02:27:28 PM »
The FM2 is not an early war plane and you rarely see f4f's or p40's or val's...  If I see one I know it is just meat.   So long as I can get to it before everyone else does.