Author Topic: Where are the sounds of other planes, bombs...  (Read 132 times)


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Where are the sounds of other planes, bombs...
« on: April 23, 2000, 07:16:00 PM »
I was just wondering if we are going to ever be able to hear the sound of other planes.  For example today I was in the tower waiting for a sqn mate and a p-38 took off, I did not hear anything, the same when I am in a M16 and a plane does a low fly by on me, nothing.  Also what about the explosions of bombs that we drop, all we get is an instant crater mark, no sound just a graphic of a 2 hole.  If we hit the fuel storage or ammo we should see some sort of secondary explosions, thats goes for the vehicles as well.  

Are these some of the special effects that are coming in the next version?  I hope so or at least soon after.


  • Guest
Where are the sounds of other planes, bombs...
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2000, 07:27:00 PM »
Pyro was saying sounds are going to enhanced/fixed in the future.