THX AKWappit and 10Bears!
They were little but very necessary tips! My brand new "Finland-Russian Continuation War 1944" Terrain is soon ready. Couple of more questions to terrain-veterans:
1) I have 68 fields in my map (containing of course Depots and Ports). Is it too much? From help menu I read: you can put only 64 fields to your terrain. Maybe it's old information, 'cause I have seen over 70 fields for ex. in Baltic map?
2) My res-file works good, but I have one problem. I have made all field setups (Bish 1-32, Knights 33-43 and 65-68, Rooks 43-64) in Terrain Editor ready. But when I go to Offline game with my res-file, the fields are not in the same order. It is little bit of mess with them! I must change them everytime in the game... What is reason for that?
3) How can I re-name my res-file (save as)? It is now: "map.res", because I didn't think the name when i started that first terrain couple of months ago. I want to change the file: "Finland.res". When I tried it, it didn't worked and the it crashed the game! What is the point?
4) When I make the finaly map (Make Map) from my terrain there is too much sunshine in the south

. It is brighter than other part of the map, you know. What is best way to hide the sun...?
Yours Kanttori