Author Topic: Have y'all on AH seen this b4?  (Read 428 times)

Offline +Lute

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Have y'all on AH seen this b4?
« on: November 07, 2001, 05:18:00 PM »
You can change Air Warrior with Aces High at the beginning.  From what I have seen this all applies.  Saw this the first time about 3 years ago and dug it out of my 'puter for y'as.

This is a post by Ho back in the Genie dayz of Air Warrior.  It had me laughing so hard that I had to post it here and make it the unofficial 33rd story.  Enjoy, and try not to die laughing.

Air Warrior and Monkeys
by Ho

Air Warrior is like the Empire State Building. And Air Warriors are like monkeys.

When you first start you're a little, orgon-grinder size monkey standing on the street outside. Looking up you see a building swarming with hostile monkeys of all different shapes ans sizes. Monkeys are born to climb, ant there ain't no Fay Wrays standing on the street, so instinct takes over ans soon you're jousting for a handhold and making yer way up the wall.

Some are Fast Monkets. A bit of natural ability combined with an in depth knowledge of climbing. They become familiar with the cracks and crevices of the particular building and begin to apply their knowledge within those parameters. Soon they are climbing, dodging, or scramblin right over some of the bigger monkeys and snatchin bananas from the slower ones, growing bigger.

Others are Scrappy Monkeys. These monkeys spend extra time practining. They ask lots of questions and live for the chance to go toe to toe with the bigger monkeys. They punch, kick, bite, claw, and spit at the monkeys above them. Scarred, bloody, and with big ol'chuncks of fur ripped out they monkey butts they keep hammerin. Occasionally they land a good blow, right in the monkey 'nards, and topple a bigger monkey. This inspires them to fight even harder. Soon they learn where to hit and when to duck. They begin to take their share of bananas.

Then there's the Hungry Monkeys. "Mo 'nanas!, mo 'nanas!" they chant as they cling to the wall from 6:01 pm til 7:59 am. Calculating that mo'nanas go to the monkey with mo hangtime they know that if they hang long enough they will get mo than their share of the 'nanas. Of course they need deep pockets to sustain this frenzy, can't eat all them 'nanas at once, and are prone to the dreaded "Banana Split". They must be very careful, lest they wind up another furry puddle of monkey guts in some alley off 34th street.

Also ya got yer Techno Monkeys. Bumpy FrankenSchwanz in each paw, electrode catheters up their tail, anti-lock stainless steel vine swingers attached to their feet, gold plated groin clamps feeding g-inducing jugular valves hooked into the fastest system available, with the biggest monitor, tuned to peak performance and cranking out thru a megagigawatt, 3D, multi-usual Krakatoa Banana Blaster, these monkeys spend alot of time diddlin with their gadgets and tweaking their way up the wall.

And, we got MacGyver Monkeys. Riding systems that time forgot with nothing more than a handful of Froot Loops and a pile of bat guano they use every trick in the book, and plenty that ain't, to squirm their way heavenward. Always heavy, uncovering obscure and hidden bananas, they invent their way along using every micro-ounce of every banana that they manage to ensnare, even to the point of using the peels for clothing and shelter.

Advancing their altitudinous aspirations, AW Monkeys invariably encounter the various denizens of the virtual Jungle.

Most encounter the Hurler Monkey first. Kinda like chimps, these sociable chaps gather in large communal halls, spending their time practicing monkey yells and poking each other in the navel. Once in awhile they venture out for a climb but are much happier chillin with heir mates on the middle floors, flingin monkey turds and grinnin at all that pass by.

Out on the wall a common first encounter is with a Sumo Monkey. these are the veteran Hungry Monkeys. Thet've been there twice, done that backwards. All the nonessential flotsam has been skimmed and the essence of the climb congealed to a Zen like "See monkey, knock monkey down" philosophy. When ya hear "Monkey X took my 'nana 16 times in a row one day", Monkey X is most likely a Sumo.

No avoiding it, eventually every climber crosses ledges with Tribal Monkeys. wearing the skins of ded monkeys, gathering in private branches painted in various warlike colors, they belch, fart, thump n headbutt their way around looking for others to belch, fart, thump n headbutt with. An astute climber can get a good belly full a slightly bruised 'nanas by finding an area where 2 or more groups of tribal monkeys have been thump n headbuttin.

Look way up there, see that fuzzy lil dot? That there's a Vulcher Monkey. High above the crowd, with a 10K alt advantage on next week, they float. Looking for the unsuspecting or hurtin climber, sporting k/ds over 8000 and k/ss around .0125, their motto is - "where there's smoke... we fire! (but only after the monkey that caused the smoke has been kilt first".

Legend has it that in the penthouses are the Wrinkled Monkeys. Rarely climbing, (hey yer in the penthouse, why climb more?) they only venture out under dark glasses. They have the rare and exotic 'nanas. Highly sought but useless to but a few climbers that are twisted enough to understand their full meaning, the Wrinks are content to live on past glory. They enjoy tossing an occasional 'nana out the window just to see how many climbers fall off trying to grab it.

AND, of course, The Kong Monkeys. At the peak of prosperity, clinging to the radio tower, chest pounding, Fay grabbin, teeth gnashing, flicking planes away as tho they were insects, we find the Kngs. Keelin, scorin, the anchors of their respective tribal units, when a climber see a Kong Monkey on the wall he heads for another country. Whole tribal units have been de-'nana-ed by single Kong Monkeys. Just when Joe Avg Monkey thinks he's seen everything, along comes a Kong Monkey and gives that girl a twirl and makes her whole wurl swirl. Clashes between Kongs can sometimes alter the entire shape of the wall, cause the climb to take a whole nuther direction, provide lotsa ammo for the Hurlers...

Leona and Harry Kesmai proudly announce the opening of the New Real Building at 870;2 Arena 4.

The 'Nanas are fresher and sweeter and as of now there aren't many Kongs to keep you from those Hooter laden Fays.

Fast Monkeys can get a preview of every nook and cranny. Scrappy Monkeys can test there mettle on a bigger, steeper wall. Hungry Monkeys? Mo 'nanas, nuf said. Hey Techno Monkeys git out your tweakers, plenty mo stuff to calculate. The MacGyver's been over there already, gatherin trnkets.

Tis a regular simian shower over 870 as monkeys of all sizes leap off and make thier way crosstown.


Ho-Thar of Atlantis"

Hope everyone likes this as much as I did.

Offline Krusher

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Have y'all on AH seen this b4?
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2001, 05:25:00 PM »
too late, been posted before. But it is still funny.

oh cod I called somthing funny without getting permission first   :mad:   :eek:

Offline Ratbo

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Have y'all on AH seen this b4?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2001, 05:28:00 PM »
Rotor beat you with that one. It *is* funny though.

Offline Ratbo

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Have y'all on AH seen this b4?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2001, 05:32:00 PM »
There *are* Wrinkled Monkeys. They come from that "other old game" LOL


Originally posted by +Lute:

Legend has it that in the penthouses are the Wrinkled Monkeys. Rarely climbing, (hey yer in the penthouse, why climb more?) they only venture out under dark glasses. They have the rare and exotic 'nanas. Highly sought but useless to but a few climbers that are twisted enough to understand their full meaning, the Wrinks are content to live on past glory. They enjoy tossing an occasional 'nana out the window just to see how many climbers fall off trying to grab it.