I liked the new AK map, but still was glad to see the old ones put back into the rotation.
Simple......the old maps are familiar to me, like old friends you haven't seen in a long time.
I understood the whines from both sides, but like all debates or arguments, neither side was entirely correct, neither side entirely wrong.
Furrballing lazs said it was too easy for people to milkrun, it was boring, hard to find fights and furrballs, then in another post in the same thread, he complained about not being able to find a furball that he didn't get slaughtered in. From where I sit, if someone is only interested in furrballing, should they even care if others are milkrunning? The milkrunning will only affect a furrballer's fun if he lets it, if he gets upset or irritated because those so called milkrunners aren't playing the game his way. But in the end, who really cares?
I do most of my time in AH furballing, but what I do and when I do it depends on what mood I am in at any particular moment. I found the new map no more conducive to gangbanging, furrballing, or milkrunning that any other map we have seen in the AH terrains. People are going to do what they want to do on any map that is ever introduced, so blaming a map or terrain because it gives those folks more freedom to have fun their way, be it furballing, be it strat gaming, be it milk running, be it GV battles.......well, it's just plain roadkill. Designing any terrain to intentionally restrict one area of gameplay just for the sole satisfaction of one group always will cause trouble.
The people I admire the most are the ones who look at a map and tell themselves "I can deal with it" and go on and have fun. You don't hear a peep from them, they are the ones who make this game worth staying in. They take it all in stride, knowing that there is room for all styles of play, and go with the flow.