Author Topic: Hostorical arena idea  (Read 141 times)

Offline Zigrat

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Hostorical arena idea
« on: June 02, 2000, 09:22:00 AM »
guys, this is a repost of an old message. Alot of people say they want a HA, but HT is reluctant, so lets do it ourselves! Read on and let me know what you think.

I had this cool idea today.
Though I never participated in the GMT TOD i think this might be similar though not sure, and it would cater to people in the US and mabye england/france timezones.
My inspiration for this is the board game risk BTW.

Basically, itll be a mini Historical arena, and would happen is that there would be two "commanders", 1 axis and 1 allies. Each side will have planes alotted to them at the beginning of the event . there would be SEA squadrons for each side and each participant wo-uld have but one life per week. If you ditched in friendly territory, you would only be out of action for that day, where if you landed safely you could replane. Additionally, a ditched airplane, no matter where it was ditched would be count as a aircraft loss. The two "commanders" would draw up the flight plans for each day and would have to authorize ALL flights, since they are "his" resources being used. Each day, airframes would be replenished based on how many fields were held -- again, like risk. If a pilot bailed or ditched in enemy territory, he could evade capture by having a friendly gooney bird SAR team come pick him up -- a film showing the bird landing, coming to a stop, ethn taking off and RTB would be sufficent since actual pickup cannot happen in AH. If the pilot was left in enemy territory at the end of the day's event, he would be captured and out of action for the week. Chute killing would be prohibited, and any instances of chute killing would result in a day's suspension from the event for the chute killer. The axis would have to use ami buffs and goonie because of current lack of a german equivilent. Basically, it will run alot like the SEA events, except with a somewhat strategic emphasis: capturing fields means you can get a larger supply of planes quicker.

We would need 2 people who wanted to act as "commanders" who would control the strategy for each day, and gameplay would be limited to a 2 hour period each day, no base capturing would be allowed outside this timeframe.

So basically what would happen is:

2 countries would each start with equal number of fields, and plane distrutions as follows:

Axis (1942)
75 109 F-4
25 109 G-2
25 FW190
25 Panzer
25 B17
25 C-47

75 Spit Mk V
25 Spit MK IX
25 Tiffie
25 Panzer
25 B17
25 C47

Then for each day each 3 fields held would generate 3 of the first type listed and 1 of the other 4, rounding down.

Buffs would have a 25K service ceiling for the event, as was historical.

If both the enemy refinery and ammo factory were brought to 0% simultaneously during the day's event aircraft production would be half of normal.

I think this could be a LOT of fun, especially if the commanders were into it for the strategy aspect. Kinda like running a falcon 4 campaign, but with real people  


Yes, teh 202 and la5 should definitely be added. Additionally, I came up with some other ideas:
1) for aircraft production purposes, a large airfield counts as 3 "airfield units" and a medium field counts as 2 "airfield units". Vehicle production will depend on the number of vehicle hangers held, airfields do not produce vehicles.

The number of initial aircraft and vehicles at start would depend on the number of players we get interested to sign up, probably it would be good to start with 2x the number of aircraft as players.

Probably we could have two divisions with two commanders for each side: an american division that would fight between say 8-10 CST 3 nights a week, and a european divion that would fight 8-10 GMT 3 nights a week.The two commanders for each side could talk to each other and decide on general offensive strategy.

So are people interested in this idea? We would need to draw up the rules and the spreadsheets to keep track of planes and deaths, and get e-mail lists up and running of interested people. Also, we would need to get a chain of command going, the 4 "commanders" would be in charge of setting that up so their desires for the strategy of the war could be communicated efficiently.


OK from talking to some people heres what would probably be best:
time periods would be from from 2000-2200 GMT on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and from 2000-2200 CST on tuesday, thursday, saturday. This would mean six days of fighting per week, with each week being a "year". There would be two "heads" for each side: axis and allies, and they would divide responsibility for the MWF and THS group.

Basically, now I need to know if people are interested. If theres any squads out there that would be interested in participating in an event like this, let me know by replying. It would be cool if squads like 1st Gruppo Caccia would like to fly 202s and 205s for the axis side, while squads like 308 squadron would like to fly for the allies in spits etcera. Probably, for the best results it would be good to have a total player base of around 50-75 players per side, but it would need to be even (one side doesnt have more people than the other).

So are there people out there who would like to fly in such an event? People who would be interested in commanding it? People who would like to help me write up the rules, report forms, etcera?

Offline Saintaw

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Hostorical arena idea
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2000, 09:44:00 AM »
I believe something simmilar is being coocked by some members of the Joker's low, but might be a bit delayed due to Hardware problems...
Dirty, nasty furriner.