You've heard intresting story's, you've read unintresting one's.
Heres a story that stabs at the tender white underbelly of the bullet catcher's. Thats right, no actual ability here, just luck and a never ending supply of aircraft to throw away. Here's a tip for us that do our best to fly into every bullet you spit at us. you know you suck when:..........
1. You fly a hurricane because "it looks cool."
2. You begin to become an expert at opening the parachute just before you hit the ground, so as to get to tower faster.
3. You've spun into the ground for the 8th straight time in a p-51 cause your first instinct when you hear the stall buzzer is to "pull harder."
4. You run out of gas, and ditch, only to find you've accidentaly switched tanks. ( 4 times total for me)
5. You 'auto' climb and take the oppertunity to go take a doodoo, and whilst sitting on the toilet you hear in a far off room the unmistakeable sound of bullets hitting airframe.( doubly stupid if you race into the computer room without wipeing)
6. You get shot down by me.
7. Your mom walks into the room and ask's you why your naked in front of the computer.
8. You drop troops over an airfield because "thats how it worked in warbirds!"
9. You've climbed for 20 minutes a P-51, you dive into attack, and right before you start easing the stick back to come up on the baddy, you notice the speedometer reads 650, therbye rendering you a lawndart.
10. The first thing you do upon reaching 200 perks is jump in a 262 and go find bad guy's, only to find yourself back in a tower within 7 minutes.
addition's welcame, cant make me feel stupid, my flying does that allready.